Wednesday, July 27, 2022

July 26, 2022

 Tuesday July 26, 2022

Start day at 0700.  Cool, high 50s and cloudy.

Nancy heads to MVP for treadmill and stationary bike.

I do my calisthenics before oatmeal breakfast.  Bike to Y, 4.5 miles.  Calisthenics and walk before once again getting on bike and heading to Panera.

Coffee and baguette before reading the WSJ on mini-iPad.

Got home at 1230.  Shower and shave before quick lunch.

Busy afternoon for Bob and Nancy:

Drove to Costco to pickup Nancy’s prescription.  Prescription had not been received from Doctor.

Drove to Dr Kutsche to get a copy of prescription.  We were told Dr Kutsche within the last minute had just sent prescription to Costco.

Drove to Macatawa Bank.  Our purpose was to inventory the contents of our two safety deposit boxes.  No big surprises.  We did find paperwork on the pre-revolutionary musket in our basement.  All Nancy’s jewelry was accounted for.

After the bank we drove back to Costco.  The prescription was ready.  

For dinner tonight Nancy and I walked to Leo’s Coney Island for a hot dog.  Leo’s if about 1/2 mile from Condo.  The hot dogs were good and the price was right.  Got home about 1900.  No time tonight for news.

I saw two Sand Hill Cranes walk by the Condo.  They must  reside in the area.

Tonight we watched another episode of “Shetland”.  Good show.

Checked Courtyard before turning in.  Everything ok.


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