Wednesday, March 31, 2021

March 30, 2021

 Tuesday March 30, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Up at 0645.  Nancy is meeting Kathy Vance at Woodland Mall at 0830 for a morning walk.

Checked outside, sun and temperature was 46.  20 degrees warmer that yesterday at same time.  Wind speed was 17mph.

Light calisthenics before breakfast.  With all the springtime temperature swings it is hard to know what to wear on morning ride. 

This morning I took the 8 mile route to Panera.  Noted on ride that many trees are showing buds.  Full foliage’s usually at end of April.

Our neighbor Pat McCarthy and fellow Panera pal turns 89 today.  Pat looks great.

Today is also the birthday of my childhood friend Maury Cohen.  I will email Maury later.

At home shaved and showered before lunch.

At 1345 we walked to our CPA to pick up our taxes and discuss several financial matters.  First time Nancy had met our CPA. She was impressed.  

Nancy still cannot get her contacts on her new cell phone.  I called our computer guru.  He arrived at 1630 and after some fiddling got the problem solved.  He also paired the new iPhone with Nancy’s iWatch.  Productive effort.

For dinner Nancy cooked a pork chop in the crock pots.  Also rice, salad and cookies. Very good.

After the news we watched an episode of Blood Land on Acorn. A lot of twist and turns.  Still cannot figure out who is the good guy.  

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

I messaged Missy at 2200.  I got a short reply.  She probably has some major jet lag.  I think the flight from Istanbul to LA is 14 hours.

Checked front yard at 2200.  Temp in 40s and will drop to low 30s by morning.


Tuesday, March 30, 2021

March 29, 2021

 Monday March 29, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Up with alarm, 0630.  Nancy has a 0715 class at MVP.

I continue doing modified calisthenics at home.  My shoulder is healing slowly and the pulled abdominal muscle is also healing.  No Y today.

Oatmeal with banana breakfast.  It was sunny but cold, 25,  when headed out on 8 mile bike ride to Panera.  

While biking on Cascade I saw a deer that had been recently hit by a car.  The injury seemed to be to its rear legs.  When I got to Panera I called Sheriff’s office and they said the deer had been dispatched.  Very sad.

Panera was empty this morning.

This and that:

Now that we are venturing out at church and restaurants I enjoy putting on a sport coat.  I missed wearing a sport coat.

Also miss going to library and sitting down reading periodicals.

Would you like to be on the jury for the policeman charged with killing George Floyd?  No matter the outcome protestors will try to stir up trouble.

Finally it looks like the Suez Canal will reopen.  I just Googled the width of the canal.  Sections of the canal are one way only.

Big covid surges in US and EU.  Important for folks to get vaccine.

After my shower I had a quick lunch.  

Afternoon activities:

Put out the last of the bird seed.  The birds have to fend for themselves now.

Swept the deck of bird seed.  Worried that skunks and rats might be attracted to seed.

Responded to lunch request from Jennifer Dougherty.  We will meet on Wednesday.

Created a spread sheet for 2021 gifts to charity.

Viewed more photos and short clips from Missy on her Turkey trip.

Spent time with Nancy trying to get her contacts back on her new iPhone.  No luck!

Called our computer guru for help with Nancy’s iPhone.  No reply yet.

Paid a bill and walked to mail box to post.

Dinner tonight was my standard Cheerios with fruit.

We watched the news before switching to Apple TV.  Tonight we planned on watching Blood Lands.  Every Monday a new episode is released.  Checked and the show had not been released.  Bummer!

Watched an episode of Law and Order, UK.  After this show I checked back on Acorn and Blood Lands was available. Will watch tomorrow.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We discussed Nancy’s phone problems.  I will sync Nancy’s phone with the Apple computer in an effort to get her contact list back.  Debbie and her new dog Violet are now best friends.

Temperature was in high 40s when checked front yard at 2200.  Very bright Worm Moon.

Monday, March 29, 2021

March 27 & 28, 2021

 Weekend blog for Saturday, March 27 and Sunday March 28.

Blog started Saturday at 1700 sitting in office.


Up at 0700, temp was 33.  Nancy and I walked to Panera.  The temperature was 35+.

I ordered Oatmeal and coffee, Nancy filled her thermos.

At home Nancy started laundry and I head out on bike ride, 11.4 miles. 

After ride I shaved head and face before showering.  

Drove to Ada Bike to get a handlebar mount for my iPhone.  I think I will start using a different bike app.

Lunch and then downstairs to office.  Finished yesterday’s blog and started my weekend update blog.

I did take a nap this afternoon.  For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a pork loin with mashed potatoes and coleslaw.  Very good.

Today we watched a movie.  It was called Double Jeopardy and starred Ashley Judd and Tommie Lee Jones.  We both gave it a B+.

Finished the evening watching another episode of New Tricks.

Light rain when checked the front yard at 2200.

Sunday March 28

Blog time 1300 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0700.  Quickly dressed and headed to Panera for coffee and bagel.  At home fixed oatmeal to go with the coffee and bagel.

It was 34, windy with light mist when left for Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  Today is Palm Sunday so we expected a large crowd.  Not the case.  Most in attendance were old folks who probably had their shots.

Good Homily by Pastor Bob today.  Cleared up some of my misconceptions about Palm Sunday.

Dropped Nancy off at home and then I headed to Meijer’s.  Filled the Fusion up, gas was $2.61.  Today I bought wine, 6 bottles, sugar free cookies, Ensure, yogurt and bananas.

Lunch at 1300.  A neighborhood church group is having a zoom get together at 1330.

Blog resumes on Monday 1030 at Panera

The Sunday Zoom meeting with Trinity Church members who live in our neighborhood was attended by 12 folks.  We had a great conversation talking about Easter memories.  Our group plans on meeting monthly.  We might even be able to meet in person in May.

Being Sunday I took a nap.  

It was cold, windy with light mist most of the day.  No walk for Bob and Nancy today.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs.  I had mine on an English muffin.  

Watched the last few minutes of the UM BB game.  Great outcome.  After the game we watched 60 Minutes.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  While visiting a neighbor Debbie’s dog Violet jumped into a pond.  Her first experience with water.  Violet needed a bath after this episode.  The bath was another first.  

Daughter in law Veronica sent us a video of Grandson Lucas hitting his first home run for Long Beach Poly HS.  I am sure Lucas will remember this the rest of his life.

