Saturday, July 23, 2022

July 22, 2022

 Friday July 22, 2022

Blog time 1730 sitting in office.

The sun streaming through our slider woke us at 0700.  Another sunny hot day.

Nancy headed out early to MVP.  Today she will walk on treadmill and spend time on stationary bike.

I woke happy because did not need pain pills last night. Third night in a row.  

Light calisthenics, breakfast and then biked to Y, 4.5 miles.  At Y did calisthenics and a walk, 30 minutes, before heading to Panera.

Panera was empty and cold.  I ordered a bagel and coffee.  Spent short time reading before heading home.

It was 80 when I got home at 1130.  Total bike miles, 9.5.

Showered as soon as I got home.  Quick lunch and then an hour nap.  Right now, 1740, it is 90 degrees, warmest summer I can remember.

This afternoon Veronica called.  The Scott team is planning a visit to GR in late August.  We look forward to their visit.  Steve, Veronica and Lucas have never seen our Condo.  Perfect timing because we will be moving soon to Porter Hills.

Looked out slider just before dinner and two Sand Hill Cranes walked by.  Beautiful birds.

Pea soup with blueberries for dinner.  Watched the news while eating.  I am surprised at the number of gun crimes in GR.  Every night the news has a story on several shootings.

Debbie called last night.  We had a nice talk.

Tonight we watched another episode of “Republic of Doyle” one of our go-to shows.  Gave it a B.

Checked Courtyard at 2200. No skunks or rabbits seen.  I was hot 74 and humid.  Rain later tonight. 

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