Thursday, July 21, 2022

July 20, 2022

 Wednesday July 20, 2022

Blog time 1100 at Panera.

Good news I took neither Motrin or Tylenol pills before bed.  For first time in 2 months I had a good night’s sleep with no medicines.  Got up at 0800.

Wednesday is my easy day.  Light calisthenics before riding my bike to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast.  I had enough point to get free oatmeal.  Read local papers before heading home.

Nancy had an early morning appointment with her Oral Surgeon.  He removed stitches.  Healing going well.

Got home from Panera at 1100.  Started my Wednesday chores.  Laundry, trash, recyclables and a nap.

Nancy had a PT session at 1300.

I finally wrote my monthly note to Grandkids.

For dinner tonight we drove to Downtown Ada.  Ate at Nonna’s in the downtown area.  It was a beautiful evening.  We sat outside.  I had a chicken salad and glass of wine.  Nancy had a bowl of bean soup.  Very pleasant evening.

At home we watched an episode of “Murder in Suburbia” on BritBox.  We gave it B+.

Humid and hot when checked Courtyard before bed.  Hot humid weather continues through Saturday.

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