Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wednesday January 26, 2011

I woke up at 0345 and realized that I forgot to make the coffee so I headed downstairs complete this task. Nancy has to have her morning coffee. The alarm went off at 0555 and I got up and started dressing for my Breakfast Club meeting. Yes folks this is Breakfast Club Wednesday. It was very mild this morning, 29⁰. The food was really good this morning. We had French toast, scrambled eggs, potatoes, bacon and fruit. A fellow Breakfast Club member gave a talk on the economy. He is a financial manager. His recommendation was to buy stock.

After the meeting I stopped at the Kava House to read the papers. This morning's editions were all about the President's speech. Nancy has a bad cold so she stayed home this morning. When I got home she informed me that the alarm people were on their way to install our alarm system. They spent about 3 hours installing the system. I was given a dry run on how the system works. It is pretty slick. Nancy was not home because she is working at the Gardens this afternoon.

I am now waiting for Kim's husband to pick up Ms P. They are keeping her while we are gone. Tonight we are going to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. Before leaving I showed Nancy how to arm the alarm system. She said it was confusing but I know that she will get the hang of it soon. We had a quick dinner, watched some TV and headed to bed. Tomorrow is a busy day.

Tuesday January 25, 2011

Ms P and I got up at 0500 and went outside. The temperature was in the high twenties. I went back to bed and got up at 0700. I drove to the MAC today. Nancy had an early meeting with a vendor. After the MAC I stopped at the bank to make a deposit and then headed home. I parked the C2 and walked to the Kava House to enjoy my morning coffee and newspapers. Can they be called newspapers if they are read on a Kindle?

This morning I weighed myself and I came in at 160.9. This is the lightest I have been all year. I celebrated by buying a chocolate chip cookie at the Kava House. I did not get home until 1330. After a quick lunch I checked my email and then took a short nap. After the nap I walked to the post office to mail a package to AJ. When I got home I pulled out my duffle bag and started packing for our CA trip. The temperatures in Long Beach are suppose to be in the 70's all week. I can live with that.

Speaking of weather we now have 40' more daylight than in December. The lowest mean temperature, 22⁰, of the year has 7 more days. On Feb 2, the mean temperature rises to 23⁰. Spring is not far off.

Tonight the President gives his "State of the Union" address. My big concern is if the President will knock NCIS off the air. We got to watch NCIS. At 2100 we headed to bed. Nancy fell right asleep but I stayed up and watched the President. I gave the speech a B.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday January 24, 2011

It was another cold morning with the temperature in single digits. Ms P wanted to go outside at 0600. After taking Ms P outside instead of going back to bed I got dressed and headed outside to shovel the walk. We got a light dusting of snow last night. I fired up the C2 before I started shoveling. I had a warm ride to the MAC.

I did my busy Monday schedule and was done before 1000. On my way home I stopped at Breton Village to get some supplies. My first stop was Rite Aid to buy some big bandages for my skinned right forearm. I then stopped at D&W to buy some apples. When I got home I changed the bandage on my arm, had an apple and then walked to the Kava House. I drank my coffee and read the papers.

When I returned from the Kava House I had a quick lunch and then finished yesterday's blog. It is now 1441 and I am going downstairs to put a new dead bolt on the front door. If I have time I will also put one on the back door. 2043: I put the dead bolts on both doors. After this chore I went outside and shoveled the drive and walk. I finished the afternoon with a 1.5 mile walk.

I had cereal for dinner tonight. I watched the news and read the GRP. Nancy will not be home until about 2200. I left the light on.

Sunday January 23, 2011

I set two alarms so Nancy will be sure to get up. At 0555 both alarms go off. Nancy is being picked up at 0630. We were going to wait outside but it was -8⁰ this morning. After Nancy left I bundled up and took a 2.3 mile walk. My nose got really cold.

Because of the cut on my arm I cannot go swimming this morning. I am taking Missy and AJ out to breakfast. At 0800 we got in the Taurus and headed to the Cheri Inn. We all had a big breakfast. When we got home Missy was still tired so she took a short nap. They left about 1200. It was a cold but bright sunny day. It is what I call a perfect winter's day. I took another walk. This walk was 3.3 miles. After the walk I headed upstairs to watch the GB/CHI football game. If I fall asleep so be it. I did not fall asleep. It is now 1713 and I am typing my 913th blog. I have never thought I would last this long.

I am going downstairs to watch the rest of the ball game and then get ready for the game at 1800. I watched the second game. This is the most football I have watched all year. For dinner tonight I had a PB&J with a big onion slice. It was yummy.

Missy called around 1800 and said they made it without any problems. Nancy called and said that she had made it to Chicago. Ms P and I are doing well.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Saturday January 22, 2011

It was 8⁰ when I got up at 0630 this morning. Ms P did not want to go outside so I bundled up and headed to Bill's for breakfast. It was cold but the footing was good so I made good time. In the past I had complained about the heat at Bill's but it was toasty today. I had the pancake and eggs and read the DFP and WSJ. It started to snow on my way home. I swung by the post office to get some stop mail forms. When I got home everyone was awake. Nancy wanted to take AJ to the GR Children's Museum but did not want to drive and try to find a parking space. I drove her and AJ. On my way home I purchased gas at $3.19 a gallon. I parked in the street and shoveled the drive and walk. It is still snowing and I will probably have to shovel again today.

