Wednesday, November 30, 2022

November 29, 2022

 Tuesday November 29, 2022

Blog time Wednesday at Panera, 1100.  Yes a day late again.

Tuesday I was up at 0700.  Checked outside and mild temp in mid 30s.  Good day for a bike ride.

Nancy headed to MVP at 0800.  I did the at home exercises before oatmeal breakfast.  Today I am taking my Cannondale bike with steel studded winter tires.  The tires are a bit noisy.  What is really annoying is the squeal from the brakes.  Ada Bike did not take the bike for a test run after putting on tires.  I will complain about sloppy work.

Today I took a short route to Y, 4.5 miles.  The Y was not crowded.  I did my calisthenics and a short walk before heading to Panera.

I did not spent much time at Panera because I have a busy afternoon.  At home showered and shaved.

I packed up the last of the Knick-knacks and headed to PakMor.  They will mail the package to Missy.  Next stop was the Chow Hound.  I bought a 30# bag of corn.  Nancy helped me carry the bag downstairs.

Nancy had a 1600 appointment with a neurologist at St. Mary’s.  We left home a 1515 and just made is to the doctor’s office at 1600.  Very heavy traffic.

Nancy’s Doctor is very young and inexperienced.  We complained recently spending over 2 hours at St Mary’s radiology dept.  Nancy had an MRI scheduled but was told that because of her pacemaker no MRI.  We complained that her pacemaker was on all her records.  The Doc and her boss were very defensive.  Bottom line:  Nancy will double the number of pills she is now taking.  The St Mary’s staff will try to contact another hospital, Spectrum, to see if their MRI machines are capable of handling patients with pacemakers.  We left disappointed.

It being Tuesday we stopped at Leo’s for our Tuesday hot dog.  It was a welcome relief.

At home we watched the news.  China and the weather dominated.  For our viewing we watched a Thelma-Louise type show on Netflix.  The first episode was terrible.  Since the show is only 30 minutes we watched another episode.  It was also terrible.

Missy FaceTimed tonight.  She got a message that the packages I mailed today will arrive on Friday and Monday.

Light rain and wind when checked Courtyard before bed.  Heavy winds all day tomorrow.  No bike.

November 28, 2022

 Monday November 28, 2022

Blog time 2000 sitting in den.

Hectic day today.  We have two Condo showings, 1130 and 1300.

Nancy wants to keep Condo spick and span so I can’t dirty the kitchen.  Decided on having breakfast at Panera.  I biked to Panera.  Temp in 40s with no wind.

Oatmeal and a baguette for breakfast.  Left Panera at 1000. At home changed out of bike clothes and drove to PakMor.  I mailed two big boxes of nick nacks to Debbie.

Got a call from Ada Bike that they have the snow tires on my Cannondale.  Nancy drove me to Ada, picked up bike and I pedaled 5 miles home.

Dinner tonight was the last of the Thanksgiving turkey.  

This and that:

The public demonstrations in China against the Covid lockdowns look serious.  The lockdowns are pretty severe.  Folks are confined to their homes for days.  Does the lockdown really stopped Covid from spreading?  Most USA experts say no.

Iran is also experiencing public demonstrations.  It looks like a female revolt against extreme measures taken by the Religious police.  

I have been putting out 9 ears of corn every afternoon.  Just before sunset about 5 deer visit.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

We watched “Doc Martin”.  I think it was last episode.  Sad!

Checked Courtyard before bed and a bright crescent moon was visible.  No frost tonight.  Tomorrow will be mild.  Great for biking.

Monday, November 28, 2022

November 27, 2022

Sunday November 27, 2022

Up before 0700.  Mild rain outside.  Drove to Panera for our morning coffee.

Oatmeal breakfast before heading to Trinity Lutheran.

First Sunday of Advent.  Big crowd.

After church we drove up Fuller Ave to find a funeral home.  My old boss passed away last week.  We are attending the showing on Wednesday.

Next we drove to the OAM office on Leffinwell.  I have an appointment next week.  I wanted to find a quick route.

We spent a good part of the afternoon tititivating.  Tomorrow we have two showings of the condo.

Finished the afternoon with a two mile walk.

For dinner continue to eat away at Thanksgiving turkey.  Tonight we again watched an episode of “Doc Martin”.

I have been putting 8 ears of corn out every day.  Today we had 7 deer.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Temp in 40s.  Another nice day ahead.

November 26, 2022

Saturday November 26, 2022

Up at 0700.  Checked outside and the temp was in 40s.  Sun will come up at 0748.

We quickly dressed and headed to “Gathering Place” for breakfast.  The place was empty but as usual the food was good.

We took our standard drive after breakfast.  Stopped at Panera for our free coffee.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I got on bike and took a 10 mile rides.

At home showered and shaved.  Nancy and I made a quick trip to Meijer’s.  Nancy picked up a prescription and a few supplies.

At home I had quick lunch.  I did watch most of the third quarter of the UM/OSU game.  

Took a 3/4 mile walk.  It was very pleasant.  No heavy overcoat required.

We load up some pottery to send to Debbie.  Nancy told me PakMail would be closed but I said no.  Drove to PakMail and it was closed.  

For dinner we headed to Panera.  I had a bowl of Autumn Squash soup and Nancy had chicken noodle.

We watched two episodes of “Doc Martin”.  Checked Courtyard before bed.  Mild with temps above freezing overnight.


Saturday, November 26, 2022

November 25, 2022

 Friday November 25, 2022

Up this morning at 0700.

