Saturday, July 9, 2022

July 8, 2022

 Friday July 8, 2022

Blog time 1415 sitting at Panera

Slept in until 0730 this morning.  First thing, I headed downstairs for some mild calisthenics followed by an oatmeal breakfast.

Nancy has a busy day today so no MVP.  She has book club at our house today.  BC starts at noon.  Nancy is well prepared.  She has the food and wine for today’s meeting.  Later today we are going the Trinity’s seniors outing.  It starts at 1800.

After breakfast I biked to Panera.  I had my morning coffee and a bagel.  Finished yesterday’s blog.  At 1100 I pedaled home.  Turned on the AC before showering.  Before heading out at 1145 I checked with Nancy to see if she needed any last minute assistance.  She did not everything was under control.

First chore was to drive to Home Depot.  With summer’s high humidity I needed a humidity gage to determine when to turn on the dehumidifier.  Our basement during hot summer days gets very humid.  When the humidity gets above 50% I turn on the dehumidifier.

My next stop was the Cascade Twp library.  I found a comfortable chair and continued reading today’s papers.  Left at 1400, drove by Condo to see if  BC was still in session.  It was.  Drove back to Panera to kill some time.  I bought a bagel.  I enough points so no charge.

Started today’s blog.  Left at 1435 and headed home.

Nancy said BC was a success.  The pin wheel sandwiches were a big hit.  Luckily we bought enough so we can take some to our Senior’s church get together tonight.

Left at 1730 for the Church gathering.  Tonight’s events is in a member’s driveway.  We brought chairs and a picnic basket.  About 30 members were in attendance.  The event took place in a gated community in remote Cascade Twp.  It was a beautiful summer’s evening.  

Nancy and I had an opportunity to move around and talk to most attendees.  The host surprised us with big cupcakes for dessert.  Great evening.  Got home at 2015.

No TV tonight.  Debbie did FaceTime us.  We had a good conversation.

Bright half moon when checked courtyard before bed.  Temperature will drop to mid 50s tonight. But sunny and 80s tomorrow.

1 comment:

Shirley Short said...

Glad your blog is back! I missed it.l

Shirley Short