Monday, March 29, 2021

March 27 & 28, 2021

 Weekend blog for Saturday, March 27 and Sunday March 28.

Blog started Saturday at 1700 sitting in office.


Up at 0700, temp was 33.  Nancy and I walked to Panera.  The temperature was 35+.

I ordered Oatmeal and coffee, Nancy filled her thermos.

At home Nancy started laundry and I head out on bike ride, 11.4 miles. 

After ride I shaved head and face before showering.  

Drove to Ada Bike to get a handlebar mount for my iPhone.  I think I will start using a different bike app.

Lunch and then downstairs to office.  Finished yesterday’s blog and started my weekend update blog.

I did take a nap this afternoon.  For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a pork loin with mashed potatoes and coleslaw.  Very good.

Today we watched a movie.  It was called Double Jeopardy and starred Ashley Judd and Tommie Lee Jones.  We both gave it a B+.

Finished the evening watching another episode of New Tricks.

Light rain when checked the front yard at 2200.

Sunday March 28

Blog time 1300 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0700.  Quickly dressed and headed to Panera for coffee and bagel.  At home fixed oatmeal to go with the coffee and bagel.

It was 34, windy with light mist when left for Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  Today is Palm Sunday so we expected a large crowd.  Not the case.  Most in attendance were old folks who probably had their shots.

Good Homily by Pastor Bob today.  Cleared up some of my misconceptions about Palm Sunday.

Dropped Nancy off at home and then I headed to Meijer’s.  Filled the Fusion up, gas was $2.61.  Today I bought wine, 6 bottles, sugar free cookies, Ensure, yogurt and bananas.

Lunch at 1300.  A neighborhood church group is having a zoom get together at 1330.

Blog resumes on Monday 1030 at Panera

The Sunday Zoom meeting with Trinity Church members who live in our neighborhood was attended by 12 folks.  We had a great conversation talking about Easter memories.  Our group plans on meeting monthly.  We might even be able to meet in person in May.

Being Sunday I took a nap.  

It was cold, windy with light mist most of the day.  No walk for Bob and Nancy today.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs.  I had mine on an English muffin.  

Watched the last few minutes of the UM BB game.  Great outcome.  After the game we watched 60 Minutes.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  While visiting a neighbor Debbie’s dog Violet jumped into a pond.  Her first experience with water.  Violet needed a bath after this episode.  The bath was another first.  

Daughter in law Veronica sent us a video of Grandson Lucas hitting his first home run for Long Beach Poly HS.  I am sure Lucas will remember this the rest of his life.

Missy has done a great job of keeping us up to day on trip to Turkey.  They are having a great time.

The rain had stopped when checked front yard at 2200.  Clear night so temp will drop to mid 20s tonight.

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