Missy has done a great job of keeping us up to day on trip to Turkey.  They are having a great time.

The rain had stopped when checked front yard at 2200.  Clear night so temp will drop to mid 20s tonight.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

March 26, 2021

 Friday March 26, 2021

Blog time 0920 at Panera

Up this morning at 0630. Nancy has 0715 class at MVP.  This morning I have a 1000 appointment with the joint Doctor, actually with his PA.

Did all my calisthenics at home this morning.  Showered and then breakfast.  We had heavy rain most of the night.  The rain had stopped by 0800.  Today was cloudy and cold.

I drove to Panera. Finished yesterday’s blog and did some reading before heading to the Doctor’s at 0930.

First thing the PA did was order some X-rays of my hips.  I was impressed with the huge machine.  I was shown the xrays and  told the hip joints were bone on bone.  In other words the elastic membrane between joints was gone.  The principal reason for the pain.  

Dennis was the name of the PA and he spent some time explaining my options, including complete hip replacement,  a shot that might reduce pain, and adjusting my daily routine that includes reduced walking.  Bike riding is much better than walking.  

We agreed that a joint replacement was not an option at this time.  I would reduce my walks and continue riding my bike.  I spent about 30 minutes in discussion with the PA.  I was impressed with his explanations. 

After the visit I returned to Panera to continue reading.  

Got home at 1230 and immediately went on a 11.5 mile bike ride.  Because it was cloudy and cold not many folks on the trails.  A lot of puddles from last night’s rain.

At home I took another shower followed by a quick lunch.  After I checked my in basket and started reading the WSJ.

1700 Nancy and I got in the Escape and drove the short distance to Bagger Dave’s.  The place was empty.  We both wondered how much longer it could remain in business.

We both had their cheeseburger with coleslaw.  Also ordered wine.  The burgers were very good.

At home we watched the news before switching to Prime.  This evening we watched an episode of “The City on the Hill”.  We both gave it a B-.

Debbie FaceTimed the evening.  She even was able to add Granddaughter Alessandra to the call.  We had a nice talk.

Missy continues to send us some great photos from Istanbul.  She keeps commenting that AJ is walking 5 miles a day with no complaints.  Great.

The temp was in the low 40s when checked the front yard at 2200.  Temperature will drop to near freezing tonight.


Friday, March 26, 2021

March 25, 2021

 Thursday March 25, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Up this morning at 0700.  Nancy left at 0800 for a swim at MVP.

I did my morning calisthenics before breakfast.  Fixed oatmeal with banana for breakfast.

The temperature was in mid 40s and cloudy when I left for Panera.  Today I took the 8 mile route.

Kim cleans today so Nancy and I will take our weekly drive.

Panera was crowded this morning.  It was also cold inside.  Being cold at Panera is an old problem.  If cold tomorrow I will complain.

Read my email and finished yesterday’s blog before heading home.  Total bike miles today, 11.3.

Nancy and I got in the Escape and started our weekly ride through rural west Mi.  

Before starting we stopped at Verizon and bought Nancy a cover for her new iPhone. Next we picked up my prescription from Meijer’s drive through.

Today we drove to Byron Center.  Drove around the community before heading north on Byron Center Ave.  We drove north on Byron Center Ave to 28th Street and then home.  We passed through some areas that we have not visited in years.  Total travel time, 2 hours.

We got home at 1400.  After a quick lunch I took a 1.5 mile walk.  Nancy also took a walk but her walk was 2.5 miles.  Once again Nancy wins.

Today I got a call from Orthopedic Doctor’s office.  I was referred to the Orthopedic office by my GP after complaining of sore hip.  I see a PA tomorrow at 1000.

Spent rest of afternoon finishing reading today’s papers.  

I am becoming disappointed with President Biden’s administration not being very open.  At the recent Press Conference he would not recognize a representative from Fox News. This is the same practice that Dems accused President Trump of doing.  Not the openness I desire.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed chili.  We also had fresh fruit, pineapples and strawberries.

After the news we started watching an episode of The City on the Hill.  I paused the show to take a FaceTime call from Debbie.  

We told Debbie that we were doing fine.  In the background we heard a bell ring.  Debbie has trained Violet to ring the bell when she wants out to do her bidness.  We were impressed.  

When I returned to The City on the Hill it was almost over.  I must have failed to push the pause properly.  Live and learn.

We did watch an episode of New Tricks.  

It was raining when I checked the front yard at 2200.  Temperatures will drop to near freezing tonight. 

Missy keeps sending us great photos of Istanbul.  Missy said AJ has been walking 5 miles a day visiting historic sites.  Education and exercise, a good combination.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

March 24, 2021

 Wednesday March 24, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera

I did not set an alarm last night, even though I have a 0730 Breakfast Club meeting.  Got up at 0700.  It was raining.

Last night I checked the progress on my iWatch backup at 0200.  It was still grinding so I went back to bed.  At 0700 I checked and everything is fine.

Today’s Breakfast Club was a meeting of the members.  We had about 25 members in attendance.

The big question is when do we go back to in person meetings at University Club.  All members want to return.

All the members over 65 in attendance today had received their shots.  Several young member were not yet eligible for the vaccine.

After much discussion it was agreed we would hold our first in person meeting on June 2.

Because of the rain I drove the Fusion to Panera.

Alpena news reported that because of all the dry weather a serious fire hazard exists.  Also reported on several folks illegally shooting bobcats.  I have never seen a bobcat in the wild?

Drove to Verizon and bought a case for my new iPhone.

Have we lost some of our democracy is a question I have seen raised in several publications.  I don’t know.

Checked into a financial account and got warning about Apple being hacked and to call Apple support. After talking with what I thought was Apple support I hung up because I could not understand the caller.  Called Debbie to see if Apple had been hacked. The answer was, it had not.

Checked at several banks I deal with and no activity was reported.  Bottom line I was hacked and I fell for it. Luckily no damage done except to my dignity.  I thought I was computer savvy.

New iPhone is bigger than old so I need a carrying case.  Found one at Meijer’s.

Stopped at Gazelle Sports and bought a pair of super cushioned walking shoes.  I hope these shoes will help reduce my hip pain.


Helped Nancy get her new phone set up.  It went smooth.

Did load of laundry.

Took out trash.

Took nap.

We had our standard Wednesday night fare for dinner.  Cheerios with blueberries and strawberries.  Also ate half a scone.

