Saturday, July 16, 2022

July 15, 2022

 Friday July 15, 2022

Blog time 1930 sitting in den.

Up this morning at 0715.  In yesterday’s blog I mentioned the difficulty I had installing a new toilet seat in a congested area.   I thought some pain might result.  I was right.  Last night was the most painful since the hip surgery.  However, once I got up and moving around the pain was gone.

This morning Nancy had an 1100 meeting with a PA working for our ENT Doctor.  Nancy said the PA determined her headache pain was not the result of her ear.  Bottom line Nancy will need an appointment with a neurologist to find out what caused the headaches.  Probably easier said than done.

I did my morning calisthenics before my oatmeal breakfast.  I use to put bananas on my oatmeal.  I determined that the bananas caused constipation. Lately I have been putting 5 dried prunes on the oatmeal.  Problem solved.

Today I biked to the Y a distance of 2 miles.  Calisthenics and short walk before dressing and biking to Panera. 

Panera as usual was cold.  I ordered my coffee and a bagel.  However, Panera was sold out of all bagels.  Bummer.  I substituted a baguette.

Read the Michigan news, Detroit and Alpena.  Detroit News had big article on several men running for Governor.  They were big Trump supporters, which means they immediately lost my vote.  I am voting for the only women on the GOP ticket.  

Left Panera at noon.  Total bike miles today, 7.  Quick shower and lunch.  

This afternoon I ran errands.  First stop was the Y.  My work out clothes in my Y locker have not been washed in two months.  I emptied the locker.

Stopped at Meijer’s for supplies.  Cookies, yogurt and dried prunes were purchased.  Meijer’s was jammed.  It was raining during my visit to Meijer’s.  Rain stopped at 1800.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I headed to “Bagger Dave’s Tavern”.  The restaurant is located less than a mile from the Condo.  I had a hamburger and wine.  Best hamburgs in town.  Nancy had toasted cheese with coleslaw.  We took the scenic route home.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.   We told her that our health keeps getting better.

Tonight we watched another episode of “Crownies”.  Like that show.

All was quiet when checked Courtyard at 2200.  Temperature in low 70s.

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