Saturday, March 6, 2021

March 5, 2021

 Friday March 5, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Up this morning at 0645.  It was a cold, 20, with wind chill in low teens.  However, it will warm up to 42 later today.  I will delay my bike ride until later.

I did all my calisthenics at home today.  No Y today.  Nancy headed out on her 3 mile walk. 

Oatmeal breakfast and then spent time filling bird feeders.  We have a lot of pretty birds visiting the feeders.  I keep promising to download a bird book so I can identify the different species.

 Today I will stop feeding the deer.  Most of the snow is gone so the deer should be able to find food.  

At 0930 I pumped up my bike tires and took the short route to Panera, 2.7 miles.  Ordered coffee and baguette and started my morning reading routine.

Today in Michigan restaurants can double their seating from 25% to 50%.  Did not notice any change at Panera.

This and that:

President Biden’s Covid stimulus package is almost through the Senate with minor changes. It is over a trillion dollars.  That’s nine zeros folks.

Medical folks are still studying long term effects of coronavirus.

President Biden has a major immigration problem to solve.

After Panera I took a 6.5 mile route home.  20 degrees at 0800 but when I left Panera at 1130 the temp was 40.  Pleasant temp for a ride.

Shower and then at 1300 a quick lunch.  Spent more time this afternoon in office reading.

1715 we drove to Bonefish Grill.  We met Mary Namey and Kathi Kothe at the restaurant.  Bonefish was crowded.  We had leisurely drinks before ordering.  Mary and I had the tuna, Kathi had salmon and Nancy ordered a chicken dish.  A very pleasant evening.  This was the first time Mary had been out to a restaurant in nearly a year. 

At home we watched an episode of New Tricks before turning in.  Checked the front yard at 2200.  It was below freezing and clear.  

We FaceTimed Missy this evening.  She has been having problems with her toe, the one that was run over.  Ended up at emergency where they removed the toenail and then reattached it.  Missy was in considerable pain.  She is one tough cookie. 

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