The temperature was above freezing.  The snow and ice on sidewalks is gone.

Back to our normal routine.

Nancy went swimming.

Oatmeal breakfast and then I pumped up the tires on the Bianchi and pedaled to Y.  

Did my normal Y routine before headed to Panera.

Ordered coffee and baguette and started reading papers.  Nancy joined me.  

At home showered and then ran errands followed by a nap.

For dinner tonight I had a turkey sandwich with pumpkin pie for dessert.  Tonight we watched two episode of “Doc Martin”.

It was still mild when checked Courtyard before turning in.  No frost tonight.  Another nice day tomorrow.

November 24, 2022

 Thursday November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving Day

Blog time 1930 sitting in Den.

Slept in this morning until 0730.  First item on my agenda today is to find a place to buy morning coffee.  First try was Bigsby coffee.  It was open.  Ordered two large coffees.  

At home I fixed oatmeal to go with coffee.  Spent first part of morning checking email, etc.

At 1000 Nancy and I got in Fusion and took a pleasant Thanksgiving morning drive.  Drove through our old neighborhood and then downtown.  Spent an hour driving.  In keeping with the season I switched to the holiday music station.  Very pleasant.

At home I took a two mile walk.  A lot of folks were out walking.

Memories of Thanksgiving past.

Family Thanksgiving dinner at my Grandparents farm.  0ver 40 family members attended.

My first Thanksgiving away from home was in 1961.  Dinner at the BOQ, Pearl Harbor Navy Base.  Next day I was on my way to Midway Island for a 1 year, two weeks, three day, 14 hour tour.

1962 dinner at BOQ Midway Island Naval  Base.

1963 had dinner at a French Cafe in Saigon.

1965 Nancy and I had our first dinner as a married couple in Redwood City, Ca.

1965-2022, Nancy and Bob enjoyed dinner together.

Today we got our Thursday GRP.  It was tiny.  I remember when the Girls had a paper route the Thanksgivings GRP was huge with all the ads.  It was all hands on deck with Steve and I helping the girls.  Nancy had breakfast waiting for us when we got home.  Great memory.

Today we talked to my Sister, Helen, and all the kids.  Everyone seems to be having a great day.

For our Thanksgiving meal we ordered a package from D&W.  We had turkey, dressing, green beans, mashed potatoes with gravy.  Very good.  For dessert we had pumpkin pie (Costco) which was also very good.

I did not watch the lions game today.  The Lions playing on Thanksgiving is a great tradition.  My UM classmates from Detroit talked about going to the game with their Dad and Uncles and male Cousins.  The game ended about 1500.  When the got home a Thanksgiving feast prepared by the women was waiting for them.  OH for the good old days.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Doc Martin”.  As usual it was great.  I did check the courtyard before bed.  Temperature in 40s.  The great weather continues tomorrow.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

November 23, 2022

 Wednesday November 23

Blog time 1800 on Thanksgiving Day.  Sitting in living room. A day late again.

Up Wednesday at 0545.  Today I have Breakfast Club.

Quickly dressed and on my way downtown I stopped at Panera to get a coffee to take with me.  I was Panera’s first customer.

Breakfast Club was crowded this morning, 20+.  Today’s speaker was fellow club member, Rev Fettig.  The Reverend gave a talk on the first Thanksgiving.  It was a great talk.  The Reverend has researched this topic.

Stopped at the Y on way home.  Calisthenics at 50% and a mile walk.  On way home from Y stopped at Meijer’s to restock.

After lunch Nancy and I drove to D&W to pick up our Thanksgiving Dinner.  This afternoon took a short walk and then spent time in office.

For dinner tonight we drove to Panera.  I had a bowl of Autumn squash soup and Nancy had a cup of chicken noodle soup.

Tonight we FaceTimed with AJ, Debbie and Missy.  Watched an episode of McDonald and Dodds before bed.

Checked Courtyard before turning in.  It was very mild.  Tomorrow, Thanksgiving, will be mild.  Most of snow should be gone by Friday.

November 22, 2022

 Tuesday November 22, 2022

Blog time 1700 sitting in living room.

Slept in until 0720 this morning.  Sun will be up at 0744.  It was 19 but after the sun comes up it will be sunny and reach 40s this afternoon.

I opened garage and backed out the Escape.  Nancy left at 0815 for MVP.  Today is her treadmill/stationary bike day.

No Y for me today.  I did all my calisthenics at home.  Shaved and put on dry skin lotion before oatmeal breakfast.  Because of the cold weather my skin dries major league.  I must put Cetaphil cream on twice a day.  If no lotion most folks would call me scratchy.

Oatmeal breakfast with blueberries before heading out.  Today I walked to Panera, a distance of 0.9 miles.  The walks still have ice patches so I took my cane for balance.

Panera was empty.  I ordered coffee and baguettes.  As usual I first read the Alpena News followed by the Detroit News.  

Next I check email and messages.  Finished yesterdays blog.

Nancy dropped in about 1030.  We sat and talked awhile.  This afternoon we are visiting Costco.

As soon as I got home put the bike rack on the Escape and drove to Ada Bike.  Today they are putting on steel studded tires on my bad boy.  Will pick up tomorrow.

At home. Nancy and I headed to Costco.  The place was crowded.  Nancy picked up her prescription and I loaded the basket with mouth wash, mini-naan, Clorox wipes, wine and crackers.  We also purchased a pumpkin pie.  We had to wait about 30 minutes for a new batch of pies.  25 folks were ahead of us in line.  Pumpkin pie must be Costco’s big Thanksgiving item.

