Wednesday, March 10, 2021

March 9, 2021

 Tuesday March 9, 2021

Blog time 1215 at Panera

Up at 0700.  It was 36 outside but will get up to 60 later.  

Nancy is meeting friends at Woodland Mall for a walk this morning.  They usually walk 2+ miles and then have coffee at Starbucks in the Mall.

I do my at home calisthenics before breakfast.  Today I dressed much lighter than yesterday.  My morning route to Y is 6 miles and I did not get overheated.  Perfect choice of clothes.

I did my normal calisthenics at Y.  My last exercise is a set of eight chin-ups.  After 7 my shoulder popped.  I pulled a shoulder muscle.  Looks like no push-ups or chin-ups until the muscle heals.

No shower at the Y today.  I dressed and biked to Panera.  Ordered coffee and a baguette.  Read Alpena News, checked emails and finished blog.

It is great to see the migratory birds back.  The pond near our condo is now ice free.  Yesterday it was loaded with geese and ducks.

Showered and shaved as soon as I got home.  Lunch and then headed downstairs to office.

This afternoon I wrote my monthly note to Grandkids.

Also put all our popular TV stations on a spreadsheet.  The numbers of our favorite stations has changed since we switched to Comcast.  We needed a quick reference guide until we can memorize station numbers.  Comcast does have neat voice system.  Just say the station you want into the mike and it will pop up.

Finally I used the LL Bean card I got for Christmas.  I ordered several items of clothing.

Finished the afternoon with a short walk to mail box.  Mailed the Grandkids monthly note.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed lasagna.  We also had coleslaw, Irish Soda bread and sugar free apple sauce.

After the news we watched New Tricks on Prime.  Nancy headed to bed.  I stayed up and watched Capitani on Netflix.

It was still in the 40s when checked the front yard at 2200.  Tomorrow will be another 60 degree day.

FaceTimed with Debbie and Missy this evening.

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