We watched the news and then headed to den to watch a streaming show.  Before we got started Debbie called.  Nancy has been having trouble with her messages and emails.  Debbie got everything straightened out.  Thanks Debbie!

It was 2100 when our conversation with Debbie ended.  Nancy said she was going to bed.  I watched the final episode of Capitani.  Once again a weird ending.

Missy keeps sending great photos from Turkey.  She and AJ are having a great time.

Checked front yard at 2200.  Temperature still in 50s.  Weekend cold front moving in.  We need more rain.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

March 23, 2021

 Tuesday March 23, 2021

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Slept in until 0715 today.   Temperature in 50s.  

Nancy is going for an outside walk at 0815.  Her group will walk around the Calvin campus.

I did all my calisthenics at home.  My Doctor has told be to back off the sit-ups and leg raises.  I am also backing off pull-ups because of a pulled muscle.  The calisthenics only take 40 minutes.  

Breakfast and then got on bike and pedaled to Panera.  Took a longer route today, 8+ miles.  

This and that:

Migrant surge is a big problem for President Biden.  

China finally being pressured by EU, Canada and US on Myghur minority mistreatment.

Sports Casters are having a ball talking about the collapse of Big Ten in NCAA BB.  UM men and women are still in.

Will I see in my lifetime legislatures whose members are moderate, reasonable and willing to compromise to get things done?  Only if I live to 100!

I recently purchased blue tint reading glasses.  The glasses are suppose to protect the eyes from screen glare.  They work.

At home quick shower and shave before lunch.  

Lunch and then drove to Scott Civil Engineering Company, SCECO, on Monroe Ave.  SCECO is switching cell phone provider from Sprint to Verizon.  I picked up two new Apple phones.   

Just in time because I have been dropping my iPhone lately. Cracked the screen. The reason for my dropping is that my hands are super slippery from using so much hand sanitizer and lotion.

I was told that switching my old phones data to my new phone would be painless.  It was.  I just followed the directions on my new phone.

Reprogramming my iWatch was another story.  I misread instructions.  Downloading the Verizon program took hours.  I would get up to check every hour.  Finally at 0200 I said the Hell with it. 

For dinner tonight we had a cheese/meat pasta dish with broccoli.  It was good.

Tonight we watched another episode of New Tricks.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched episode 11 of Capitani.  I sure hope episode 12 is the last in this series.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  She was feeling better today.  House breaking Violet is still a work in progress.

We have been receiving some great photos from Missy.  Istanbul looks like an interesting city.

It was raining when checked outside at 2200.  Temperature will remain in 50s all night.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

March 22, 2021

 Monday March 22, 2021

Set alarm for 0630.  Nancy has a 0715 class at MVP.

I did all my morning calisthenics at home today.  Breakfast of oatmeal with banana.  The temperature was 42 when I left home this morning.  Blue sky and bright sun made the 7 mile ride to Panera pleasant.  

Panera was crowded this morning.  All the regulars are back.  It is now 1100 and the temperature is up to 58.  There is warmth in the sun.

This and that:

Spring must really be here.  I see a lot of runners in shorts and tees.  Walking is still the preferred exercise for the home bound.

Noted that a lot of parking lots are still empty.

Before coronavirus I would have a constant stream of school buses whiz by me on my weekday bike ride.  Today  I encountered no buses.  Sure hope school open full time soon.

AstraZeneca’s vaccine is approved.  The vaccine arsenal is getting bigger which is great.

March Madness is truly mad.  Oral Roberts and other low seeds are upsetting the brackets.  I overhear a lot of moaning.  UM plays tonight.

China’s mistreatment of their Uighur minority is a major problem for their foreign policy.  Most Democracies support a retaliation.

Good grief the kids in Miami Beach are sure winning no friends from us old folks.

Canadian Pacific RR is buying the Kansas City Southern RR.  This merger will create a major RR route between Mexico the US and Canada.  Good news.

At home I showered before having a light lunch.  After lunch Nancy and I drove to Breton Village.  Nancy visited Talbots and made several purchases.  I visited Orvis and Fitzgerald’s.  No purchases made.

On way home we made a quick stop at Meijer’s.  Well I thought it was a quick stop but we purchased $70+ of supplies.   Also filled the Escape.  Gas was about $2.70.

Talked with my sister, Helen, in Tucson this afternoon.  It was 68 in GR and 66 in Az.  Helen and Don are flying home to Gaylord on April 1.  The found a non-stop flight from AZ to Traverse City.

I spent time in office reading.  Got an email from our CPA asking several questions about our 2020 taxes.  I replied.

For dinner tonight we had our standard Cheerios with blueberries and pineapple.  

Watched the news and then switched to Acorn and watched episode 2 of Bloodlands.  It had several big surprises.

Missy has been sending us photos from Turkey.  Very interesting, especially photos of all the well feed feral cats.

Nancy headed to bed and I watched another episode of the cop show set in rural Germany, Capitani.

Noted a nearly full moon at 2200.  This month’s full moon will be called a worm moon.  In March with soil warming up worms will appear providing food for Robins.

The temperature was still in the 50s at 2200.  We will pay later.

Monday, March 22, 2021

March 21, 2021

 Weekend Update for March 21, 2021

Saturday March 20, 2021

Up this morning at 0700.  Quickly dressed and walked to Panera.  The sun was up with not a cloud in the sky.  Temperature was 26 but will warm up later to 58.

Today is the Astronomical first day of Spring.

The temperature had risen 10 degrees when we left Panera.

At home Nancy started the laundry.

I loaded winter bike on Escape’s bike rack.  Drove to Ada Bike to get winter tires changed.

On way home stopped at D&W to get coleslaw for dinner tonight.

Took an easy 7.5 mile bike ride.  Great day for a ride.

Shaved and showered before lunch.

Continue filling bird feeders.  After I empty my current bag of seed I will stop feeding.  This year we have had a great selection of pretty birds.

Spent time in afternoon reading and writing.  Finished the afternoon with a nap.

Dinner tonight was a bowl of Creamed corn with Crab soup.  Almost as good as Cheap Charlies.

Tonight we watched Call the Midwifes followed by New Tricks.

FaceTimed with Debbie this evening.  Her long haul coronavirus kicked in today.  She was very fatigued.  I sure hope this condition will pass.  

Missy and AJ are having a good time in Turkey.  The seven hour time difference makes communications difficult.