At home I took a short nap.  Tonight being Tuesday we drove to Leo’s for our Tuesday hot dog and fries.  Leo’s was crowded.

At home we watched the end of NBC news and then switched to internet.  Tonight we watched an episode of “Traces”.  I gave it a B-.

It was still above freezing when checked Courtyard before turning in.  Mild weather continues through the week

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

November 21, 2021

 Monday November 21, 2022

Blog time 1620 sitting in office.

Up at 0700.

Backed out Escape and drove to D&W to fill up tires.

Tires still low.

Nancy drove to her swim at MVP.

After Oatmeal breakfast I headed to the Y.

The Y was jammed this morning.  Calisthenics and a 1.4 mile walk/run.

At Panera Nancy had already arrived.  We sat and drank our coffee and ate baguettes.

At home I put on bike rack and headed to Ada Bike.

Unbeknown to me Ada Bike had changed hours.  They were closed today.  Bummer!

Stopped at Fox Ford.  They checked the tire pressure and each one was 10 psi low.  The service man said the low pressure was weather related.  Glad to have this problem fixed.

Lunch and then headed down to office.

An old fraternity brother died last week.  Today I wrote a sympathy letter.  I had not seen Al since 1960.

Finished yesterday’s blog and started todays.

Already the house members are fighting.  Be nice fellows.

I hope moderate GOP leaders will dump Trump.

Yesterday’s GRP did not have an article on either the MSU of UM game.  Nancy wants to cancel but I read the comics and obits.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed chicken noodle.  Also had blueberries and toast.

Watched the news and then watched an episode of “Doc Martin”.  It as usual was very good.  Love to visit the area where the show is filmed.

The temperature was still above freezing when checked Courtyard before turning in.  Temp will drop below freezing tonight but will reach 40 late tomorrow.

Monday, November 21, 2022

November 20, 2022

 Sunday November 20, 2022

Blog time 1730 sitting in living room.

Up this morning at 0700.  Dressed, unlocked garage and backed out Fusion.  Our drive and walk had been shoveled early this morning.

I drove to Panera and got our coffee a orange scone for Nancy and a bagel for me.  I was Panera’s first customer today. Took a long route home to check the roads.  They were passable if one was careful.  All wheel drive helps.  

Fixed oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast.  Because of the poor condition of the roads we decided no church today.

To get my mandatory 20 minutes outside today I walked to the post box to mail note to Grandkids.  It took 40 minutes.

The Escape has had the low pressure warning light on for several days.  We drove to Meijer’s.  I dropped Nancy off and then headed to the gas station.  It cost $2 worth of quarters to put air in my tires.  I did not have the coins.

Nancy purchased grapes, and berries while I got fiber and eye drops.  Meijer’s was jammed with everyone shopping for Thanksgiving.

Dropped Nancy off at home and then headed to D&W’s gas stations.  D&W also charges 8 quarters for air.

I checked the air pressure in each tire using an old gauge I had.  Each tire had 25 psi about 10 psi low.  Also checked Fusion and got same result.  

Tomorrow I will stop at Ford garage and see what gives.  

Lunch and then a short nap.  While I was napping Debbie FaceTimed Nancy.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed scrambled eggs with blueberries.

We watched the news before switching to BritBox.  Tonight we watched two episodes of a show about a male/female crime fighting team.  I gave the show a C.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  The snow had stopped.  Temperature still below freezing. The snow is done for a week. Above freezing temps most of next week.


Sunday, November 20, 2022

November 19, 2022

 Saturday November 19, 2022

Blog time 1650 Sunday sitting in living room. Once again a day late.

Up Saturday morning at 0700.  Got quickly dressed, unlocked the garage and backed out the Escape.  It has snowed most of the night and will continue snowing all day.  Temperature was low 20s.  Once again no sun.

This morning we drove to “The Gathering Place” for breakfast.  Because the back roads had not been plowed we took 28th Street to the restaurant.  Main roads had been plowed.

I was surprised the restaurant was crowded.  We ordered our usual items.  Took our time eating, drinking coffee and watching it snow.

After breakfast we drove up Thornapple Drive to Ada.  The snow on the trees made for a pretty drive.  Stopped at Panera to get our free coffee.  At home Nancy started the laundry.

I shoveled the drive and walk.  Made a quick trip to Y.  The Y was crowded with Saturday morning youth BB games.  Today I walked two miles.  Time of walk was 40 minutes.

Lunch and then I spent time in office reading and writing my monthly note to Grandkids.  

Late in the afternoon I put on my boots and grabbed six ears of corn.  At three locations I removed about two feet of snow and put two ears of corn in each hole.  The backyard snow was the deepest I have seen in our 6 years at the Condo.

This evening we had planned on getting a pizza from JT’s but with all the snow decided on staying home.  For dinner I had a chicken with apple frozen dinner, Lean Cuisine.  Very good.

Tonight we watched an episode of “My Life is Murder”.  Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We told her about our record snow.

Checked Courtyard before turning in.  It was still snowing.  Temperature in low 20s.  Snow will continue all night but should end tomorrow afternoon.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

November 18, 2022

Friday November 18, 2022

Blog time 1915 sitting in den

Up this morning at 0700. Backed out Escape and checked weather.  Temp was in high 20 and it was snowing.  In fact it snowed all night.

Luckily our drive was plowed over night.  I think we got about 6” of snow last night.

Did all my calisthenics at home today.  Oatmeal breakfast and then Nancy and I drove to Panera.  Ordered our coffee and some baguettes to share.

