Friday, July 22, 2022

July 21, 2022

 Thursday July 21, 2022

Blog time 1730 sitting in office.

Once again no pills before bed.  This is a very good sign.

Up this morning at 0800.  Nancy has an early morning Dentist appointment.  

Morning calisthenics before oatmeal breakfast.  Put on bike clothes and headed to Y, 4 miles.  Got 2 miles into ride and realized I did not have bike lock.  I turned around and headed home.  I didn’t want to leave my bike unlocked at the Y.

At Y did my standard calisthenics and walk.  As mentioned yesterday, my Y routine takes 30 minutes.

My morning plan was to head home after the Y, shower and then take the Fusion to Panera.  My lock diversion put me behind schedule.  I made a quick stop at Panera for coffee and a bagel.  After 30 minutes I headed home for a shave and shower.

At noon Nancy and I drove to Meijer’s for gas and to pick up Nancy’s prescription.  Gas today was $2.45.  Once again Meijer Pharmacy said our Doctor did not give enough direction for them for fill the prescription.  Bummer.  

At home Nancy called the Doctor and asked him to get in touch with Pharmacy.  We also spent some time getting Nancy on the UM patient portal.  She can now leave messages for our Doc and read test results, etc.  Valuable tool.

This and that:

President has Covid.

Breakfast Club will now require members to wear masks.

I think Dave Chappelle is funny.  The stupid, ignorant Woke crowd put pressure on a Minneapolis venue to cancel Chappelle’s show.  He found an alternative venue and the show went on.  The owners of the first venue were totally gutless.  

President Biden’s trip to Middle East was embarrassing to USA.

I see more and more Electric cars in GR.  The five charging stations at Meijer’s are always full.

July 6 hearing was on TV last night.  I did not watch.  The DEMS are making the hearing all about politics.  

I am amazed at the number of women of all ages deadlifting more than 200#.

Why do restaurants keep their dining areas so cold.

For dinner tonight I had an Ensure protein drink and blueberries.  We watched the local news.  After the news I read the paper edition of the GRP.  Certainly not much in this paper but what do you expect of a paper that is printed in Ohio.

Tonight we watched another episode of “Crownies” on Acorn.  We gave it a C.

When checked the Courtyard before bed I saw a young skunk near the Condo. We did have a family of skunk living under our kitchen slider porch.  I thought the painters working in the Courtyard scared them off.  Will have to call the Critter gitters tomorrow.  Also noted several bunnies in the area.  Bunnies I can handle.

The heat and humidity continues tomorrow.  


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