Saturday, March 20, 2021

March 19, 2021

 Friday March 19, 2021

Blog time 1145 at Panera

We both slept in until 0700.  Nancy is going swimming today but will wait until 0900 so she can get a lane.  

Under Doctor’s orders I have reduced my sit-ups and leg raises so my morning calisthenics are easy.  No Y today because I can easily do the calisthenics at home.

Breakfast of oatmeal and banana.  It was 29 but sunny when I got on the bike.  Today, for the first time this year I took the Cascade Road route to Panera, 8 miles.

Things are getting back to normal because every seat was filled at Panera.  I lucked out because a couple was just getting ready to leave.  

This and that:

What to do about immigration?  I support controlled immigration.

March Madness underway.  

India has second wave of coronavirus.   

Welsh language is fighting for its life.  

Biden’s foreign policy problems, calling Putin a killer, Afghanistan US troop withdrawal vs advances of Taliban.  

Skim milk cleans stone floors in British Heritage homes.

China’s crime against Uighur children should be roundly criticized.  The free world should take a united stand.

Russia jamming UK jets GPS system in Med.  NATO should retaliate.

As home showered and then had lunch.

Spent afternoon reading.  Also figured out how to sell stock online.

We left home at 1700 for JT’s Pizza.  JT did not have a table available.  We drove to our favorite Mexican restaurant.  I had the tamale dinner and Nancy had two soft shell tacos.  We thought the food was not up to the usually high standard.  Disappointed!

Tonight we watched an Aussie Detective Movie.  The star was the actor who played Rake on Netflix.  We gave it a B-.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  She has been very busy with work and walking her new dog Violet.  We can’t wait to see Violet.

Alessandra called us this evening.  She was home alone.  Nancy asked Alessandra a lot of questions about her school.

We get quick messages from Missy and AJ on their trip to Turkey.

Bright crescent moon tonight when checked front yard at 2200.  Temps will get below freezing tonight but sun and warmup tomorrow.

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