Nancy has a MRI scheduled for noon today.  The test will be done at Trinity Health on Jefferson.  We will leave at 1100 because of the poor condition of the roads.

Arrive at Trinity Health at 1115.  Nancy was checked in and told to wait in the women waiting room.  I stayed in the main waiting room for over 1.5 hours.

Nancy came out smoking.  Trinity could not do the MRI because of Nancy’s pacemaker.  Good grief the pacemaker is mentioned in Nancy’s patient portal and all her health records.  Why didn’t they tell us before we wasted all this time.  The only hospital that has a machine that can do a MRI for a patient with a pacemaker is Spectrum.

To add to our problems the Escapes warning system let us know we had a tire with low air.  

On our way home we stopped at Meijer’s for some supplies.  

Late lunch and then a short nap.  Finished the afternoon shoveling our courtyard walks and driveway.

For dinner tonight I had a Lean Cuisine meat loaf dinner.  It was good.

Sister Helen called tonight and said Gaylord is buried under several feet of snow.  She will delay her trip to GR until December.

Tonight we watched the final two episodes of “The English”.  I gave it a B but Nancy only a C-.

Still snowing and temperature was 27 when checked Courtyard before turning in.  About 1” of snow since dinner.  Snow will end late afternoon tomorrow. 

Friday, November 18, 2022

November 17, 2022

Thursday November 17, 2022

Blog time 1200 sitting in Panera with Nancy by my side.

Up at exactly 0700.  It had snowed most of the night and was still snowing.  About 2” on ground.  No swim for Nancy today.

Calisthenics and oatmeal breakfast before driving to the Y.  After completing my Y routine I showered and dressed.

Called Nancy and told her I would stop at home and we would drive to Panera.  Kim had just started cleaning.

Panera was empty when we arrived.  Ordered our coffee and I bought 3 baguettes we could share.

Tonight our condo is being shown at 1700.  We have to leave at 1630.

We have reservations tonight for the Church’s “Over 60” get together.  With all the snow I think they might cancel.

At home Kim was just finishing. I spent about an hour shoveling snow.  Our Condo association’s plows had not yet arrived.  Needed a clean drive for the showing later.

Trinity Lutheran called and said the evening’s dinner was cancelled.  Probably a good idea because it has been snowing hard all day.

At 1630 Nancy and I left home.  We had dinner tonight at Shepard’s Grill.  I had a great burger and Nancy a bowl of pea soup.  Shepard’s was crowded and Nancy and I fit right in.  Most patrons were our age.

We got home at 1830.  The realtor asking for the showing did not show.  He/she could have called.

Tonight we watched the last episode of season 7 “Doc Martin”.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She just got back from her two day stay at a friends as her condo was being fumigated for termites.  She and AJ were busy putting all their food back in pantry.  It was hot in LA today.

It was still snowing when checked Courtyard before bed.  Snow continues at least through tomorrow.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

November 16, 2022

 Wednesday November 16, 2022

Blog time 1130 on Thursday. Yes a day late but I have an excuse.  Our internet was down most of the day.  Did not return until 1800. 

Today is my easy Wednesday.  It was cold, 30, but no snow yet when backed out Escape.  Today is Nancy’s swim day at MVP.

Today I did all my calisthenics at home but at only 50%.  Dressed and walked to Panera.  The grassed areas were snow covered but sidewalks and roads were bare.

Ordered coffee, oatmeal and two croissants.  I was hungry.

Read the Michigan papers, checked emails and messages before walking home.  Total walking miles today 1.8.

At home got in Fusion and ran errands.

Stopped at Chow Hound and bought a 30# bag of corn for deer.

Picked up dry cleaning at Sheldon.

Stopped at Trinity Lutheran and picked up Christmas wreath.

At Stables I picked up an enlarged plan of our new apartment. I will use plan to plot where we want to place furniture.

Dropped off furniture item at “Good Will”.

Quick lunch before heading down to office.  No internet so I just cleaned up.

Finished the afternoon with a short nap.

Dinner tonight was Cheerios with blueberries.

We watched the news while eating.  Internet was back on at 1800.  A lot of coverage of Trump running again.  When will the GOP get wise and dump Trump.

Tonight we watched two episodes of “The English”.  

It had just started snowing when checked Courtyard before turning in.  We are under a “winter storm warning”.  The warning will be active for several days.

November 15, 2022

 Tuesday November 15, 2022

Blog time 1200 at Panera.

Up at 0700.  Unlocked garage and backed out Escape.  Temperature was 32 but snow had not started yet.

Nancy headed to MVP for a session on the treadmill and stationary bike.

Calisthenics, oatmeal and then checked outside and it was snowing.  No bike today.  It was snowing hard when arrived at Y.

Today is a big day in Michigan or at least it used to be.  First day of fire arm deer season.  In my youth most business closed down on opening day.  My Dad’s business sure did.

My Dad spent the first week of deer season at his hunting camp.  It was called the “Doctor’s Club”.  During the season club members hired a farm woman to cook meals.  A week at the Doctor’s Club was not roughing it but more like a country club.

The Y was not crowded.  Calisthenics and a two mile walk/run followed by a hot shower.  Before heading to Panera I had to wipe the snow off the car.  First time this year.

Nancy joined me for a short time at Panera.  Today she has a 1200 PT session.  

At home I washed a new pair of lined pants.  Washing gets rid of the stiffness in new pants.

I did take a short nap.  

This evening we had our Tuesday hot dog dinner at Leo’s.  It was snowing outside so we did not take our after dinner drive.