It is now 1224 and I expect a call soon from Nancy saying she is ready to come home. She called at 1226 and I am headed downtown. Nancy and AJ were waiting when I arrived. Nancy said AJ had a ball. When we got home Nancy fixed AJ a snack pack for lunch and I took Missy to Starbucks for coffee.

I slipped on the ice while shoveling and when I started to take a nap I noticed a big blood spot on my arm. We cleaned it up and put a big bandage on it.

AJ took her afternoon nap and I did too. After the nap I shoveled the drive and walk again. For dinner tonight Nancy fixed pasta with tomato sauce. Missy has a birthday on 01/28 and AJ on 02/04 so tonight we had a party. Nancy had made brownies and she put candles in the brownies. We sang Happy Birthday and then had brownies and ice cream.

Everyone was tired so went to bed early tonight. Tomorrow Missy and AJ are going home and Nancy is leaving bright and early to catch a train to Chicago. She is going on a buying trip for the hospital gift shop.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Friday January 21, 2011

AJ started crying late last night. Finally Nancy got up and told her to go to sleep. She did. Nothing like a mother's touch. The temperature was about 10⁰ when I took Ms P out at 0615. She did her bidness in record time. I got dressed and shoveled the drive and walk. We got about 1.5" of light snow. At 0800 we loaded the Taurus and headed to the MAC. Like yesterday AJ is going to day-care at the MAC.

I performed my normal Friday routine. I stopped by Macatawa Bank to make a withdrawal. It was very cold walking. I stopped by Breton Village, drank my coffee and read the papers.

I mentioned in yesterday's blog that the Gov gave his State of the State talk on Wednesday. A big debate is brewing on the Gov's proposal to end individual pricing on each item on a store's shelf. Only MI and MA have this requirement. The Gov says that this is very expensive, $2B, and unnecessary. All stores have scanners and you can even buy an app that will scan an item. I agree with the Gov. However, unions and seniors are up in arms. What makes MI and MA seniors dumber than the other 48 states. In the competitive grocery business the elimination of the individual pricing will result in lower prices to the public.

The sun came out while I was in Breton Village. I walked home in bright sunshine. It was an ideal day for a good winter's walk. When I got home Nancy said that AJ had a time-out at the MAC. However, she did realize her mistake and ended the session on good terms. We had a quick lunch and then AJ and I took a nap.

Missy is coming in at 1820 and we will meet her at the airport. We are planning on having dinner at Olga's. At 1730 we all got in the Taurus and headed to the airport. On our way we stopped at Costco so Nancy could pick up a prescription. We waited in the cell phone lot for Missy to call. Cell phone lots are a great idea. Missy called and we picked her up and headed to Olga's. After dinner we watched a little TV and then headed to bed.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Thursday January 20, 2011

Today Nancy is taking AJ with her to the MAC. AJ will stay in "day-care". I decided to ride along. I had some time to spare so I did some of my routine at home. I also shoveled the drive and walk. We had a light dusting of snow. At 0745 we all headed to the MAC. I performed the rest of my routine and then walked over to Breton Village for coffee and a chance to read the papers. I read the DFP. Today's DFP had several articles on the new Gov's State of the State address. Our new Gov is a middle of the road type politician. I agreed with almost all of his proposals.

After the DFP I packed up and headed home. I have to be home by 1215 because Nancy has to work at the Gift Shop this afternoon. I was walking on Mackinaw when Nancy and AJ passed me. Nancy said AJ loved Day-Care and that she was too busy for a snack.

We all had a quick lunch and then Nancy left. AJ watched a little of Dora and then we headed upstairs for our naps. I gave AJ a cookie and her etch-a-sketch and put her in bed. After 5 minutes she got up but I told her to go back to bed. She did and fell immediately asleep. It is now 1455 and she is still asleep.

After AJ took her nap I wanted to take her outside but she wanted to watch TV. TV won. I decided to put the new dead bolt lock on the east side door. It took some doing but I finally got it in.

For dinner tonight we headed to the Brandywine. Nancy had the ham-d-scram and I got scrambled eggs and hash browns. AJ had the kid's menu chicken. After the Brandywine we watched a little TV. Nancy took AJ upstairs for a bath. Nancy and AJ were in bed by 2100. I stayed up until 2200 and watched a western.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wednesday January 19, 2011

We all slept in until a little after 0600. I got dressed and headed to the Kava House in Missy's car to get us some coffee. I stopped to get gas for her car because it was nearly empty. I have always been told that in winter it is best to keep your gas tank full because of condensation. Gas has gone up to $3.20.

At a little after 0800 I got the C2 out and drove Missy to the airport. Her flight out of GR is at 1015. When I got home I put the car seat in the Taurus. Nancy has a 0930 Doctor's appointment so AJ and Grandpa were left alone. We played some and then watched Dora on TV. I wanted to take her out to go sledding. AJ wanted to watch TV. Thus started the first Grandpa/AJ conflict. It ended in a tie.

