Monday, July 18, 2022

July 17, 2022

 Sunday July 17, 2022

Blog time 1730 sitting in office

As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog thought I might have trouble sleeping after sitting several hours in an overstuffed chair.  I was right.  Spent a miserable night.

Up this morning at 0700.  Dressed and then drove to Panera to get our coffee.  I also got a bagel.

Fixed oatmeal for breakfast to go with coffee.  At 0845 we headed to Trinity Lutheran.  Very small crowd for today’s service.  Too bad because Pastor Dan gave a good homily.

After church we drove west through downtown GR, then along the Grand River to Millennium Park and finally Riverside Park before heading home.  We drove along Chicago Drive which is in a heavily industrialized area.

Before lunch I took a 7 mile bike ride.  It was sunny and warm, 80.  Today was bird sighting Day.  Wild turkeys were seen in several areas.  The geese in our area have been forming large gaggles of 50 or more.  When feeding they move from one side of Tahoe to the other, always in single file.  The cars back up while waiting for the geese to pass.  It is an interesting sight.

This afternoon spent some time on my iPad writing blogs.  Also helped Nancy fill out a questionnaire for her physical therapy company.  She has her first session tomorrow.  

We are suppose to be living in a paperless society but every time I see a Doctor I have to fill out a questionnaire.  I keep asking this data is suppose to stored on a master site.  However,  the databases of different health systems are not interconnected.  This is a major failure of the health care system.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed two fried eggs.  I had mine on a frozen waffle.  Very good.

Tonight after the news we watched “Silent Witness” on BritBox.  It must have been a popular show in the UK because we watched episode 1 of season 25.

When I checked the courtyard at 2200 noted three deer watching me from across the street.  Tomorrow will be a warm day with temps near 90.


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