Sunday March 21, 2021

Up this morning with 0630 alarm.  Quickly dressed and drove to Panera for coffee and croissant.  Fixed oatmeal to go with coffee and croissant. 

We left for Trinity Lutheran at 0845 in bright sun.  Disappointed that only about 40 folks were at the 0915 service.  Looked like most in attendance were old folks who had their shots.

As soon as we got home we made a quick change of clothes.  This afternoon we are attending a Brunch at the Moleski’s.  It starts at 1200.  

In addition to the Scott and Moleski couple,  Mary Namey and Tim Mask were also in attendance.  Food included cheese/crackers, sausage, ribs, salad and cheesecake for dessert.  We also had wine.  A good time.

At home Nancy took a 3 mile walk and I took a 1.5 mile walk.  Once again Nancy wins.

After the big lunch we did not have a prepared dinner.  I did have a cup of yogurt and cookie to tide me over.

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes followed by another episode on New Tricks.  I stayed up and watched Capitani.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  She is feeling better today.  She is still working with Violet’s manners.  A work in progress.

We keep getting photos and messages from Missy and AJ in Turkey.  They are having a great time.

Checked front yard at 2200.  Crescent moon still very visible.  

Saturday, March 20, 2021

March 19, 2021

 Friday March 19, 2021

Blog time 1145 at Panera

We both slept in until 0700.  Nancy is going swimming today but will wait until 0900 so she can get a lane.  

Under Doctor’s orders I have reduced my sit-ups and leg raises so my morning calisthenics are easy.  No Y today because I can easily do the calisthenics at home.

Breakfast of oatmeal and banana.  It was 29 but sunny when I got on the bike.  Today, for the first time this year I took the Cascade Road route to Panera, 8 miles.

Things are getting back to normal because every seat was filled at Panera.  I lucked out because a couple was just getting ready to leave.  

This and that:

What to do about immigration?  I support controlled immigration.

March Madness underway.  

India has second wave of coronavirus.   

Welsh language is fighting for its life.  

Biden’s foreign policy problems, calling Putin a killer, Afghanistan US troop withdrawal vs advances of Taliban.  

Skim milk cleans stone floors in British Heritage homes.

China’s crime against Uighur children should be roundly criticized.  The free world should take a united stand.

Russia jamming UK jets GPS system in Med.  NATO should retaliate.

As home showered and then had lunch.

Spent afternoon reading.  Also figured out how to sell stock online.

We left home at 1700 for JT’s Pizza.  JT did not have a table available.  We drove to our favorite Mexican restaurant.  I had the tamale dinner and Nancy had two soft shell tacos.  We thought the food was not up to the usually high standard.  Disappointed!

Tonight we watched an Aussie Detective Movie.  The star was the actor who played Rake on Netflix.  We gave it a B-.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  She has been very busy with work and walking her new dog Violet.  We can’t wait to see Violet.

Alessandra called us this evening.  She was home alone.  Nancy asked Alessandra a lot of questions about her school.

We get quick messages from Missy and AJ on their trip to Turkey.

Bright crescent moon tonight when checked front yard at 2200.  Temps will get below freezing tonight but sun and warmup tomorrow.

Friday, March 19, 2021

March 18, 2021

 Thursday March 18, 2021

Blog time 1145 at Panera.

Up with the alarm at 0630.  Nancy has a 0715 class at MVP.  

I checked outside and it was raining and 33.  No bike today.

Did some calisthenics at home.  Breakfast and then took the Fusion to the Y.  

The Y was not busy.  I did some more calisthenics.  Got on the stationary bike and rode 4.5 miles or 20 minutes.  Finished with a 1/2 mile walk.  Showered and then headed to Panera.

At 1400 this afternoon I have an appointment to get my driver’ license renewed.  I have to appear in person because I am upgrading my license.  I need the upgrade to the new security license so I can get on planes.

Read today’s headlines and finished yesterday’s blog.  Weather, coronavirus and kids at the border dominates the news.  

At home had a quick lunch.  I arrived at the Sec of States early so I visited Dunham Sports next door.  Dunham is suppose to carry WigWam socks.  They had none.  I have been wearing WigWam’s rag wool socks for years and I need to replenish my stock.

I only had to wait several minutes before entering the Sec of States office.  I showed the clerk waiting on my Driver’s License and Passport.   I signed several papers and had my photo taken, paid my license fee and I was done.  Will get new license in the mail in a week.  

Also was able to get new plate tags for both the Escape and Fusion.  Truly one stop shopping.

On way home I stopped at Meijer’s.  Filled up the Fusion and picked up my MG pills from the Pharmacy.

Finished the afternoon with a short nap.  

For dinner Nancy fixed me a cod dinner she had purchased at Trader Joe’s.  Very tasty.  Also had corn, a salad and croissant.

We watched the news and then watched another episode of New Tricks on Prime.  Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  Everything ok.

Missy and AJ are in Turkey. Checked and Turkey is 7 hours ahead of us so it was too late for us to send a message.

A beautiful crescent moon when checked front yard at 2200.  The high winds had finally died done.  Below freezing tomorrow morning but sunny.  

Thursday, March 18, 2021

March 17, 2021

 Wednesday March 17, 2021

Blog time 1015 at Panera

Up at 0645.  It was 27 but the no sun until 0748.  Nancy is going swimming this morning and this afternoon will work at Gardens.

Today is my easy Wednesday.

Light calisthenics at home then biked to Panera for oatmeal and croissant.  Did my morning reading before heading home.  Today my bike route home was 4.25 miles.

At home showered and had quick lunch.  On my way to my 1300 Doctor’s appointment I stopped at Lighting Center.  Purchased a new 3 way bulb for an office light.  The big box stores do not carry this bulb.

Today is St Patrick’s Day.  It is also the birthday of GGF Sanborn.  GGF Sanborn was 82 today in 1938.  I use GGF’s diary as a data source when writing this blog.

St Patrick’s Day 1956.  I was a senior in high school.  A class mate invited several friend to a ST Pat’s party.  We had green beer, and green baloney on green bread.  I emailed several attendees if they remembered.  They all replied saying Great Party but we were so young.

At my 1300 appointment with my GP I explained my problem. It is that my left hip hurts after walking or standing for a long time.  Following standard GP procedures he twisted and pulled my leg and determined my problem needs a specialist.  He will set me up with a Joint Dr.