Nancy got home at 1030 so I took off to Bill's for breakfast. I had their super special. It was good but the restaurant is still cold. I did read the DFP and WSJ. As I was leaving I told the staff that I would see them next spring when it warms up.

Nancy had a board meeting at Meijer's this afternoon. AJ and I were again left alone. At 1300 I took her upstairs to take her nap. We had no conflict. I also took a nap. Nancy got home about 1430 and AJ was still sleeping. Nancy started making cookies for AJ.

I took the Taurus to the car wash and then stopped by Modern Hardware to buy three new lock sets for our doors. These are the locks recommended by Eagle Security.

When I got home I noted that there were sled marks on the hill. Nancy had tried out the sled. AJ wanted to slide some more so we all went outside. Our little hill is great for two year olds. I found a rope in the garage and attached it to the sled. I walked AJ around the block. She likes riding in the sled.

Nancy got a call from Veronica this afternoon. Veronica said that Lucas did very well on his tests. The extended Scott Team is very proud.

I also worked in a 3.3 mile walk this afternoon. For dinner Nancy had a TV dinner, I had cereal and AJ had Grandma's special. We read the paper and watched some TV. At 2100 all three of us went upstairs.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tuesday January 18, 2011

I really slept last night. I did not get up until 0600. I took Ms P out and started shoveling the drive. We got about 1.5" overnight and luckily it remained snow and not ice. I did not go back to bed but continued shoveling. I rode with Nancy to the MAC. We got there before 0800. This is the earliest that I have been at the MAC in ages. I completed my routine and stopped at 5/3rd bank and then Breton Village. I bought the coffee at the Omelet Shop and read both the DFP and WSJ.

I walked home and after taking Ms P out I started removing a thin layer of ice from the drive. It came out with little effort. Nancy got home from the MAC and she helped me. We worked until 1400 and then we went inside for lunch. I did not have time to eat because the man from Eagle Security arrived to give his pitch about an alarm system. He was very good and we bought the system. They will install it next Wednesday.

As I write this blog Nancy is outside chopping ice. We just got a call from Missy and she and AJ are on their way to GR. Missy is leaving tomorrow from GR for LA. She has a job interview. Nancy and I will take care of AJ. They will be her about 2200.

Nancy is fixing a surprise for dinner tonight. We will read the paper and watch NCIS. We will stay up until Missy arrives. Nancy fixed pork loin with stove top stuffing. We also had lima beans.

We watched both NCIS and NCIS/LA. Nancy went to bed at 2200 and I stayed to watch a western. Missy and AJ arrived a little after 2300. They were dead tired and went directly to bed.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Monday January 17, 2011

I got up at 0500 and Ms P and I did our early morning routine. I went back to bed and woke up when I heard Nancy turn on the Today Show. Today I rode with Nancy to the MAC. Today is the seven month anniversary of the accident. I am almost back to normal. I did five normal pushups today and also 5 assisted pull ups. My goal is 100% by St Patrick's Day.

I bought my coffee at the Omelet Shop and sat in the common space at Breton Village Mall and read the DFP. Today is a legal holiday so the WSJ was not published. After reading the paper I walked home. It started to snow on my walk. We have a winter storm warning today.

Steve did not have to work today so he is home with the kids. He skyped us and we had a nice conversation. After a quick lunch I went upstairs to my office and completed several chores. First I called Eagle Security to give me an estimate for an alarm system. They are stopping by tomorrow at 1400 to inspect the house. My second chore was to fix the strap on Nancy's gym bag. I got it fixed. My next job is to start working with "My Heritage" software. I want to be able to print and send the family tree to family members. I did find out how to add family members to the software. I also downloaded a new tool bar for the program.

We had crockpot oatmeal for dinner. It was very good. We watched a little TV, read the paper and at 2100 headed to bed. I took Ms P out just before going to bed. It was snowing/raining and the temperature was right at the freezing mark. Who knows what tomorrow morning will bring?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sunday January 16, 2011

I got up with Ms P at 0630. I got back to bed in time to push the snooze. Nancy and I followed our normal Sunday routine and headed to the MAC for a swim. Today the pool was empty so we did not have to share a lane. We both swam for 45 minutes. Of course after the swim we headed to Meijer's for our weekly supplies.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. After breakfast I read the GRP and then took a short nap. The phone rang while I was just starting my snooze. The caller was Tom Cassell an old high school friend. Tom after retiring as a long haul trucker is now living in Alpena. We talked for about 90 minutes. It is always great to take a trip down memory lane.

I took Ms P on a walk around the block. I then put on my bear claw grippers and went on a 2.25 mile walk. The grippers did not work very well with all the loose snow on the sidewalks. Nancy made a great salad for dinner tonight. She used the chicken left over from last night's dinner. I watched part of the Pats/Jets game and then 60 minutes. We headed upstairs at 2100.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Saturday January 15, 2011

I got up at 0500 with Ms P and had to shovel the walk and drive. We got about 1.5" overnight. I went back to bed and the alarm goes off at 0630. Nancy got up and headed to the MAC. I got up at 0700 and got dressed. Today I am going to the RV show at DeVos Place downtown. I will have an apple fritter at the Amway. I get outside and it had snowed a lot since 0500 so I again shoveled the walk and drive. The walk downtown was tiring because folks did not have time to shovel their walks.

