Friday, January 21, 2011

Thursday January 20, 2011

Today Nancy is taking AJ with her to the MAC. AJ will stay in "day-care". I decided to ride along. I had some time to spare so I did some of my routine at home. I also shoveled the drive and walk. We had a light dusting of snow. At 0745 we all headed to the MAC. I performed the rest of my routine and then walked over to Breton Village for coffee and a chance to read the papers. I read the DFP. Today's DFP had several articles on the new Gov's State of the State address. Our new Gov is a middle of the road type politician. I agreed with almost all of his proposals.

After the DFP I packed up and headed home. I have to be home by 1215 because Nancy has to work at the Gift Shop this afternoon. I was walking on Mackinaw when Nancy and AJ passed me. Nancy said AJ loved Day-Care and that she was too busy for a snack.

We all had a quick lunch and then Nancy left. AJ watched a little of Dora and then we headed upstairs for our naps. I gave AJ a cookie and her etch-a-sketch and put her in bed. After 5 minutes she got up but I told her to go back to bed. She did and fell immediately asleep. It is now 1455 and she is still asleep.

After AJ took her nap I wanted to take her outside but she wanted to watch TV. TV won. I decided to put the new dead bolt lock on the east side door. It took some doing but I finally got it in.

For dinner tonight we headed to the Brandywine. Nancy had the ham-d-scram and I got scrambled eggs and hash browns. AJ had the kid's menu chicken. After the Brandywine we watched a little TV. Nancy took AJ upstairs for a bath. Nancy and AJ were in bed by 2100. I stayed up until 2200 and watched a western.

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