I had a hernia operation last November.  Recently I have some pain near the operation site, especially after doing sit-ups and leg raises.  Doc says take it easy for several weeks.

At home I did a load of laundry.  Also took out the trash and recyclables.  Finished the afternoon with a nap.

Nancy said the Gardens were busy this afternoon. The Butterflies are in full bloom.

We had our standard Wednesday dinner followed by the news.  After we watched an episode of Queen’s Gambit.  

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  Her new dog, Violet, is keeping her busy.

At 2100 we FaceTimed Missy and AJ.  They were going through security at LAX.  Their flight to Istanbul leaves at 2200 EDT.  We wished them well on their exciting journey.

Light rain when checked outside at 2200.  Rain most of the night.  Very high winds tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

March 16, 2021

 Tuesday March 16, 2021

Blog time 1530 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0645.  Nancy is meeting with friends, 0830, at Woodland Mall for a walk and coffee.

I checked outside and although it was cold, 29, but no snow.  The weather folks got it wrong.  

No Y today, instead I did all my calisthenics at home.  Breakfast and then bundled up and took a 7 mile route to Panera.  Luckily no wind so the ride was comfortable.

Panera was empty.  I bought coffee and baguette to drink/eat while reading the papers.  Not much news I want to comment on.  

At 1130 I pedaled home.  Total bike miles today, 10.84.  Shaved and showered as soon as I got home.  

Lunch today was yogurt with Fiber One cereal added.  Ensure protein drink and a piece of sourdough toast with peanut butter. Finished lunch with an oatmeal cookie. Headed downstairs and finished reading all news except the WSJ.

Checked my Great Grandfather Sanborn’s 1938 diary and he made no mention of the start of the smelt run.

Spent the afternoon clearing my inbasket.  I wrote several checks to charities.  Usually I make the contributions in the last quarter of the year.  However, I had the time and funds so I donated early.  Before dinner I walked to the post box.  

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a chicken breast with dressing.  Also had broccoli and coleslaw.  Good meal.

Tonight after the news we watched an episode of New Tricks.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed and watched Capitani.

It was below freezing when checked the front yard at 2200.  Tomorrow morning will be sunny but cold.

FaceTimed with Missy this evening.  She is very busy getting things squared away before her trip to Turkey.  She leaves on St Patrick’s Day.

I was in bed when my phone dinged with several messages from Veronica.  LB Poly won their first soccer game.  Grandson Lucas played 60 minutes.  Good news.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

March 15, 2021

 Monday March 15, 2021

Blog time 1050 at Panera

Set the alarm before bed at 0630.  Nancy has a 0715 class at MVP.

This morning I did all my calisthenics at home.  No Y today. Breakfast and then I started on today’s project, getting the Escape fixed.

As I wrote in an earlier blog our Escape appears to have an electronic failure.  Our super duper electronic key and engine starter does not work.  We cannot get in the car.  Punched in the numerical code on the door and still the door would not open.

Called the emergency road assistance number provided by Frankenmuth Insurance.  The tow truck arrived within 30 minutes.

I explained to the tow truck driver that I could not unlock the car.  He took my super duper electronic key and found the compartment where a key is hidden.  I was embarrassed.  Maybe I should have read the manual.

Once the car was unlocked the gear shift could not be moved out of Park because no power.  The Truck Driver used his battery pack to give the car a quick charge.  He then put the car in neutral and loaded it on his tow truck.  

I rode with the tow truck to Fox Ford.  Explained my problem with the mechanic.  The car should be ready tomorrow.

Called Nancy and she picked me up and drove me to Panera. Got my morning coffee with a baguette and settled down for some reading.  I will walk home after my coffee.

This and that:

Today is the Ides of March.  Most of remember the phrase from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.   On this date in 44 BC Julius Caesar was assassinated.

Several news outlets have reported that several States have many unreported COVID deaths

Pope says priests cannot bless same sex marriage.  I haven’t heard Woke comments yet.

Good grief two feet of snow in Denver.

Bloodlines on Acorn starts tonight.  It has been given a lot of positive press.  We will watch.

It was cold and windy on my walk home from Panera.  

Got a call from Fox Ford saying the only problem that they could find with the Escape was a dead battery.  They will install a new one and we can pick up after 1600.

Quick shower before lunch.  After lunch spent time reading.  Short nap and at 1600 Nancy drove me to Fox Ford.  I picked up the car.  Everything works fine.

For dinner tonight we had strawberries with Cheerios.  I also had sour dough toast.  For dessert had a small cupcake.

Watched the news before switching to Acorn and watching Bloodlines.  I like the show. It is set in Belfast, Ireland. It is a detective show set in current times.  A recent murder was a copycat of an unsolved 1998 murder.  1998 in Northern Ireland was a troubling time with the IRA fighting the Protestant establishment.  A new episode every Monday so stay tuned.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We gave positive reports.

Winter storm advisory was up when checked front yard at 2200. All I noted were several snow flakes.

Monday, March 15, 2021

March 14, 2021

 Sunday March 14, 2021

Blog time 1400 sitting in living room

Daylight Savings Time starts today so I set the alarm before heading to bed.  Up at 0630, dressed and headed to Panera for coffee and bagel.  At home I fixed oatmeal breakfast to go with my bagel and coffee.

Today for the first time in a year we headed to Trinity Lutheran for in person service.  The Church was nearly empty.  Nancy noted that a vast majority of members were seniors.  She concluded that the seniors had received their shots.

Communion today consisted of a wafer, no wine.  It will be awhile before wine and bread are offered.

On way home we stopped at Meijer’s.  We were only going to buy some fruit but before we were done are basket was full.

I took a 2 mile walk before lunch.  Nancy started her walk after me.  She walked 3 miles.  Nancy wins.

Quick lunch and then finished reading Sunday’s print edition of GRP.  Finished afternoon with a nap.

1630 we drove to Kathi Kothe’s for a St Patrick’s dinner of corn beef, cabbage, Irish Soda bread and potatoes.  For dessert Kathi had a special Irish cake with frosting.  Mary Namey and Cindy Mather were also in attendance.  

The food was good but the after dinner conversation was better.  We got home at 2030.

No TV tonight.  We headed to bed as soon as we got home.

Cold when checked the front yard this evening.  

Sunday, March 14, 2021

March 13, 20221

 Saturday March 13, 2021

Blog time 1700 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0700.  The temperature was 22.  The sunrise today at 0654.  It will be an hour later tomorrow.  Bummer! I hate DST.