It took about 90 minutes to walk downtown. Normally I can do it in 60 minutes. I had 2 apple fritters at the Amway. They have the world's best apple fritter. Even better than the west side market in Cleveland. The RV show was crowded. I think this is another sign that the economy is recovering. I walked around and looked at all the trailers and RV's. I think that the Airstreams are the best. If I was to buy a trailer it would be an airstream. I also liked the small RV's.

The walk home was a struggle. When I got home Nancy and I got in the Taurus along with Ms P and headed to Costco. Gas at Costco was less than $3. We purchased a chicken for tonight's meal and also bought some supplies. When we got home Nancy said she was in for the day. I agreed. I sat down in the lazy boy and turned the TV to the football game.

January 15 is Debbie's birthday. We called her and wished her a happy birthday. Debbie went to lunch with friends and was going to dinner with friends. I remember when Debbie was born in Redwood City, CA. After Nancy went into the hospital in Redwood City I had to go to a supermarket to cash a check. We did not have insurance so we had to pay cash. It cost about $100. Debbie was such a delightful baby that it changed my life. It was so great to come home from work to be greeted by a smiling face that was so glad to see me. I decided this was what life was all about. Thank you Debbie for all the memories. Mom and Dad love you.

For the first time this year I watched a complete football game. I also watched the first half of the second game but got too tired so I headed to bed.

It appears that my snoring has decreased. It use to be that Nancy would have to wake me about 4 times each night to turn over. Last night was the first time in several weeks that she ask that I turn over. Why am I snoring less?

Friday January 14, 2011

I changed the schedule this morning. I got up at 0600 and took Ms P out to do her bidness. I also shoveled the drive and walk. We got about 1.5" of light snow last night. After shoveling I got in the C2 and headed to the MAC. I performed my normal Friday routine and was done before 1000. I drove to the MAC and had coffee and read the DFP. I talked to Jack Lensink and expressed my condolences for the passing of Jack's father. Jack appears to be doing fine and has a trip scheduled to go to CO to visit his son Dave. Dave and wife are expecting a new baby soon.

I got home about 1145 and had a quick lunch. This afternoon I am going to Allegan to attend a retirement open house for the manager of the road commission.

2145: The retirement party was well attended. The party was for Bill Nelson the engineer-manager of Allegan County. Bill has held the manager job for 19 years. I first met Bill in 1978 when he was on the engineering staff of the City of Kalamazoo. Bill has no immediate plans.

I had the opportunity to talk to several engineers that I use to work with before we all retired. I talked to Gale Rewa formerly the main man at Milbockers. Gale retired about 1 year before I did. He is doing well and said he goes cross country skiing every day for about 1.5 hours. Gale said his wife has some health problems that require a lot of his attention. I also talked to Dick Skalski who retired 3 years ago as the city engineer of Kalamazoo. Dick is doing great as is Tom Palarz of Ottawa County. Tom is also enjoying his retirement.

On my way home I took exit 61 on US 131 to see the new casino at Gun Lake. The casino is scheduled to open in early February. They have a large single story building and a huge parking lot. I did not want to see another casino built in MI but I must admit that because of its location close to GR and KZOO it probably will be successful.

When I got home I completed our end of year financial statement. This is a chore that must be done but I always dread doing it.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Thursday January 13, 2011

Up at 0500 do my early morning chores and then back to bed. I got up at 0700 and hustled to get ready so I could ride with Nancy to the MAC. We got to the MAC slightly after 0800 and several folks commented that I was early. I usually get to the MAC after 0900. I did my routine and then started walking home. I did stop at Breton Village for coffee and a chance to read the morning papers. It was a good day for a walk.

I had a quick lunch and then got in the C2 and headed to the dentist. They took x-rays and cleaned my teeth. Everything was ok. After the dentist I filled up the C2 and then headed to Rylee's Hardware store to buy some attachments for Nancy's gym bag. I have an plan for fixing her bag. I love Rylee's they try very hard to give the best service. They know that they have to provide better service the big box stores. They even had free M&M cookies. I never got a cookie at Home Depot, did you?

My last errand was the eye doctor. He checked my contact prescription and gave me an eye exam. I passed with flying colors. I headed home to pick up Nancy and head for Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. After dinner I dropped Nancy off and drove to the BP station for gas. I gave the attendant a $50 bill and put $50 worth of gas in the tank. The Taurus has a 17 gallon tank. We watched a little TV and read the GRP. I headed upstairs at 2030 to start writing this blog. We have to get up early tomorrow because the weatherman said we are getting 3" of new snow.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wednesday January 12, 2011

Ms P and I got up at 0500 for our morning chores. I went back to bed and then the alarm goes off at 0545. Today is Breakfast Club day and I have to shovel before I leave. We had about 1/4" of snow over night so it did not take long to shovel. It was cold, 18⁰, and dark as I headed to Breakfast Club. The meeting was lightly attended. I suspect most folk are in warm climates. The speaker today was the lady who runs our silent observer program. She gave a very good presentation.

