Friday, July 8, 2022

July 7, 2022

 Thursday July 7, 2022

We both slept in until 0720.  The bright sun finally got us out of bed.

At home calisthenics before breakfast.  Got on bike and pedaled to Panera for coffee and some reading.  Nancy headed to MVP for treadmill and stationary bike.

Another nice day.  We have had a great summer.  Sun with temps in 80s.  Water temperature in Lake Mi is in 70s.

Left Panera early today and headed home.  Nancy is having Book Club tomorrow and she wants to serve Pin Wheel sandwiches.  Costco has the best.  Friday we are also going to the Church’s Seniors monthly get together.  We bought enough pin wheels for Book Club and Church Seniors.

After unloaded car I took the Escape for gas.  I try to fill up the cars when they are half full.  Recently fill ups have been $50 vs $35 several months ago.

1230 Nancy had a Dentist appointment.  They removed a tooth.  She is having some pain.

After a shower found time for a nap.  Spent rest of afternoon sprucing up for Book Club.

Light dinner followed by News.  I have lost interest in TV news coverage.  The WSJ is my go to source for news.

Tonight we watched another episode of Crownies on Acorn.

Noted a bright half moon when checked Courtyard just before bed.

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