Nancy and I bundled up and walked the mile to Panera.  Many of the old Saturday morning crowd were back.

As soon as we got home Nancy started the laundry.  I drove to Meijer’s to purchase a bottle of Irish Whiskey.  We will take the bottle to Kathi Kothe.  Kathi is having a St Patrick’s Day dinner on Sunday.

Today is the 13th so every 13th day of the month I buy a Power Ball and Mega Millions lottery ticket.  Since I won a Jeep in 1956 on ticket #13 I always buy lottery tickets on the 13th.

Today I took a a 7 1/4 mile bike ride followed by a quick lunch.  After lunch I shaved face and head before showering.

Spent most of the afternoon reading.  At 1700 Nancy and I headed out to Sundance Grill.  

We were going to take the Escape.  However, we could not get in.  The Escape’s electrical system had just gone dead.  We were provided no key so we could not manually get in the car.  I looked online and electrical failures on Escapes are not uncommon.  Monday I will have to call Ford.

We drove the Fusion to Sundance Grill.  Nancy had egg rolls and I had a juicy burger.  Of course we had a drink before dinner.

No news tonight, instead we watched an episode of New Tricks.  Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok.

Moved our clocks ahead before heading to bed. 

It was cold when checked the front yard at 2200.  Temperature will drop below freezing this evening.  Cold tomorrow morning but will warm up to mid 40s with sun later.  A typical late March day.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

March 12, 2021

Friday March 12, 2021

Blog time 1220 at Panera:

Nancy has a busy day today.  Set the alarm for 0630.  Checked outside and it was 31 degrees with bright sun expected later.

Nancy headed out at 0700 for her 0715 class at MVP.  I had breakfast and then biked to Y in bright sun. 

At Y did calisthenics, sans chin-ups, and took a short walk.  No shower at Y today.  Jumped on bike and rode straight home.  

Showered, dressed and opened a bottle of red wine for Nancy’s book club.  She has everything under control.

Drove to Panera for coffee and a chance to read papers.  It is now 1230 and I will stop writing.  I will drive to Cabella’s to look around.  

Cabella’s was crowded.  Walked all the aisles and found many interesting items but did not purchase anything.  Got home at 1430 and all the Book Club members had left.

Nancy said her meal went over fine.  The discussion on the book was interesting.

Lunch and then spent time in office reading and writing.

For dinner I drove to Culver’s and bought a cod sandwich.  Culver’s cod sandwich is great.

This evening we watched a movie “Revenge”.  It was a Chuck Norris martial arts movie only with a female lead.  It was a good Friday night movie. 

Debbie and Missy FaceTime tonight.  We said everything ok in GR.

The temperature had dropped to below freezing when checked front yard at 2200.  22 predicted for 0700 but with sun the temp will jump to 50s tomorrow afternoon.

Friday, March 12, 2021

March 11, 2021

 Thursday March 11, 2021

Blog time 1200 at Panera

Up this morning at 0700.  Checked outside and it was 57.  Moisture on walks but does not look like rain.  I will take bike today.

For the first time in a year Nancy is going for a swim at MVP.  She left at 0730 and hoped to get a lane.

The pulled muscle in my shoulder prevents me doing chin-ups, so  no calisthenics at home.  Breakfast and then biked to Y.  Wind speeds near 20 mph made biking west difficult.  However, it was great going east.

The Y was crowded.  I did my calisthenics, sans chin-ups, and a 0.6 mile walk.  Showered and then headed to Panera.

Ordered coffee and baguette before settling down to read and write blogs.  I must be in a rut because lately I have found little of interest in the papers.  

However, I do like reading about issues in other countries.  It gives me a perspective of how the USA is doing.  We get so much negative news it is nice to read that compared to other countries we are doing ok.

Nancy is having her Book Club meet at our house on Friday.  As soon as I got home we headed to Costco.  Nancy wanted to buy a prepared light lunch to serve.  Her first choice was Pin Wheel sandwiches but Costco did not prepare any today.  Nancy’s second choice was Quiche.   She purchased enough for Friday’s lunch.  

Because of the Coronavirus only four members will attend vs six normally.  Tomorrow’s lunch will include quiche, wine, a veggie tray and cookies for dessert.

After Costco we headed to Meijer’s.  Nancy bought fruit and I bought yogurt and Ensure.

Late lunch and then retired to my office.  Finished reading papers and cleaning out my in basket. 

 My old firm has generously included Bob and Nancy’s cell phones in their plan.  LSE/SCECO is switch cell phone service to Verizon.  I talked to the Verizon rep to see if our iPhones are compatible.  I think I will buy new iPhones.  Both of our phones have either age or capacity problems.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed pea soup.  This soup is from the Onion Crock.  Onion Crock was a very popular restaurant that unfortunately went out of business.  Fortunately they continued making their great soups for sale in markets.  In addition we had apple sauce, Irish Soda bread and coleslaw.

Tonight we continued watching New Tricks on Prime.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched another episode of Capitani.

The temperature was in the 30s when checked the front yard at 2200.  Morning temp will be below freezing but with sun.

Melissa FaceTimed us this evening.  She is busy getting ready for her Turkey trip.


Thursday, March 11, 2021

March 10, 2021

 Wednesday March 10, 2021

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Got up with 0600 alarm.  Nancy also got up because today she has a 0715 fitness class at MVP.  First time back to MVP for Nancy in nearly a year.

Today Breakfast Club’s program chair overbook.  We had a talk by the new Superintendent of the GRPS followed by the Federal Attorney for West Michigan.  Both explained their mission.  Good program.

After BC I got on bike and ran errands.  First stop was Macatawa Bank.  Got money for Kim who cleans tomorrow.  Next I stopped and mailed a letter to Missy using tracking.  Final stop was Panera.

It is now 1130 and the temperature has risen to 58.  Our recent warm spell will end soon.

This and that:

It is maple syrup time in Michigan.  

Spring time means the smelt will soon be running.  Smelt are a tasty small fish.  They are caught using a net.  Smelt most of the year live in the big lake but in spring they run up small creeks and streams of northern Mi.  Nothing better than smelt with a cold beer. 

Noted groups of old folks now meeting at Panera.  They must their have shots.