After BC I stopped by the Kava House to read the DFP. Today's paper was dedicated to Brady Hoke being hired as the new UM football coach and the Detroit Auto show. I am now sitting in my office typing this blog. At 1130 I will head to the MAC for a 30' swim. I also have a 1400 GRBA meeting in city hall. This evening is book club so Tom Moleski and I are going out for a pizza.

The pool was empty during my swim. I would have thought that the 1200 to 1300 hour would have been a good time for a working person to get in a swim. After the swim I headed downtown to the GRBA meeting. It was a very short meeting, 45 minutes.

I took Nancy's gym bag to the shoe repair shop in McKay Tower to get fixed. However, Peggy, the owner had gotten rid of her sewing machine. I must come up with Plan B. I did talk to Larry the owner of the frame shop . It had been some time since we had talked. Larry said that business was bouncing back after a bad two years. He is now a grandfather and will start Social Security next month. He is still an avid sports fan.

When I got home I took a 30 minute walk. I must practice what I preach. As I mentioned earlier I met Tom Moleski for pizza and beer at Vitales on Leonard. I had a great ham and pineapple pizza. Is there a bad pizza? I was home by 2000 and started watching another Jason Bourne movie. Nancy got home from book club about 2030. She went straight to bed but Ms P and I stayed up and watched the movie to the end.

Today, Wednesday, and I talked to all three kids. It is unusual that I have an opportunity to talk on a week day. They all have busy schedules. It is always good to talk to the kids.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tuesday January 11, 2011

I tossed and turned all night. It was tough getting up at 0500 but Ms P insisted. I completed the morning chores and then went back to bed and got up for real at 0730. I left for the MAC at 0800. The weatherman said it would snow this morning but I encountered no snow on my walk to the MAC. I left the MAC at 1030 and bought my coffee at the Omelet Shop and sat in the Breton Village Mall to read my papers. The DFP continues to report heavily on the auto show. I was surprised of the overlap on stories in both the WSJ and DFP.

It was snowing hard when I left Breton Village. My coat was covered with snow when I got home. I took Ms P on a walk around the block. I had a quick lunch and then headed upstairs. I am working on our end of year financial statement. I did get several calls this afternoon. I am mentioning these calls because they are so rare. First my sister called and wanted to know if I left a message on her cell. I did not but we talked anyway. She said the temperature was in the low 60s in Tucson and I said we had 25. Helen and Don are going to Phoenix this weekend to see Andrew Short, Don' grandson, race. He is a elite motocross rider.

I also got a call from my eye doctor's office wanting to know how my new glasses were working. I told her my glasses were ok but the contact did not appear as sharp. We compared notes and it appears they gave me the wrong kind. I am going in on Thursday to get checked out.

Nancy warmed up some of her world famous vegetable beef soup for dinner. After dinner I watched the news and then went outside to shovel. We had about 3/4" of snow. We watched NCIS and then headed to bed.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Monday January 10, 2011

Another winter Monday morning and mine began at 0500 when Ms P and I stepped outside. The temperature was in the low teens but it was very clear. Ms P and I went back to bed and I slept in until 0730. I bundled up and started walking to the MAC. I left at 0800 and it was just getting light. By the time I got to the MAC the sun was coming out. I have started doing dead lifts three days a week. I am beginning with 80 pounds but I think I could do more. However, my shoulder is doing so well I don't want a setback so I will start slow and easy. Mondays routine always take longer because I also give my head it's weekly shave. I left the MAC about 1130.

Today instead of going to Starbuck in Breton Village I got a to-go coffee at the Omelet Shop. I sat in an easy chair in the Mall and read both the DFP and WSJ. The DFP had a number of articles on the Detroit Auto Show. A lot of optimism exists in Detroit over this show. Is Detroit back? However, the WSJ had an article on the Hotel Ponce located across from the auto show detailing how far a once great hotel could fall. The hotel is now closed.

I walked home and it was a great winter's day. I encountered a bright sun with not a cloud in the sky. The temperature was in the low 20's. I did not get home until almost 1400. After a quick lunch Nancy and I along with Ms P headed to William's Kitchen and Bath store. We wanted to get some ideas for new fixtures in the master bath. We got some good ideas and were able to eliminate some ideas that just wouldn't work. It was a productive trip.

I want to watch the football game tonight so I took a 30 minute nap. Tonight was cereal night and Nancy cut up some strawberries to put on the cereal. It is now 2025 so I will take a short break to watch the football game.

I watched the first half but I got tired so I went to bed. About 2400 I could not sleep so I came downstairs and turned on the TV. I watched the last 2 minutes of the game and saw the most exciting part of the game. I wanted Oregon to win but it was a great game.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday January 9, 2011

It was another cold morning. The temperature did not get to single digits but 11⁰ is still cold. This morning is swimming morning. We got to the MAC several minutes before opening. When I got to the pool every lane was full. I shared a lane with Nancy. We both swam 45 minutes. Nancy and I left for home as soon as we were done with our showers. We let Ms P out and then headed to Moleski's for a breakfast brunch. The Moleski's served kielbasa, an egg dish and French toast. It was all very good. We left for home about 1230.

