Thursday, March 25, 2021

March 24, 2021

 Wednesday March 24, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera

I did not set an alarm last night, even though I have a 0730 Breakfast Club meeting.  Got up at 0700.  It was raining.

Last night I checked the progress on my iWatch backup at 0200.  It was still grinding so I went back to bed.  At 0700 I checked and everything is fine.

Today’s Breakfast Club was a meeting of the members.  We had about 25 members in attendance.

The big question is when do we go back to in person meetings at University Club.  All members want to return.

All the members over 65 in attendance today had received their shots.  Several young member were not yet eligible for the vaccine.

After much discussion it was agreed we would hold our first in person meeting on June 2.

Because of the rain I drove the Fusion to Panera.

Alpena news reported that because of all the dry weather a serious fire hazard exists.  Also reported on several folks illegally shooting bobcats.  I have never seen a bobcat in the wild?

Drove to Verizon and bought a case for my new iPhone.

Have we lost some of our democracy is a question I have seen raised in several publications.  I don’t know.

Checked into a financial account and got warning about Apple being hacked and to call Apple support. After talking with what I thought was Apple support I hung up because I could not understand the caller.  Called Debbie to see if Apple had been hacked. The answer was, it had not.

Checked at several banks I deal with and no activity was reported.  Bottom line I was hacked and I fell for it. Luckily no damage done except to my dignity.  I thought I was computer savvy.

New iPhone is bigger than old so I need a carrying case.  Found one at Meijer’s.

Stopped at Gazelle Sports and bought a pair of super cushioned walking shoes.  I hope these shoes will help reduce my hip pain.


Helped Nancy get her new phone set up.  It went smooth.

Did load of laundry.

Took out trash.

Took nap.

We had our standard Wednesday night fare for dinner.  Cheerios with blueberries and strawberries.  Also ate half a scone.

We watched the news and then headed to den to watch a streaming show.  Before we got started Debbie called.  Nancy has been having trouble with her messages and emails.  Debbie got everything straightened out.  Thanks Debbie!

It was 2100 when our conversation with Debbie ended.  Nancy said she was going to bed.  I watched the final episode of Capitani.  Once again a weird ending.

Missy keeps sending great photos from Turkey.  She and AJ are having a great time.

Checked front yard at 2200.  Temperature still in 50s.  Weekend cold front moving in.  We need more rain.

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