Got home from Panera at 1200.  Immediately got in Fusion and ran errands.  Picked up pants from Mr Thanh.  Drove to Woodland Mall. I wanted to browse the Apple Store but they still have security firm guarding the door.  I did not need this hassle. Checked out J. Crew but bought nothing.

At home I had a late lunch.  Today being Wednesday I took out trash and did a load of laundry.  Found time for a nap.

This evening for dinner I had Cheerios, apple sauce and Irish Soda bread.

Tonight after the news we watched an episode of Whitechapel.  It was dark and gruesome.  Will delete Whitechapel from our viewing list.  

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched Capitani.

The temperature was still in 50s when checked front yard at 2200.  Rain predicted for tonight.

Missy FaceTimed tonight.  She was taking AJ to get shoes.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

March 9, 2021

 Tuesday March 9, 2021

Blog time 1215 at Panera

Up at 0700.  It was 36 outside but will get up to 60 later.  

Nancy is meeting friends at Woodland Mall for a walk this morning.  They usually walk 2+ miles and then have coffee at Starbucks in the Mall.

I do my at home calisthenics before breakfast.  Today I dressed much lighter than yesterday.  My morning route to Y is 6 miles and I did not get overheated.  Perfect choice of clothes.

I did my normal calisthenics at Y.  My last exercise is a set of eight chin-ups.  After 7 my shoulder popped.  I pulled a shoulder muscle.  Looks like no push-ups or chin-ups until the muscle heals.

No shower at the Y today.  I dressed and biked to Panera.  Ordered coffee and a baguette.  Read Alpena News, checked emails and finished blog.

It is great to see the migratory birds back.  The pond near our condo is now ice free.  Yesterday it was loaded with geese and ducks.

Showered and shaved as soon as I got home.  Lunch and then headed downstairs to office.

This afternoon I wrote my monthly note to Grandkids.

Also put all our popular TV stations on a spreadsheet.  The numbers of our favorite stations has changed since we switched to Comcast.  We needed a quick reference guide until we can memorize station numbers.  Comcast does have neat voice system.  Just say the station you want into the mike and it will pop up.

Finally I used the LL Bean card I got for Christmas.  I ordered several items of clothing.

Finished the afternoon with a short walk to mail box.  Mailed the Grandkids monthly note.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed lasagna.  We also had coleslaw, Irish Soda bread and sugar free apple sauce.

After the news we watched New Tricks on Prime.  Nancy headed to bed.  I stayed up and watched Capitani on Netflix.

It was still in the 40s when checked the front yard at 2200.  Tomorrow will be another 60 degree day.

FaceTimed with Debbie and Missy this evening.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

March 8, 2021

 Monday March 8, 2021

Blog time noon at Panera

Slept in this morning until 0700.  Yesterday it was 12 at 0700 today it was 36.  What a change.

Light calisthenics at home before breakfast.  This morning Nancy has an appointment with her foot doctor.  She will postpone her morning walk until later.

It is tough to know how to dress for my bike ride.  I chose my normal winter outfit.  Big Mistake!  I was drenching in sweat when I arrived at Y.

The Y has one popular exercise class.  It usually has about 30 folks in attendance.  They have no other classes, not even the very popular spin classes. 

The Y is a long way from normal.  No drinking fountains, no towels for showers and  strict enforcement of the six foot separation rule.

I did my calisthenics and a short walk.  Showered before heading to Panera. I used my own towel.  Last week I bought two micro fiber towels that are fast drying and ideal for gyms.  Jury still out.

Panera was not crowded.  The old regulars are not coming back.

Sure sign of Spring.  The first cement boat of the season left Alpena for Detroit. 

In the winter of 56 I played in a men’s hockey league.  All the teams were sponsored by Mi beers, Goebels, Strohs, Pfeiffer, Frankenmuth, etc.  We played Tuesday and Thursday evenings.  A lot of the players were men laid off from working on the boats or construction.  One evening in March we noted that a lot of teams were short handed.  The seamen were called back to work.  The boat named Crapo had just left the Alpena Cement plant for Chicago.  Tommy Collins and I were very happy.  We got to fill in.  It was great playing two games a night.

This and that:

Enough already of all the Megan and Harry news.  Who cares about a couple of immature whiners.

President Biden will release his Gender Policy soon.  Pity the young White men who are accused of being the enemy.

CDC say small groups of folks who have been vaccinated do not need mask when getting together.

Our Democrat Governor and the GOP legislature are always fighting.  At times it gets nasty.  Governor Whitmer should take a lesson from former GOP Gov Milliken who also had to deal with a legislature controlled by another party.  Gov Milliken always a gentlemen was willing to compromise and was able to achieve many of his goals.  Killing them with kindness is not a bad policy.  Dictatorial attitudes never win.

As soon as I got home from Panera I took another shower.  Lunch and then headed down to office for blog writing and reading. 

This afternoon I made a quick trip to Meijer’s.  Bought yogurt and sugar free cookies.  Filled the Fusion up.  Gas was $3.00 per gallon. 

Nancy’s foot Doctor recommended she wear an apparatus to control her foot from flopping.  Nancy was not keen on the idea. 

The Doctor also looked at her bruised toenail.  He recommended using a salve on the toe.

For dinner tonight I had a bowl of Cheerios with strawberries.  Also several pieces of Irish Soda bread.  I love this bread.  Maybe I like it because it is loaded with sugar.

Watched some news before switching to Prime.  Watched another episode of New Tricks. Nancy headed to bed and I watched a 30 minute crime show set in southern Rural Germany.

Today we FaceTimed with AJ, Missy and Debbie. 

Temperature was still in 40s when checked front yard at 2200.  Tomorrow the temperature will reach 60.


Monday, March 8, 2021

March 7, 2021

 Sunday March 7, 2021

Blog time 1400 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0700.  It was cold, 12, but sunny.

 Nancy did not feel like attending in person church this morning.  Her stomach is still sour.

I drove to Panera and got me a coffee and bagel which I then had with the oatmeal I prepared this morning.  My microwaved oatmeal is better than Panera’s oatmeal.

Our YouTube connection for this mornings Trinity Lutheran’s streaming service was spotty.  We did get to see the Homily without interruption.

This morning we took another drive through rural Michigan.  We visited Allegan, Otsego, Plainwell, Martin, Moline, Cutlerville and several small farming communities.  Very pleasant drive.

Noted today that the Robins are back.  Also now that the snow is gone the Geese are returning to the grassy areas.