Our internet has been intermittently off and on all day.  We could not get on Prime tonight so no viewing of the “The English”.  We watched two episodes of “Doc Martin”.

Cold and light snow when checked Courtyard before turning in.  Winter Advisory tomorrow.


Tuesday, November 15, 2022

November 14, 2022

 Monday November 14, 2022

Blog time 1100 on Tuesday sitting at Panera.  Late again.

Monday morning up early, 0645. It was cold 30 but little wind and no snow.  I will ride the bike today.  

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her swim at MVP.  Later she is having lunch with our old neighbor Sonya.  

No oatmeal at home today.  Must keep the Kitchen spotless.  I bundled up and headed to Y a distance of 5.5 miles.  Despite the cold, the lack of wind made the ride comfortable.

Today at the Y did pull-ups/chin-ups  and short walk before heading to Panera.  Today I got an oatmeal and a bagel.  Nancy arrived just after I finished the oatmeal.  We spent time drinking our coffee and talking.  Nancy left early because she had to pick up Sonya for lunch.

It was 1200 and I was ready to leave but who should walk in but Nancy and Sonya.  Nancy said Panera was Sonya’s choice for lunch.

At home I got a call from the Realtor saying today’s showing was canceled.  Good grief! after the time spent getting the house squared away.

Quick lunch and then started afternoon errands.  

Stopped at Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim who cleans on Thursday.

Sheldon Cleaners to get Pea Coat and favorite Fisherman sweater dry cleaned.

At Good Will I left off an old filing cabinet.

Nancy keeps getting a message on her watch saying she is out of storage.  As soon as she got home from lunch we drove to the Apple Store in Woodland Mall.  Monday is the time to visit the store.  It was nearly empty.  A friendly tech looked at Nancy’s watch.  Bottom line the watch is outdated.  She needs a new watch.  

Before leaving Woodland I stopped at J. Crew.  Bought a pair of blue khaki lined pants.  Lined pants are a must for winter.

Since I did not have lunch I had it for dinner.

After the news we watch an episode of “The English” followed by “Doc Martin”.  Both great shows. 

This and that:

Talked to sister, Helen, today.  She is visiting on Friday.

The GOP losing candidates for Governor and Attorney General are running for State GOP party offices.  They are both Trumpers and losers.  If they win the Michigan GOP is dead.

I cannot figure out the economy.  The stock market keeps going up despite bad economic news.

I read sections of the LA Time, Time magazine and New York Times.  They have lost all objectivity.  It looks like the straight white guys are the problem for all the country’s ills.  

Checked Courtyard before bed and it had not started to snow.  We should see snow early tomorrow.  


November 13, 2022

 Sunday November 13, 2022

Blog time 1745 sitting in office on Monday.  Yes a day late.  Always bad when I write a late blog because I cannot remember what I did 24 hours ago.

Up Sunday morning at 0645.  Made a run to Panera to get our morning coffee.  Arrived at 0700 and was told I was first customer.

Fixed oatmeal breakfast and then at 0845 we headed to Trinity Lutheran.  Church was crowded today.  Trinity today celebrated Veteran’s Day.  All Veterans were told to stand.  I was surprised that out of 100+ folks only three stood.

After church we took our after church ride through rural areas.  Today we drove west.

Our realtor called.  We have a showing scheduled for 1700 on Monday.  We spent a good portion of the afternoon getting prepared.

The temperature was in 30s all day.  No bike ride but I did walk to the Y to see how difficult it was.  Surprising it was an easy walk.  Total miles 3.5.

Spent some time reading the GRP.  They had old election news.  Why do we get this paper.  Funnies and obits?

We had the house spick and span before dinner.  Dinner tonight was fried eggs on toast.

We watched an episode of “McDonald and Dodds” before bed.

Temperature in 30s when checked Courtyard before bed.  We have a cold winter week ahead.

Monday, November 14, 2022

November 12, 2022

 Saturday November 12, 2022

Blog time 1030 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0700. Quickly dressed and arrived at “The Gathering Place” at 0759.  Our favorite spot was already occupied.

The temp this morning was 33 and will stay in 30s all day.

After breakfast ride. 10.5 miles.

Free coffee at Panera

Stopped at D&W and ordered our Thanksgiving dinner.

Finished blogs for Thursday and Friday.

Shaved and showered before lunch.

Continued titvating.

Trader Joe’s pea soup for dinner.

Tonight we watched “The English” followed by “Doc Martin”.

Checked Courtyard and it was cold.  Snow possible tonight.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

November 11, 2022

Friday November 11, 2022

Blog time 1000 on Saturday Nov 12.  Yes a day late.

Today is Veterans Day.  I will ask the Vets I see at the Y and Panera if they remember their service number.  Almost 100% do even after 50 years.

Our heat wave is over.  Temps today are normal for this time of year.

Nancy left home at 0800 for her Friday swim at MVP.

I did the home routine followed by oatmeal breakfast.  Biked to Y.  The Y was not crowded.  Noted that the Y must be having money problems.  Normal maintenance was not being performed.

Got to Panera just before Nancy arrived.  We got our coffee and talked awhile.  

The election results are still not available for several key congressional seats.  Looks like the GOP might control house but has lost the Senate.  The GOP’s big problem is poor leadership and poor candidates they have selected.  Trump has ruined the GOP.  Maybe the sane folks will take over.

Great Op-Ed by Mitt Romney in WSJ today.  I hope a lot of folks agree with him.

