Saturday, March 27, 2021

March 26, 2021

 Friday March 26, 2021

Blog time 0920 at Panera

Up this morning at 0630. Nancy has 0715 class at MVP.  This morning I have a 1000 appointment with the joint Doctor, actually with his PA.

Did all my calisthenics at home this morning.  Showered and then breakfast.  We had heavy rain most of the night.  The rain had stopped by 0800.  Today was cloudy and cold.

I drove to Panera. Finished yesterday’s blog and did some reading before heading to the Doctor’s at 0930.

First thing the PA did was order some X-rays of my hips.  I was impressed with the huge machine.  I was shown the xrays and  told the hip joints were bone on bone.  In other words the elastic membrane between joints was gone.  The principal reason for the pain.  

Dennis was the name of the PA and he spent some time explaining my options, including complete hip replacement,  a shot that might reduce pain, and adjusting my daily routine that includes reduced walking.  Bike riding is much better than walking.  

We agreed that a joint replacement was not an option at this time.  I would reduce my walks and continue riding my bike.  I spent about 30 minutes in discussion with the PA.  I was impressed with his explanations. 

After the visit I returned to Panera to continue reading.  

Got home at 1230 and immediately went on a 11.5 mile bike ride.  Because it was cloudy and cold not many folks on the trails.  A lot of puddles from last night’s rain.

At home I took another shower followed by a quick lunch.  After I checked my in basket and started reading the WSJ.

1700 Nancy and I got in the Escape and drove the short distance to Bagger Dave’s.  The place was empty.  We both wondered how much longer it could remain in business.

We both had their cheeseburger with coleslaw.  Also ordered wine.  The burgers were very good.

At home we watched the news before switching to Prime.  This evening we watched an episode of “The City on the Hill”.  We both gave it a B-.

Debbie FaceTimed the evening.  She even was able to add Granddaughter Alessandra to the call.  We had a nice talk.

Missy continues to send us some great photos from Istanbul.  She keeps commenting that AJ is walking 5 miles a day with no complaints.  Great.

The temp was in the low 40s when checked the front yard at 2200.  Temperature will drop to near freezing tonight.


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