Wednesday, March 17, 2021

March 16, 2021

 Tuesday March 16, 2021

Blog time 1530 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0645.  Nancy is meeting with friends, 0830, at Woodland Mall for a walk and coffee.

I checked outside and although it was cold, 29, but no snow.  The weather folks got it wrong.  

No Y today, instead I did all my calisthenics at home.  Breakfast and then bundled up and took a 7 mile route to Panera.  Luckily no wind so the ride was comfortable.

Panera was empty.  I bought coffee and baguette to drink/eat while reading the papers.  Not much news I want to comment on.  

At 1130 I pedaled home.  Total bike miles today, 10.84.  Shaved and showered as soon as I got home.  

Lunch today was yogurt with Fiber One cereal added.  Ensure protein drink and a piece of sourdough toast with peanut butter. Finished lunch with an oatmeal cookie. Headed downstairs and finished reading all news except the WSJ.

Checked my Great Grandfather Sanborn’s 1938 diary and he made no mention of the start of the smelt run.

Spent the afternoon clearing my inbasket.  I wrote several checks to charities.  Usually I make the contributions in the last quarter of the year.  However, I had the time and funds so I donated early.  Before dinner I walked to the post box.  

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a chicken breast with dressing.  Also had broccoli and coleslaw.  Good meal.

Tonight after the news we watched an episode of New Tricks.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed and watched Capitani.

It was below freezing when checked the front yard at 2200.  Tomorrow morning will be sunny but cold.

FaceTimed with Missy this evening.  She is very busy getting things squared away before her trip to Turkey.  She leaves on St Patrick’s Day.

I was in bed when my phone dinged with several messages from Veronica.  LB Poly won their first soccer game.  Grandson Lucas played 60 minutes.  Good news.

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