Tuesday, July 5, 2022

July 4, 2022

 Monday July 4, 2022

Blog time 1800 sitting in living room

I am back with the blog.  My last blog was May 24.  I took time off while recovering from left hip surgery.  I had a total left hip replacement on May 26.  The surgeon put in a new titanium hip.  The operation was a success.  

Comments on hip surgery:

We were told that I would be immobile for the first several weeks.  No stair climbing.  We bought a walker and a cane for me.  I moved most of my office upstairs to the living room.

On the day of the surgery, Thursday May 26, Nancy drove me to UM surgical center in Grand Rapids.  The surgery was scheduled for 1000.  Every thing went on time.  Total time for the operation was 45 minutes.  Of course recovery was longer but we were home by late afternoon.  I was heavily sedated.  

The first 10 days I was confined to home.  The pain killing drugs gave me some brain fog.  Within two week things were getting better.  Each day I took a 0.25 mile walk.  I was even able to climb stairs slowly.  June 9 I had my three week checkup and was told I was making great progress.  I even started driving my car to Panera’s.  

After a month I started resuming calisthenics and some short bike rides.  My biggest problem was sleeping.   I had bad hip pain no matter what position I selected.  The Surgeon’s office said that the sleeping hip pain was common and would eventually end.  

I now think I am nearly fully recovered except for sleeping.  Tomorrow July 5 I have an appointment with the Surgeon.  Stay tuned.

My hero throughout the recovery was Nancy.  She helped me getting dressed especially with putting on my shoes and socks, brought me things when I was confined to chair, and drove me everywhere.  She provided support and love.  Love you Nancy.

Today July 4, Nancy and I got up at 0700, dressed and headed to Panera for our morning coffee.  We then drove to our old neighborhood to see the Hollyhock Lane 4th of July parade.  Hollyhock Lane is in our old Ottawa Hills neighborhood.  The parade is the longest continuous parade in Mi, over 50 years.  All our children were participants in the Parade.  We had a great time and saw a lot of old neighbors.

This and that:

We have had a great string of weather.  Sunny days with temps in 80.

Yesterday we drove to Saugatuck for breakfast.  We were surprised that for a holiday Saugatuck was not crowded.

The political climate has not changed:

President Biden still seem confused.

Trump is a cancer on the GOP.

Our Condo is being painted.  They should be done by 9th.

The citizens are in a bad mood.  Will niceness ever come back?

NATO has made timid response to Putin.  Some firmness would probably make him back off.

The mid term elections are in full swing.  We just got our absentee ballots.


Nancy and I are getting close to moving to a senior living community.  It might happen in several months.

After the Hollyhock Lane parade we took a long ride home.  At home we spent most of the day inside.  The temperature reached the high 80s.  We did take a short 0.8 mile walk.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me two fried eggs on a waffle.  It was great.

Tonight we watch an Australian show on Acorn.  It was called Crownies.  We gave it a solid B.  

It was raining when checked Courtyard before bed.  Temperature was 72.  Heavy rain predicted for tonight.

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