On our way home we stopped at the main post office to mail a package to Missy. As soon as I got home I let Nancy out and then headed to Rylee's hardware to get a special light bulb for our back room light. I could not read the label so they gave me a 300 watt bulb. When I got home I put the burned out bulb under a glass and saw it was a 150 watt bulb. After my nap I went back to Rylee's and got the proper bulb.

I took Ms P on a walk around the block and also took a 2.25 mile walk. I wore my bear claw grippers on my walk. Tonight Nancy fixed some of her vegetable beef soup left over from Thursday night. It tasted real good. We watched the news and 60 minutes. I read the GRP and watched CSI, Miami. At 2100 I took Ms P out and then headed upstairs to finish this blog.

Saturday January 8, 2011

This morning was the coldest morning of this winter. It was 4⁰ when Ms P and I went out at 0430. Luckily it had not snowed last night. Nancy had her early morning Body Pump class so she was the first to leave. I left about 0745 and it was still dark. However, the days are getting longer. We now have about 12 minutes more daylight. Bill's was crowded this morning. I had their pancake and eggs special.

Nancy and I got home at the same time. On this cold morning Ms P does not waste any time doing her bidness. I headed upstairs to check my email. I also checked the historical mean daily temperature for places like Alpena, GR, Cleveland, San Jose and Long Beach. The low mean temperature flat lines for several weeks each winter. The following is the historical mean low temperature and dates:

Alpena, Mi, 18⁰ from 1/26 to 2/2
Grand Rapids, 22⁰ from 1/11 to 2/1
Cleveland, 25⁰ from 1/15 to 1/27
San Jose, 49⁰ from 12/21 to 1/4
Long Beach, 56⁰ from 12/24 to 1/3

Long Beach and San Jose are lucky their coldest days are behind them. Aren't all you folks glad I retired so you can disseminate all this good information? I delivered a package to a neighbor for Nancy this afternoon and then took a 30 minute walk. Tonight Nancy and I are meeting the Namey's for dinner.

We met at 1800 at Sharitz's a place that specializes in Persian food. I had a lamb shank and it was great. After dinner we retired to the Namey's for dessert. We left about 2100 and headed home. I watched the end of the Colts/Jets game and headed to bed about 2300.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Friday January 7, 2011

Ms P and I went outside at 0500. It had snowed overnight so I shoveled a small area. I went back to bed and got up at 0630. The temperature was in the low teens this morning. When I got outside Nancy had finished her area. We only had about an inch of fluffy snow so I was done in 20 minutes. It was hard walking in the new snow so whenever possible I walked in a cleared street. My shoulder continues to heal. I am slowing building up my strength so I can do a chin-up. The MAC has several machines that are helping.

I had my morning coffee at D&W's Starbucks. I have come to the conclusion that Starbucks coffee is too strong for me and it is upsetting my stomach. I will change my game plan on Monday. I got home about 1245 and Nancy had already left to see the Princess Diana display at the Art Museum. She is going with Linda Moleski.

I had a quick lunch and then because I was still cold I turned on the blanket and took a short nap. It has been snowing all day and I am heading outside now to shovel again. It is 1630 and tonight we are going to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner.

Great Lakes Shipping was very crowded tonight. After dinner we stopped at Breton Village to check things out during their sales weekend. We bought nothing. Not much on TV. I watched a western with Robert Duval and Kevin Costner. At 2100 Bob and Nancy were in bed.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Thursday January 6, 2011

Ms P got me up at 0430 this morning. While she was doing her bidness I shoveled a couple of areas on the drive. We got about an inch over night. I went back to bed and did not get up until 0730. Nancy was heading out the door when I told her it had snowed. She mumbled but she did shovel her area before going to the MAC. I bundled up and finished shoveling before heading to the MAC. The temperature has been in the 20s all day. The walk to the MAC was difficult because of the new snow over the icy surfaces.

I did not get to the D&W Starbucks until 1130. I read the DFP and WSJ until 1230. I got home about 1300. While I was at the MAC we received another inch of snow. Nancy had already finished her part so I shoveled my area before eating lunch. I was so tired that after lunch I took a 60 minute nap. This evening I am meeting Eric Rickert for a beer at 1730. We are meeting at the Winchester on Wealthy Street. Eric has just left his job at LSE and accepted a position with Great Lakes Engineering in Lansing. This was sort of a farewell meeting.

I did not have any trouble finding the Winchester. It is located in an old building and is a long, narrow facility with limited seating. They have a great beer selection but only a limited food selection. I had a Frankenmuth beer that is made in Frankenmuth, MI. I do not know if it is the same Frankenmuth that was available in the 50s. In fact Frankenmuth use to sponsor a hockey team in the Alpena Men's League and I played for them. We played Tuesdays and Thursday outdoors. Games were at 1900 and 2100. Back to 2011, Eric and I had a nice visit. I will take Nancy to the Winchester soon.

