Monday, July 11, 2022

July 10, 2022

 Sunday July 10, 2022

Weekend update for July 9 and 10.

Saturday July 9, 2022

Up at 0645.  Quickly dressed and headed to Gathering Place for our breakfast.  Arrived at 0750 and were able to get our favorite table.

Nancy had a Western Omelette and I had oatmeal with scrambled egg.  We both had raisin toast.

It was a beautiful morning.  Bright sun with temps in high 60s.  We sat by the window and watched the world go by.  Gathering Place allows patrons to sit and relax.

After breakfast we took a short ride and stopped at Panera for our free coffee.  At home Nancy started the laundry.

I ran a few errands using the Focus.  First stop was Macatawa to put some documents in our lock box.  Next stop was D&W for milk, naan and coleslaw for dinner.

Also stopped at Total Wines.  Bought two bottles of dry Riesling.  This wine is made in the Traverse City area.  I like it as a summer drink.

At home I put on bike clothes and took a 5 mile ride around the neighborhood.  Great day for a ride.  Showered and shaved after the ride.  

Spent the rest of the day at home.  For dinner we had pinwheel sandwiches left over from book club.  

At 1930 we started watching Crownies on Acorn.  We watched what I thought was the final two episodes.  Boy was I wrong.  12 episode left.

Debbie FaceTime this evening and we had a nice long talk.  Veronica also called and thanked us for her birthday presents.  She gave an update on the Scott Team.

When checked the Courtyard before bed noted several rabbits feasting on our flowers.  Noted also a bright half moon.  Sunset yesterday was at 2121.  

Sunday July 10, 2022.

I got up at 0645 this morning.  Once again a bright sun woke us.  The temperature was in high 50s.

I dressed and headed to Panera.  I was the first customer.  Order coffee for Nancy and a coffee and bagel for me.

At home fixed an oatmeal breakfast with blueberries to go with my coffee and bagel.  Read the GRP’s funnies and obits before heading to Trinity Lutheran.  Small turnout today.  Most folks are probably vacationing.

After church we took an hour drive.  Drove through rural areas east of our Condo.  The corn is getting high and wheat is turning golden.

At home I read some of the GRP before heading down to office.  Paid several bills and then walked to post box. Continued the walk so I had a mile.  The mile walk was my exercise for the day.

Lunch and then helped Nancy solving some problems associated with her Lake Michigan CU accounts on her iPad.  Not much luck, will visit CU tomorrow.

Made a quick trip to Meijer’s for supplies.  The store was jammed.  Later, found time for a short nap.  

For dinner we finished the pin wheel sandwiches.  Also had coleslaw and the last of the veggie tray from book club.

Watched the news while having dinner.  I like the national news on ABC.  

Tonight we watched “Murder In Suburbia” on BritBox.  We both liked it.

Nearly full bright moon shining bright when checked Courtyard before bed.  The rabbits were busy feeding on our flowers.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  She wanted an update on our health.  We were positive.

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