Thursday, July 7, 2022

July 6, 2022

 Wednesday July 6, 2022

Blog time 1730, sitting in living room

Breakfast Club Wednesday 

Up with the 0530 alarm.

Did a few calisthenics before getting dressed.

Stopped at Panera for a quick coffee to take with me downtown.

Traffic was light on freeway.  

It was 0700 when I walked into the University Club, not a minute to spare.

Small turnout today, 14.  Today’s speaker gave a good talk on the upcoming season for GR Opera.  He even sang some tunes from Gilbert and Sullivan’s Pirates of Penanze. 

Rest of day’s activities after BC.

Stopped at Woodland Mall’s Starbucks.  It was pouring rain when arrived.  Finished yesterday’s blog.

On way home stopped at Meijer’s to mail a package to CA.  Also purchased supplies.

At home Nancy and I finished our absentee ballot.  Also paid our summer Cascade Twp taxes.  Walked to Township office to deliver the ballots and taxes.  The office is on Tahoe Drive just west of our condo.

Nancy left home at 1300 for a Dentist appointment.

1400 I had a quick lunch and then put on bike clothes and took a short 2.5 mile ride.  Felt good.

Did a load of laundry this afternoon.

Showered and took a short nap.

Dinner tonight was chicken noodle soup with blueberries.

Stories on the news:  shooting in Highland Park, attempted release of WNBA star held in Russia and Senators Sanders and Warrens attempt the blame the high gas prices on oil companies.  Of course the Dems reckless spending did not impact prices.

Missy FaceTimed tonight.  She mentioned possible trips to San Jose and GR.

Tonight we watched another episode of Crownies on Acorn.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Looks like the family of skunks living in the courtyard have left.  I think the painters scared them off.  

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