Monday, March 1, 2021

February 28, 2021

 Sunday February 28, 2021

Blog time 1420 in office

Really slept in this morning until 0730.  First thing I headed out to get our paper edition of the GRP.   Temperature was in low 30s and it felt like rain.

Dressed and headed to Panera for coffee and bagel.  Breakfast this morning of oatmeal/banana with coffee and bagel.  Sound familiar?

Today is the last day of February. Meteorologists consider this the last day of winter as opposed to the Astronomical last day on 21Mar.

After breakfast I set up the iPad and watched the streaming church service from Trinity Lutheran.  Next week we will attend a live service at church.  First time in about a year.

After church I drove to Meijer’s for supplies.  Ensure, yogurt, cookies and ginger ale were on my list.

When I got home Nancy was gone.  She was taking her 3 mile walk.  It had just started to sprinkle.  Nancy was soaked when she got home.

I read the GRP.  It is a nothing paper.  They did not even have the weekend high school sports scores.  The only useful things are the comics and obituaries.

After reading the GRP I had a quick lunch before heading downstairs.  Finished yesterday’s blog and started today’s.

Being Sunday I took my mandatory Sunday nap.  It is a tradition for Scott males.  

My only exercise today was an afternoon 2 mile walk.  I thought the rain had stopped but I walked into a light sprinkle.  I was soaked when got home.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs.  I had mine on an English muffin.  Also had spinach pie.

Tonight we watched a portion of 60 Minutes before heading to the den.  Tonight we watched an episode of The Sinner followed by Ted Lasso.  I like Ted Lasso. 

Facetimed with Debbie and Missy this evening.  

Checked the front yard at 2200.  Light mist and the temperature was dropping.  

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