Friday, March 26, 2021

March 25, 2021

 Thursday March 25, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Up this morning at 0700.  Nancy left at 0800 for a swim at MVP.

I did my morning calisthenics before breakfast.  Fixed oatmeal with banana for breakfast.

The temperature was in mid 40s and cloudy when I left for Panera.  Today I took the 8 mile route.

Kim cleans today so Nancy and I will take our weekly drive.

Panera was crowded this morning.  It was also cold inside.  Being cold at Panera is an old problem.  If cold tomorrow I will complain.

Read my email and finished yesterday’s blog before heading home.  Total bike miles today, 11.3.

Nancy and I got in the Escape and started our weekly ride through rural west Mi.  

Before starting we stopped at Verizon and bought Nancy a cover for her new iPhone. Next we picked up my prescription from Meijer’s drive through.

Today we drove to Byron Center.  Drove around the community before heading north on Byron Center Ave.  We drove north on Byron Center Ave to 28th Street and then home.  We passed through some areas that we have not visited in years.  Total travel time, 2 hours.

We got home at 1400.  After a quick lunch I took a 1.5 mile walk.  Nancy also took a walk but her walk was 2.5 miles.  Once again Nancy wins.

Today I got a call from Orthopedic Doctor’s office.  I was referred to the Orthopedic office by my GP after complaining of sore hip.  I see a PA tomorrow at 1000.

Spent rest of afternoon finishing reading today’s papers.  

I am becoming disappointed with President Biden’s administration not being very open.  At the recent Press Conference he would not recognize a representative from Fox News. This is the same practice that Dems accused President Trump of doing.  Not the openness I desire.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed chili.  We also had fresh fruit, pineapples and strawberries.

After the news we started watching an episode of The City on the Hill.  I paused the show to take a FaceTime call from Debbie.  

We told Debbie that we were doing fine.  In the background we heard a bell ring.  Debbie has trained Violet to ring the bell when she wants out to do her bidness.  We were impressed.  

When I returned to The City on the Hill it was almost over.  I must have failed to push the pause properly.  Live and learn.

We did watch an episode of New Tricks.  

It was raining when I checked the front yard at 2200.  Temperatures will drop to near freezing tonight. 

Missy keeps sending us great photos of Istanbul.  Missy said AJ has been walking 5 miles a day visiting historic sites.  Education and exercise, a good combination.

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