Saturday, March 13, 2021

March 12, 2021

Friday March 12, 2021

Blog time 1220 at Panera:

Nancy has a busy day today.  Set the alarm for 0630.  Checked outside and it was 31 degrees with bright sun expected later.

Nancy headed out at 0700 for her 0715 class at MVP.  I had breakfast and then biked to Y in bright sun. 

At Y did calisthenics, sans chin-ups, and took a short walk.  No shower at Y today.  Jumped on bike and rode straight home.  

Showered, dressed and opened a bottle of red wine for Nancy’s book club.  She has everything under control.

Drove to Panera for coffee and a chance to read papers.  It is now 1230 and I will stop writing.  I will drive to Cabella’s to look around.  

Cabella’s was crowded.  Walked all the aisles and found many interesting items but did not purchase anything.  Got home at 1430 and all the Book Club members had left.

Nancy said her meal went over fine.  The discussion on the book was interesting.

Lunch and then spent time in office reading and writing.

For dinner I drove to Culver’s and bought a cod sandwich.  Culver’s cod sandwich is great.

This evening we watched a movie “Revenge”.  It was a Chuck Norris martial arts movie only with a female lead.  It was a good Friday night movie. 

Debbie and Missy FaceTime tonight.  We said everything ok in GR.

The temperature had dropped to below freezing when checked front yard at 2200.  22 predicted for 0700 but with sun the temp will jump to 50s tomorrow afternoon.

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