Tuesday, March 30, 2021

March 29, 2021

 Monday March 29, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Up with alarm, 0630.  Nancy has a 0715 class at MVP.

I continue doing modified calisthenics at home.  My shoulder is healing slowly and the pulled abdominal muscle is also healing.  No Y today.

Oatmeal with banana breakfast.  It was sunny but cold, 25,  when headed out on 8 mile bike ride to Panera.  

While biking on Cascade I saw a deer that had been recently hit by a car.  The injury seemed to be to its rear legs.  When I got to Panera I called Sheriff’s office and they said the deer had been dispatched.  Very sad.

Panera was empty this morning.

This and that:

Now that we are venturing out at church and restaurants I enjoy putting on a sport coat.  I missed wearing a sport coat.

Also miss going to library and sitting down reading periodicals.

Would you like to be on the jury for the policeman charged with killing George Floyd?  No matter the outcome protestors will try to stir up trouble.

Finally it looks like the Suez Canal will reopen.  I just Googled the width of the canal.  Sections of the canal are one way only.

Big covid surges in US and EU.  Important for folks to get vaccine.

After my shower I had a quick lunch.  

Afternoon activities:

Put out the last of the bird seed.  The birds have to fend for themselves now.

Swept the deck of bird seed.  Worried that skunks and rats might be attracted to seed.

Responded to lunch request from Jennifer Dougherty.  We will meet on Wednesday.

Created a spread sheet for 2021 gifts to charity.

Viewed more photos and short clips from Missy on her Turkey trip.

Spent time with Nancy trying to get her contacts back on her new iPhone.  No luck!

Called our computer guru for help with Nancy’s iPhone.  No reply yet.

Paid a bill and walked to mail box to post.

Dinner tonight was my standard Cheerios with fruit.

We watched the news before switching to Apple TV.  Tonight we planned on watching Blood Lands.  Every Monday a new episode is released.  Checked and the show had not been released.  Bummer!

Watched an episode of Law and Order, UK.  After this show I checked back on Acorn and Blood Lands was available. Will watch tomorrow.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We discussed Nancy’s phone problems.  I will sync Nancy’s phone with the Apple computer in an effort to get her contact list back.  Debbie and her new dog Violet are now best friends.

Temperature was in high 40s when checked front yard at 2200.  Very bright Worm Moon.

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