At home Nancy and I lugged a book case from the basement.  I took it to Good Will.  Everyone must be cleaning house because the line at Good Will was long.

Took a short nap this afternoon.  After, I spent some time looking for my discharge card from the Navy.  Finally found it.  The card is sometimes called the “I was alive in 65” card.

Tonight we are going to Applebees.  They offer a free meal to qualified vets.  

Granddaughter AJ FaceTimed me this afternoon and wished me a Happy Vets Day.  I really appreciated AJ’s effort.  

We left at 1730 for Applebees.  The restaurant was not as crowded as previous Veteran’s days.  I had the Vet’s special, sirloin steak with mashed potatoes.  Very good.

Tonight both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed.  We gave positive reports.  

Watched a new show on Prime called “The English”.  It is a western.  I liked it. Nancy was lukewarm.

Temp in 40s when made my  Courtyard check.  Cold spell coming low temps tonight near freezing.


November 10, 2022

 Thursday November 10, 2022

Blog time 1920 sitting in den

Boy did I oversleep.  Got up at 0745.

Performed at home routine but instead of oatmeal I had a cup of yogurt.  Much quicker.  

Nancy left at 0800 for MVP.  Today is treadmill and stationary bike day for her.

It was an unseasonable 60 degrees with bright sun when left home.  Once again the Y was empty.  Did my routine and headed to Panera.  Got my coffee and baguette.  Nancy joined me 15 minutes later.  We had our morning coffee and conversation.

Left at 1200 and headed home.  Total bike miles today 9.9.

Nancy had a 1400 PT session.

 Quick lunch and then started afternoon chores.

I put my bike rack on the Bad Boy.  My shoulder pain from the backpack dictates that I carry my iPad on the bike rack.

As soon as Nancy got back from PT I put the bike rack on the Escape.  Loaded up my old Nishiki and headed to Ada Bike.  The bike will be shipped to San Jose so when we visit Debbie in February I will have a bike to ride.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed at cod dinner from Trader Joe’s.

Our viewing tonight was an episode of “Midsomer Murders”.

Temp still in high 60s when checked Courtyard before bed.  Tomorrow the temperature will reach 70s.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

November 9, 2022

 Wednesday November 9, 2022

Up at 0545.  Today I have Breakfast Club.

Temperature was in mid 50s.  Left home at 0615.  Stopped at Panera for a coffee to take with me.

It was dark, so luckily I had my night vision glasses.  Big help.

We had 19 folks at BC.  A lot of talk about last night election.  Most my table mates are Trump followers.  Boo Hoo.

Bottom line Trump is history.

Our speaker today talked about the World energy and how hydro carbons are moved around the world.

After BC I came straight home.  Put on bike clothes and took an 11 mile ride.

Quick shower and then started gathering up trash and recyclables.  Both containers were full.  I can see the end of our titavating.  

I took more items to Good Will today.

Did two loads of laundry. Before a nap.

As I read more about the Trump endorsed candidates I am not surprised the GOP did so poorly.  The only thing they had going for them was their allegiance to Trump.  Good example was our local candidate for congress.  He did not live in the area until this year.  The only reason he was running was because our local rep Peter Meijer voted to impeach Trump.  Peter Meijer was a good congressman.  Of course the carpet bagger GOP candidate lost handily.

Tonight Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup for dinner.  It was good.  We watched another episode of “My Life is Murder”.  I think we have finished this series.

Checked Courtyard before bed and it was warm and clear.  Tomorrow the temperature will reach 75.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

November 8, 2022

Tuesday November 8

Good grief I lost my finished blog for Nov 8.

I don’t know what happened.  But I am too lazy to reproduce it.

My day was like this:

Up at 0700

Biked to Y, 5 miles

Panera for coffee and a read.

Total bike miles today, 9.5.  

Shaved and showered before lunch.

Today is Election Day.  

Dinner tonight was at Leo’s.  Hot dogs and French fries.

At home we watched an episode of “My Life is Murder”.  I fell immediately asleep.  Missy’s FaceTime call woke me up.

Checked my iPad for some election results.  Not many surprises.  Glad to see our GOP congressional candidate losing.  We was a puppet of Trump.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  The moon was very bright.  Nice weather continues tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

November 7, 2022

 Monday November 7, 2022

Blog time 1600 sitting in office.

Up at 0715 today.  With DST gone the sun was just coming up.  Sunrise today at 0725 vs 0825 with DST.  I can start earlier with my morning bike ride.  

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her Monday swim at MVP.

After my oatmeal I put on warm clothes for the morning ride to Y.  Noted as I was getting on the bike that the deck repair folks from the Condo Association had arrived.

Temperature for the ride was 46 with 15 mph wind.  Once again the Y was empty.  Where have the summer folks gone?

On my ride I got a call from our financial advisor from Wells Fargo.  We agreed to a phone meeting at 1400.

The Y was empty but so was Panera.  I ordered coffee and a baguette.  Read the Mi papers and worked on blog.  

At home I checked on the progress of the deck repair.  Work will be completed by 1400.  Great news.

Lunch and then I called Wells Fargo.  Productive meeting.  A plan was developed for our move to Porter Hills.

Speaking of PH we got a call from the contractor getting our Condo ready.  We will meet tomorrow at 1400 to go over final details.

Nancy and I took a short walk before dinner.  Cheerios with raspberries for dinner.  Also sourdough toast with peanut butter.

Tonight we watched the news.  5 minutes of news and 20 minutes of political ads.  The news networks must be making a fortune with all the ads.

Debbie FaceTimed to check on our health.  We gave a positive report.

