Friday, July 29, 2022

July 28, 2022

 Thursday July 28, 2022

Up at 0700.  Checked outside and it was drizzling.  According to my weather app, drizzle all morning.  Bummer, I will drive to Y.

Nancy headed out early for an 0830 class at MVP.  This is her first time at this class.

After calisthenics and oatmeal I put on civilian clothes and drove to Y.  I did my calisthenics.  This morning I walked 1.5 miles.  Tried to walk a 20’ mile.  Almost but not quite.

Today I took a shower at the Y.  First time in over 6 months.

Drove to Panera for coffee and some reading.  As usual Panera was cold and empty.

Comment on today’s news:

Good news President is over his Covid.  Now he can get back to work because he has plenty on his plate.

Looks like the Senate is finally about to pass the President’s big spending program.

Next Tuesday is primary Election Day in Michigan.  We have several contested races.  The big race is for our US representative.  Peter Meijer our present GOP rep voted to impeach President Trump.  So Trump has a lackey running against Meijer.  I voted for Meijer.  

This afternoon I have a 1400 appointment with the Dermatologist.  I have developed itchy skin.  I hope the Doc has a magic potent.

Later this afternoon my Sister is arriving.  She will spent several days with us.

At noon I left Panera and drove home.  Quick lunch and then headed to the Dermatologist.  He checked me over and prescribed a special lotion for me.

At home Helen had just arrived from Gaylord.  She stopped at a Farmer’s market and bought fresh corn, beans, blueberries, cherries, cookies, banana bread and a chicken casserole.  Enough to feed 10 folks for a week.

Later in the afternoon I drove to Meijer’s to pick up prescription.  The prescription is a two parter.  The actual prescription is a liquid.  I then had to buy a 16 ounce jar of a over the counter moisturizer.  At home I mixed the two ingredients.  It was very time consuming.

For dinner tonight we had the chicken casserole, corn, banana bread, salad and for dessert, cookies.  Very good and filling.

We spent the evening drinking wine, and talking about the good old days.  Very pleasant.

Just before bed I put on the new skin lotion.  Bottom line it worked.  Good news.

Checked Courtyard before turning in.  Everything ok.  Another nice summer’s day ahead.

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