I got home about 1900 and Nancy had made a vegetable beef soup. I had several bowls. It was great on a cold winter's night. After dinner I sat down to read the GRP and fell asleep. I sleep for 1.5 hours. I headed to bed at 2200. I got my 30 in did you?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Wednesday January 5, 2010

Wednesday morning, my easy day and it starts off as usual with Ms P and I going out at 0445 so she can do her bidness. I go back to bed and did not get up until 0730. We had a dusting of snow last night but I still shoveled. I walked to Bill's for breakfast. I had the weekday special. Bill's must be having furnace problems because everyone was complaining about how cold it was. I only read the DFP because I will read the WSJ when I get my oil changed this afternoon.

I got home about 1100 and just had time to check my email. At 1130 I headed to the MAC for a 30 minute swim. I had the pool all to myself. What happened to all the New Year's resolutions?

After the MAC I headed to Berger Chevy to get my C2 serviced. I did not have to wait because the service bay was empty. There were 5 guys waiting to service my car. No sooner had I sat down to read the WSJ when they announced that my car was ready. I had not read one article. If I did not have any reading material they would have taken 90 minutes.

My next stop was Gazelle Sport's to buy a pair of running mittens. Mittens folks not gloves! Mittens keep your hand warmer because they allow more circulation. Gazelle is at the temporary location while their store undergoes a major renovation. My final stop was Robbins Lock shop. Yesterday I locked my keys in my car. I know that is not too bright but I did have a spare taped to the underside of the car. I bought a new key holder.

When I got home I walked Ms P around the block. She gets cabin fever too. I spent the rest of the afternoon playing on my computer. I have not checked my Facebook page since before our Hawaii trip. Not much happening on facebook. I called Debbie and asked her how to remove an AP for my itouch. She showed me. She also helped me with my Facebook account.

We had cereal for dinner and then I watched the news and read the GRP. I also started watching a Bourne Identity movie and did not get upstairs until 1015.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tuesday January 4, 2011

I forgot to mention in yesterdays blog that during my visit to the office I had the opportunity to talk to Carol Kind and Barb. They said they had a great holiday and gave me an update on their families. It is always good to talk to young folks.

Today I got up at 0445 and took Ms P outside. We got about 2" of snow overnight. After feeding Ms P I went back to bed and got up again at 0645. Nancy had an early class so we headed outside to shovel the walk. We are a great snow shoveling team. Our concrete is always the cleanest in the neighborhood. I walked to the MAC and as usual ended up at Breton Village for coffee and the WSJ and DFP. Is Rich Rod leaving? This was the big question in the DFP.

I was very tired when I got home at 1300 so after lunch I took a short nap. After the nap I started catching up on my blogs. Nancy had several books at the OH Library so I walked over and picked them up for her. It was snowing this afternoon so I will have to shovel tomorrow.

I got an email from my high school friend Tom Collins. I enjoy reconnecting with high school chums. Nancy fixed a chicken breast and baked potato for dinner. We had some of Carol Smith's home made wine. It was pretty good. I watched the news and some of the Ohio State football game. NCIS was not on at it usual time this evening. It is on at 2200 and I will be sound asleep. I hope!

Tomorrow I will start refining the family tree. In addition to working on the family tree, Nancy and I have several projects we want to complete this winter. The first is the master bathroom.

Monday January 3, 2011

Monday morning and I walk to the MAC. I am still performing at 50%. Nancy took AJ to the MAC and left her in day care while she attended her classes. AJ enjoyed day care and was well behaved. I had my morning coffee at Breton Village and read the DFP. I got home in time to take Missy and AJ to lunch at Olga's. Nancy did not want lunch but she went along and did some OHNA banking in Gaslight Village.
After lunch Missy and AJ got ready for their trip back to Lakewood. I encouraged them to hurry because winter storm warnings were posted. About 30 minutes after Missy left it started to snow hard. Missy called after she got home and said that they encountered little traffic and the roads were clear.

I got in the C2 and headed to the bank to renew a CD. I was surprised at how low the interest rates were! After the bank I stopped by the office and picked up some of my personal stuff. My old office space has been cleared out. I stored the wall mountings in the basement until I find a place to put them.

Monday night and it was cereal for dinner. I also finished some wine left over from our New Year's Day get together. We watched the news and some football and then headed to bed. Today was a back to normal day.

Sunday January 2, 2011

Sunday morning and I had set the alarm for 0645. Nancy and I get up and head for the MAC. We both swam 45 minutes. After the MAC we stopped home and got Missy and AJ and headed to Meijer's to get some supplies. After the MAC we had Nancy's world famous poached eggs for breakfast.

It was Sunday so as usual I took my afternoon nap. After the nap Nancy and I took AJ to Meijer Garden. AJ enjoyed herself despite the cold. After dinner we watched 60 minutes and then headed to bed. It has been a long weekend.

Wednesday December 22, 2010 - Saturday Jan 1, 2011

Bob and Nancy's Christmas and New Year's Holiday started at 0445 on Wednesday December 22, 2010. After the alarm we headed downstairs because we had to shovel the drive and walk of last night's snow. It took about 30 minutes. Kim, the cleaning lady, had picked up Ms P on Monday, we had also stopped the mail and GRP. The taxi arrived at 0530 and we headed to the airport. The flight to Chicago was uneventful. We were boarding the flight to LAX when we were notified that our status had been upgraded to First Class. Needless to say we enjoyed the flight. While boarding the flight to Honolulu we were again told that we had been upgraded to First Class. Merry Christmas. We arrived in Honolulu about 1800. We stayed at the Hilton Hawaiian Village on Waikiki Beach. We were on the 8th floor and the room was very large. The temperature at the time of our arrival was in the 80s. We were very tired but we did take a walk along the beach before going to bed. We encountered gentle trade winds and a gentle pounding surf.