Tonight we watched an  episode of Doc Martin.  It was great.

Bright full moon when checked Courtyard before bed.  Tonight around 0500 we will have a full lunar eclipse.  It don’t think I will get up for it.

Monday, November 7, 2022

November 6, 2022

 Sunday November 6, 2022

Got up early today, 0630.  Sun will come up an hour earlier today with DST gone.

Drove to Panera to get our morning coffee.  At home I fixed oatmeal to go with the coffee.

At 0845 we headed to Trinity Lutheran.  Good crowd today.  Pastor Bob gave a good homily about being kind during the run up to Tuesday’s election.

After church we took a short drive.  We drove north on Beltline and east on Belding Road.  I was trying to find the Timber’s Inn. The over 60 club at church is holding their monthly dinner at the Timbers.  We continued our drive to Lowell and then home.

We stopped at Meijer’s on way home for some supplies.

At home I put on bike clothes and took a 9 mile ride.  It was 60 and very windy. I did not have contact any other bikers.  However, a deer did run across the trail in front of me.

Spent time this afternoon reading the Grand Rapid Press.  The Press is printed in Ohio so they had the paper printed before the UM game ended.  So no report on the game.  Bummer.

For dinner tonight I had a poached egg on a waffle.  Very good.

Tonight we watched another episode of “Doc Martin”.  Alessandra FaceTimed Nancy this evening.  She talked about the teen pageant she had just won.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  The wind had died down.  Temp will drop to 40s tonight.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

November 5, 2022

 Saturday November 5, 2022

Blog time 2100 sitting in den

Up this morning at 0715 quickly dressed and headed to “Gathering Place”.   The temp was in 50s with high winds and a light sprinkle.

Arrived at 0800 and were able to get our favorite table.  Our favorite waitress knew our order by heart.  

After breakfast we took a short ride.  It was pouring rain.

Stopped at Panera to get our free coffee.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  Because of the high winds no bike ride for me today.  

I did take a clean change of clothes to the Y.  Walked two miles in 40 minutes.  A great time for me.

On way home I stopped at Meijer’s to get yogurt, pudding and ginger ale.  The place was jammed.

After lunch I called Randy Heibel an old friend who does handy man jobs.  I cannot get the washer/dryer blind to snap in.  It took Randy less than 5 minutes.  

Spent most of afternoon paying bills and cleaning up my desk.  Great to get to the bottom of the pile.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed lobster bisque.  It was very good.  

Missy FaceTimed to show a picture of three sea lions sunny themselves at the Boat Club.

Granddaughter Alessandra participated in a Miss Teen Contest in Long Beach.  Alessandra won.  Congratulations Alessandra.

Tonight we had a viewing treat.  Season 7 of Doc Martin.  It was so good we watched two episodes.

Checked Courtyard before bed and saw a buck in our front yard.  It was windy and mild.

Turned back our clocks before bed.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

November 4, 2022

 Friday November 4, 2022

Blog time 1500 sitting in office.

You can tell it is Friday because I had trouble getting up at 0730.

The temperature was in mid 50s with 15 mph winds.  Nancy left first for her Friday swim at MVP.  I did the at home calisthenics before fixing oatmeal.  This morning I added blueberries to the oatmeal.

I thought the 15 mph wind would hinder my ride to the Y.  However, it was not a factor.

Today the Y had several total body workout classes.  They were well attended.   I did my pull/chin ups, sit-ups and walk.  I have knocked off doing pushups until a doctor looks at my shoulder. 

Nancy and I arrived at Panera at the same time.  We spent time drinking our coffee and talking.

We could not go home until after our house was shown to a prospective buyer.  Open house was from 1030 to 1130.

Left for home at noon.  Total bike miles today, 9.8. 

Kim today starting cleaning at noon.  She was done by 1600.  The house looks good. 

Spent time this afternoon trying to get the blind over the washer dryer to snap in place.  No luck.  Will try again tomorrow.

Spent time this afternoon in office paying bills.

For dinner tonight we ate at Brann’s.  Nancy had a chicken sandwich and I had a bowl of chili.  We rated the meal a C.  Bagger Dave’s is now our restaurant of choice.

Both Missy and Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive update.

Watched another episode of “Sinner” on Netflix this evening.  When checked Courtyard before turning in it was windy and mild.  High wind advisory will be in place for tomorrow.  Once again above average temps.

Friday, November 4, 2022

November 3, 2022

 Thursday November 3, 2022

Blog time 1212 at Panera.

Up this morning at 0715.  The temp was in 50s when backed Escape out and brought up trash can.

We had the house ready for the 1030 showing.  I did not want to dirty the kitchen so I will have an oatmeal at Panera later.  

It was 50 when left for Y.  Temp will reach 70 this afternoon.

On my morning ride to Y I encountered three deer on edge of road.  They did not budge just looked at me as I pedaled by.

Sure sign winter is coming.  The Township has placed Stakes at side of trail.  The stakes are a guide for snow plowers.

Y was empty.

Nancy was already at Panera when I arrived.  We spent some time talking especially about our move to Porter Hills and the possibility we might have to wait until Spring to sell our Condo.

My sister, Helen,  is visiting later this month.  We always enjoy Helen’s visits.

Our washer and dryer are located in the kitchen.  They are stacked and sit in a small pantry.  When visitors come we pull a chord and drop a blind.  Today I broke the chord that raises and lowers the blind.  Found the name of the manufacturer but no local address.  

We drove to Budget Blinds to see if they sell similar blinds.  The helpful repair man put a new chord on the blind.  It only cost $20.

