Sunday, July 17, 2022

July 16, 2022

 Saturday July 16, 2022

Blog time 1130 sitting in office.

Up at 0645.  Dressed, took our pills and drove to “Gathering Place” for breakfast.  We arrived at 0755 and the place was empty.  We got our favorite table.  Oatmeal and egg for me and Western Omelette for Nancy.  We both had raisin toast and coffee.  Very good.

As we were leaving we noted that the place was 90% full. 

Today we headed south on a short drive around the airport.  It is amazing the amount of new industry near airport.

Dropped Nancy off and took the Escape for a fill up.  I cannot remember the gas price but it cost nearly $50 and the tank was half empty.

It being Saturday Nancy did the laundry.  A large one today.

Now that the painters are finished I cleaned our deck and put furniture back.

Also cleaned the downstairs concrete slab which is located beneath the upstairs wood deck.  The painters left it a mess.    

Today I took a 6 mile bike ride.  The entire ride was south of 28th and required no stop for traffic signals.

Shaved and showered after the bike ride.  Lunch and then spent most of the afternoon sitting in a nice living chair working on my iPad.  I have a small portable computer stand that fits under the chair.

Bad news after several hours in the chair my hip really began to hurt.  It might cause pain tonight when sleeping.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I drove to the frozen yogurt shop.  I bought a big cup of the vanilla yogurt.  Nancy had a smaller cup of mixed flavors.  We sat in the car and savored this treat.

At home we watched a new show on Prime.  It was called the “Terminal List”.  This show is a guy show.  Dark and violent.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We reported on our health which we hope will improve over time.

It was warm and humid when checked outside at 2200.  I scared several rabbits eating our flowers.  We are overrun with bunnies.   

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