So that I won't get too maudlin I will just say that during my stay in Hawaii I was always flashing back to my time on Midway Island in 1962. Remember I stayed 1 year, two weeks, 3 days and thirteen hours on this island. In fact my stay on Midway was interrupted in October 1962 when I spent a week's vacation on the same Waikiki Beach. I stayed at Fort DeRussy which is right next door to the Hawaiian Village. In 1962 it cost $5 a night to stay at Fort DeRussy. You were given a small room with a cot and a towel. The bathrooms were down the hall. The famous Royal Hawaiian Hotel was next door. I even remember taking a Navy nurse to dinner at the Royal Hawaiian during my week's vacation. An old radio show called Hawaii Calls originated from the Royal Hawaiian. The show was on about 2000 on Saturday nights. I remember lying in my bed on a cold winter's evening and listening to the show.

Hawaii is very expensive. In fact a bowl of oatmeal at the Hotel cost $12. We found a Denny's down the street that had breakfast at a reasonable price. There were 2 Starbucks within the hotel complex. The one disappointment we had was the lack of a free wireless connections The hotel charged $17 per day and we could not find any coffee shop that provided free access.

During the day Nancy liked to sit by the pool and read her book and I liked to go swimming and on long walks on the beach. I tried to spend about 60 minutes swimming in the ocean. The water temperature was always in the low 70's. I also liked to have a beer at a hotel bar during Happy Hour. Of course I read the DFP and WSJ on my Kindle. The Hawaiian Village was very crowded and I was surprised by the number of young families with children that were staying on the beach during the holidays.

The Hawaiian Village had live entertainment on Christmas Eve. After the live shows they had a great fireworks display. Nancy and I still Oh and Ah at a good fireworks show.

I spent 3 hours walking the beach on Christmas Day and I could not get over how crowded it was. I think every surf board, kayak, paddle boat and beach chair was rented. I had read that Waikiki Beach had experienced some serious beach erosion and they had to import sand. During my walk it was easy to identify areas that had imported sand. Beach walking is a great people watching experience.

For our 6 evening meals Nancy and I ate at an Irish Pub, a NY Deli, a cafeteria on Fort DeRussy property that catered to service men and women and at a Hawaiian Village restaurant. One night it was raining hard so we purchased a sandwich from a local grocery and ate them in our room. We did not starve on our holiday.

The only downside to our trip was Nancy's injury to her toe. The toe was on the foot that Nancy has no feeling because of the 1991 back surgery. On Sunday she visited a Med Center and was told the toe was not infected. They gave her some pills and dressing for the toe. She took it easy for a day. The toe was given a clean bill by her GR doctor.

On Tuesday morning we had to leave. The bus picked us up at 1030 and we headed to the airport. We flew coach from Honolulu to SF. However our luck returned when we were upgraded to First Class for the trip from SF to Chicago. We got into Chicago about 0500 on Wednesday and arrived in GR about 1000. We took it easy for the rest of the day.

Thursday morning our first full day back in GR. I walked to the MAC and did my normal routine at 50%. I also stopped at the Starbucks in Breton Village to read the DFP and WSJ. In the afternoon I stopped by the office to get a bottle of Carol Smith's homemade wine.

We were both suffering from jet lag so It was early to bed. Tomorrow is New Year's Eve and Ms P returns.

Friday morning and it is warm and raining. I drove the C2 to the MAC. Ms P arrive about 1400. Nancy spent a good part of the day making her world famous chili for tomorrow. We are having the Moleski's and Tim over to watch the ball games. At 1600 Nancy and I started getting ready to go downtown. At 1730 we met the Horlings at Leo's for a New Year's Eve dinner. It was great. After dinner we headed to the concert at DeVos Hall. After the concert we walked around downtown. The paper said 20,000 people were downtown to celebrate the new year. It was 56⁰ at 2200. The rain had stopped. Bob and Nancy were home by 2300. We were exhausted so we headed to bed.
New Year's day and Nancy is busy getting ready. She did not want to go out for breakfast so I got in the C2 and headed for Bill's. Bill's was closed so I ate at the Brandywine. When I got home I brought the TV from upstairs down to the living room. We had three TV for watching football. The Big Ten had a disastrous afternoon. The Michigan teams got blown out. However, the chili was great as was the other food. Right before we were ready to eat we had several surprise visitors. Missy and AJ surprised us with their visit. They were welcomed by all and they had chili with us. Our guests left about 1700. It was great having Missy and AJ. We all headed to bed early.

Nancy and I think we had a great holiday season. The holiday started with warm breezes and ended with a surprise visit form Missy and AJ. Guess what I only gained 2 pounds! I hope everyone has a great year.