Two permanent brackets snap the blind into place.  Only problem I could not figure out how this simple connection works.  Stay tuned.

We had a very light dinner tonight.  We wanted to watch the news tonight but only got political ads.  I will be glad when the election is over.

Tonight we watched another episode of “Sinner” on Netflix.

Both AJ and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  They got the big package I sent last week.  

Bright moon when checked Courtyard before bed.  Tomorrow and Saturday we will have warm temps and very high winds.  In fact a wind advisory for Saturday.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

November 2, 2022

  Wednesday November 2, 2022

Blog time 1030 at Panera 

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Slept in until 0730.  Temperature was in high 30s.  Will reach 60s this afternoon.

Nancy headed out for her Wednesday swim at MVP.  I did all calisthenics at home, 50%, today.  No Y.

Bundled up and headed to Macatawa Bank.  The bank opens at 0900 and I arrived at 0901.  Got money for Kim who cleans tomorrow.

No calls from our realtor.  Hope we can sell home in 2022.

At Panera ordered oatmeal and a bagel.  Read the Mi papers, Alpena and Detroit before finishing yesterday’s blog.

Left for home at noon.  Total bike miles today 10.2.

This afternoon, normal Wednesday activities.  Trash and laundry.  

Got a call this afternoon from realtor.  A showing is scheduled for tomorrow at 1030.  We immediately started getting the house ready.  

We have a blind covering our stacked washer and dryer.  While opening the blind I broke the chord.  I had to manually remove the blind.  Make a quick trip to Bed Bath and Beyond so see if I could get a replacement chord.  BBB does not sell blinds.  Also stopped at Home Depot.  No luck.

Nancy had a late afternoon PT session.  While she was gone I took a quick nap.  When Nancy returned we took a short walk.

For dinner tonight I had a Lean Cuisine Chicken Dinner.  Pretty Good.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  

Tonight we watched episode 1 of “Sinner” on Netflix.  We will watch 1 more episode  to see if we want to continue.

Missy also called and said she got a call from Fed Ex about the delivery time for box I sent her.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Very bright half moon.  Temp in 50s.  Tomorrow will be a warm sunny day.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

November 1, 2022

 Tuesday November 1, 2022

Blog time 1030 at Panera.  

Up at 0700, dark and my weather app said foggy.  Sunrise today  at 0820.  I will be glad when DST goes off on Sunday.  In fact I would like standard time year round.  

Nancy has a early afternoon appointment with a neurologist. I am driving her.  Slight change to my schedule, no Y.  

Morning at home calisthenics followed by oatmeal breakfast.  Pedaled the 3 miles to Panera.  Read Michigan papers and finished yesterday’s blog.  Got home at 1100.  We left for Doctor’s office at 1130.

Nancy thought she would see a PA today but we met with a new MD.  She asked many questions.  Bottom line, Nancy was given a new pain prescription.  Several blood samples were taken and the results will determine if a MRI is required.  We left the office at 1500.  Three hours which I thought was time well spent.  

At home we took a short walk, 0.66 miles.  For dinner tonight we headed to Leo’s for our Tuesday hot 

dog.  Took a short drive after dinner.

Critter report.  Our backyard has had three deer eating most of the day.  Must be putting on winter fat.  We scared off a big skunk living under our wood deck in courtyard.  Will call critter control.

Tonight we watched another episode of “My Life is Murder”.  Bright crescent moon when checked Courtyard before bed.  

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

October 31, 2022

 Monday October 31, 2022

Halloween Day, my least favorite holiday.

Up at 0700. Unlocked garage and backed out Escape.  The temperature was in mid 50s with fog.

Nancy put on swim suit and headed to MVP for her Monday swim.  Light sprinkle when Nancy departed.

At home calisthenics before oatmeal breakfast.  Again made a quick check outside and sprinkle had stopped.  Decided today is a bike day.

Pedaled the 5 miles to Y. Light fog but no rain. 

After the Y I headed to Panera. Nancy and I arrived at the same time.

We got our coffee and sat and talked awhile.  After Nancy left I read the Michigan papers and finished yesterday’s blog and started todays.  It is now noon and I am heading home.

Quick shower, lunch and then started afternoon’s activities.  First stop was Good Will to drop off some clothes.  Next at D&W bought coleslaw.  I also stood in a long line to buy a Power Ball ticket for tonight’s billion dollar drawing. 

Planned on spending the rest of afternoon titavating but Nancy had just received a call from Trinity Health.  She has a Tuesday appointment to see a neurologist. Nancy has been trying weeks for this appointment.  Of course it is with a PA, not an MD.  But one takes what one can get.

Nancy was unfamiliar with the location of the neurologist office.  We took a dry run.  Because of all road construction decided I will drive tomorrow.

I also got a call to from Orthopaedic Associates.  I have a Dec 6 appointment to have a PA look at my shoulder.

Spent rest of afternoon titavating.

For dinner tonight I had a bowl of cheerios with raspberries and sour dough toast.

We watched the news.  The upcoming election dominated.  I would not want to be a pollster for the coming election.  Most folks would not give a straight answer.

Granddaughter Akerke FaceTimed Nancy this evening.  Nancy enjoys talking with Grandkids.

Tonight we watched another episode of “My Life is Murder”.  I think one more episode remaining in series.

We have lived on Tahoe Dr for 8 years and never had a trick or treater.  Want to keep it that way.  Turned off outside lights and pulled the blinds.  When checked outside before turning in saw no evidence of any visitors.