Thursday, March 11, 2021

March 10, 2021

 Wednesday March 10, 2021

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Got up with 0600 alarm.  Nancy also got up because today she has a 0715 fitness class at MVP.  First time back to MVP for Nancy in nearly a year.

Today Breakfast Club’s program chair overbook.  We had a talk by the new Superintendent of the GRPS followed by the Federal Attorney for West Michigan.  Both explained their mission.  Good program.

After BC I got on bike and ran errands.  First stop was Macatawa Bank.  Got money for Kim who cleans tomorrow.  Next I stopped and mailed a letter to Missy using tracking.  Final stop was Panera.

It is now 1130 and the temperature has risen to 58.  Our recent warm spell will end soon.

This and that:

It is maple syrup time in Michigan.  

Spring time means the smelt will soon be running.  Smelt are a tasty small fish.  They are caught using a net.  Smelt most of the year live in the big lake but in spring they run up small creeks and streams of northern Mi.  Nothing better than smelt with a cold beer. 

Noted groups of old folks now meeting at Panera.  They must their have shots.

Got home from Panera at 1200.  Immediately got in Fusion and ran errands.  Picked up pants from Mr Thanh.  Drove to Woodland Mall. I wanted to browse the Apple Store but they still have security firm guarding the door.  I did not need this hassle. Checked out J. Crew but bought nothing.

At home I had a late lunch.  Today being Wednesday I took out trash and did a load of laundry.  Found time for a nap.

This evening for dinner I had Cheerios, apple sauce and Irish Soda bread.

Tonight after the news we watched an episode of Whitechapel.  It was dark and gruesome.  Will delete Whitechapel from our viewing list.  

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched Capitani.

The temperature was still in 50s when checked front yard at 2200.  Rain predicted for tonight.

Missy FaceTimed tonight.  She was taking AJ to get shoes.

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