Friday, March 5, 2021

March 4, 2021

 Thursday March 4, 2021

Blog time 1030 sitting in living room.

Up this morning at 0700.  Checked the temperature and it was 25.  Sunrise today at 0709.  Most of the day will be sunny.

I did all my calisthenics at home today.  We are changing internet provider today and expect the Comcast folks to arrive at 1000.

After calisthenics I shaved and showered and then drove to Panera to get coffee and a bagel.  At home I fixed oatmeal/banana to go with the coffee and bagel.

Nancy took a three mile walk this morning.  We are now sitting in the living room waiting for Comcast.

March 4.  Today is my mother’s birthday.  Margaret Louise Hughes was born this day in 1907 in Alpena, so today would be Mom’s 114 birthday.

The one birthday of Mother’s that I remember was in 1943 or 44.  Dad was working for the US Army in Chicago.  He sent Mom a big birthday present.  It was wrapped in the Sunday Chicago papers.  I can’t remember the gift but I took great pleasure in looking at the Sunday comics.  Oh the things I remember.

The Comcast man arrived at 1100.  He appeared to be a rookie by his early actions.  I called our computer guru, Ken Lotterman, and asked him to help getting the systems installed.  

We are getting what is called a Triple Play.  New landline phone, new internet and new TV service.  

We can keep our existing phone number.  Nancy can keep her email address but if she has trouble ATT will not service it.  Nancy will gradually transition to a new gmail address.  

It took 4 hours to get the new system installed.  My first impression was how fast it was.  Downloading my favorite apps was super fast.  The new systems has no dead spots.  Under the old systems we could not get internet in the master bedroom.

We did not have time for lunch today.  We spent a lot of time on our feet and going up and down stairs.  No walk or bike ride today.

For dinner tonight I had my normal lunch of yogurt and toast with peanut butter.  We watched the news for the first time a year in the den.  After we watched an episode of New Tricks on Prime.

Usually before bed I take several MG pills and two Motrin.  My hip was really hurting probably from so much standing.  I took two more Motrin about 0200.

It was cold when checked front yard at 2200.  


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