Thursday, July 28, 2022

July 27, 2022

 Wednesday July 27, 2022

Slept in until 0730.  Today is my easy Wednesday.

Nancy headed out for her Wednesday swim at MVP.

I do light calisthenics (50%).  Before putting on my bike clothes and head to Panera.

This morning I planned on getting my free oatmeal.  Surprise, Panera did not have any oatmeal.  Bummer.

Got coffee and scone before starting my morning read.  

This and that:

The economy is still confusing to me.  All the talking heads on CNBC cannot agree on anything.  The Feds raise interest rates and the stock market goes from red to green, go figure.

War news from Ukraine has taken a back seat to reporting on the shallow Kardashians and Johnny Depp.  

I sure wish NATO would assemble a naval force to escort grain shipments out of Black Sea.  They should also protect the Port of Odessa.  

Congress is ready to pass a bill to help USA chip manufacturers make chips in USA.  I agree we are too reliant on China.  

Speaking of China:  will China ever make a military attack on Taiwan?  Pretty damn risky.

President Biden’s foreign policy is very weak.

Will California ever get any rain.

The lawlessness in major cities is discouraging.  Small businesses are leaving.  The police seem powerless.

Nancy and I took a 0.9 mile walk.  

Nancy had her PT session this afternoon.  

I took a short nap.

For dinner tonight,  applesauce, an apple and an Ensure Protein drink.  We watched the news while eating.

Tonight we watched episode 6, Season 6 of Shetland.  It was the season’s last episode.  The ending left me hanging.  BritBox’s programming is confusing.  

A check of Courtyard before bed was uneventful.  Just dark and humid.  We did have a skunk in our back yard earlier in the evening. Skunks are everywhere in the neighborhood.

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