Sunday, January 16, 2011

Friday January 14, 2011

I changed the schedule this morning. I got up at 0600 and took Ms P out to do her bidness. I also shoveled the drive and walk. We got about 1.5" of light snow last night. After shoveling I got in the C2 and headed to the MAC. I performed my normal Friday routine and was done before 1000. I drove to the MAC and had coffee and read the DFP. I talked to Jack Lensink and expressed my condolences for the passing of Jack's father. Jack appears to be doing fine and has a trip scheduled to go to CO to visit his son Dave. Dave and wife are expecting a new baby soon.

I got home about 1145 and had a quick lunch. This afternoon I am going to Allegan to attend a retirement open house for the manager of the road commission.

2145: The retirement party was well attended. The party was for Bill Nelson the engineer-manager of Allegan County. Bill has held the manager job for 19 years. I first met Bill in 1978 when he was on the engineering staff of the City of Kalamazoo. Bill has no immediate plans.

I had the opportunity to talk to several engineers that I use to work with before we all retired. I talked to Gale Rewa formerly the main man at Milbockers. Gale retired about 1 year before I did. He is doing well and said he goes cross country skiing every day for about 1.5 hours. Gale said his wife has some health problems that require a lot of his attention. I also talked to Dick Skalski who retired 3 years ago as the city engineer of Kalamazoo. Dick is doing great as is Tom Palarz of Ottawa County. Tom is also enjoying his retirement.

On my way home I took exit 61 on US 131 to see the new casino at Gun Lake. The casino is scheduled to open in early February. They have a large single story building and a huge parking lot. I did not want to see another casino built in MI but I must admit that because of its location close to GR and KZOO it probably will be successful.

When I got home I completed our end of year financial statement. This is a chore that must be done but I always dread doing it.

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