Sunday, January 23, 2011

Saturday January 22, 2011

It was 8⁰ when I got up at 0630 this morning. Ms P did not want to go outside so I bundled up and headed to Bill's for breakfast. It was cold but the footing was good so I made good time. In the past I had complained about the heat at Bill's but it was toasty today. I had the pancake and eggs and read the DFP and WSJ. It started to snow on my way home. I swung by the post office to get some stop mail forms. When I got home everyone was awake. Nancy wanted to take AJ to the GR Children's Museum but did not want to drive and try to find a parking space. I drove her and AJ. On my way home I purchased gas at $3.19 a gallon. I parked in the street and shoveled the drive and walk. It is still snowing and I will probably have to shovel again today.

It is now 1224 and I expect a call soon from Nancy saying she is ready to come home. She called at 1226 and I am headed downtown. Nancy and AJ were waiting when I arrived. Nancy said AJ had a ball. When we got home Nancy fixed AJ a snack pack for lunch and I took Missy to Starbucks for coffee.

I slipped on the ice while shoveling and when I started to take a nap I noticed a big blood spot on my arm. We cleaned it up and put a big bandage on it.

AJ took her afternoon nap and I did too. After the nap I shoveled the drive and walk again. For dinner tonight Nancy fixed pasta with tomato sauce. Missy has a birthday on 01/28 and AJ on 02/04 so tonight we had a party. Nancy had made brownies and she put candles in the brownies. We sang Happy Birthday and then had brownies and ice cream.

Everyone was tired so went to bed early tonight. Tomorrow Missy and AJ are going home and Nancy is leaving bright and early to catch a train to Chicago. She is going on a buying trip for the hospital gift shop.

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