Quick lunch and then I decided to do a load of laundry.  I had several large items that needed special treatment.

Spent time in office finishing blog and reading the Detroit News. The News is now my go to paper for Michigan news.  Today’s GRP did not even have high school basketball scores from Friday.  The GRP is a disgrace.

Being Sunday I reserved time for an afternoon nap.  After the nap I took a 2 mile walk, my only exercise for the day.

China, Iran and Russia seem to be testing President Biden’s mettle.  I sure hope he responds.

Good Grief the Woke folks are attacking Elmer Fudd for hunting animals.  Dr Seuss, Huck Finn and now Elmer Fudd.  

It being Sunday night I had Nancy’s world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  Also sausage and Irish Soda bread.

Today MSU defeated UM in BB.  I am sure the MSU folks will let me know tomorrow.  I did not watch the game.

As mentioned yesterday Debbie has a new dog.  It is a Collie/Shepard mix.  She had Alessandra pick a name.  The dog’s name is now Violet.  Being a shelter dog it did not get much exercise.  Violet is exhausted after a 30 minute walk.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She is still having considerable foot pain.  Touching the toe causes extreme pain.  We are praying for her.  She and AJ leave for Turkey on St Pat’s Day.

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes.  Later we watched an episode of New Tricks on Prime.  Great show.

It was 36 when checked the front yard at 2200.  Tomorrow the temperature will reach mid 50s.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

March 6, 2021

Saturday March 6, 2021

Blog time 1900 sitting in living room

Up at 0645, it was a cold 22.  We dressed and walked to Panera.  First time in almost a year.  I had coffee, oatmeal and a bagel, Nancy had coffee.  We saw some of the old customers who had been absent during the shut down.  Like us they have had their shots and now feel safe going out.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I got in the Fusion and drove to Ford dealer for an oil change.  I had to wait about 90 minutes.  The dealer has internet so I got some reading done.

After getting the car serviced I drove to D&W.  Bought coleslaw, and ginger ale which was on sale.

At home had a quick lunch.  Then got on bike and took a short 6 mile ride around the neighborhood.  It was a great day for a ride, sun and 40.  I did not see any other bike riders. 

Showered and shaved before taking a short nap.  Short naps are good.

An article in this morning’s Alpena News struck my eye.  Citizens living in rural NE Michigan are advised to take their bird feeders down.  Black Bears are coming out of hibernation and need food immediately.  Bird food has the necessary nutrients Bears need.  A word to the wise.

In my youth there were no leash laws for dogs.  In the spring dogs would run in packs.  A favorite sport for the pack was chasing deer out onto semi frozen ponds.  Oftentimes the deer would break through the ice.  The dogs would kill the struggling deer.  It was blood sport for dogs.  Thank God we now have leash laws.

Speaking of critters Debbie FaceTimed us today.  She had just purchased a shelter dog.  The dog is a German Shepard mix.  Debbie said her top weight will be 30#.  Debbie now has the chore of housebreaking her.  Good luck.  I think this was a great purchase for Debbie.

Nancy got some food poisoning from last night’s dinner at Bonefish Grill.  Eating now is not high on her priority list.  

For dinner I had a bowl of French Onion soup.  Also coleslaw and sourdough toast.

Tonight we started watching Coming to America 2.  It was terrible.  Stop viewing about 20 minutes into the show.  We did watch an episode of Law and Order UK.  It was ok.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She is still struggling with pain from her damaged toe.  Nancy and I are praying for a short recovery.

We also talked this evening with Veronica.  She happily reported that Steve got his first Covid shot.  

It was cold and clear when checked the front yard at 2200.  Temperature will drop to near 10 this evening. 

Saturday, March 6, 2021

March 5, 2021

 Friday March 5, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Up this morning at 0645.  It was a cold, 20, with wind chill in low teens.  However, it will warm up to 42 later today.  I will delay my bike ride until later.

I did all my calisthenics at home today.  No Y today.  Nancy headed out on her 3 mile walk. 

Oatmeal breakfast and then spent time filling bird feeders.  We have a lot of pretty birds visiting the feeders.  I keep promising to download a bird book so I can identify the different species.

 Today I will stop feeding the deer.  Most of the snow is gone so the deer should be able to find food.  

At 0930 I pumped up my bike tires and took the short route to Panera, 2.7 miles.  Ordered coffee and baguette and started my morning reading routine.

Today in Michigan restaurants can double their seating from 25% to 50%.  Did not notice any change at Panera.

This and that:

President Biden’s Covid stimulus package is almost through the Senate with minor changes. It is over a trillion dollars.  That’s nine zeros folks.

Medical folks are still studying long term effects of coronavirus.

President Biden has a major immigration problem to solve.

After Panera I took a 6.5 mile route home.  20 degrees at 0800 but when I left Panera at 1130 the temp was 40.  Pleasant temp for a ride.

Shower and then at 1300 a quick lunch.  Spent more time this afternoon in office reading.

1715 we drove to Bonefish Grill.  We met Mary Namey and Kathi Kothe at the restaurant.  Bonefish was crowded.  We had leisurely drinks before ordering.  Mary and I had the tuna, Kathi had salmon and Nancy ordered a chicken dish.  A very pleasant evening.  This was the first time Mary had been out to a restaurant in nearly a year. 

At home we watched an episode of New Tricks before turning in.  Checked the front yard at 2200.  It was below freezing and clear.  

We FaceTimed Missy this evening.  She has been having problems with her toe, the one that was run over.  Ended up at emergency where they removed the toenail and then reattached it.  Missy was in considerable pain.  She is one tough cookie. 

Friday, March 5, 2021

March 4, 2021

 Thursday March 4, 2021

Blog time 1030 sitting in living room.

Up this morning at 0700.  Checked the temperature and it was 25.  Sunrise today at 0709.  Most of the day will be sunny.

I did all my calisthenics at home today.  We are changing internet provider today and expect the Comcast folks to arrive at 1000.

After calisthenics I shaved and showered and then drove to Panera to get coffee and a bagel.  At home I fixed oatmeal/banana to go with the coffee and bagel.

Nancy took a three mile walk this morning.  We are now sitting in the living room waiting for Comcast.

March 4.  Today is my mother’s birthday.  Margaret Louise Hughes was born this day in 1907 in Alpena, so today would be Mom’s 114 birthday.

The one birthday of Mother’s that I remember was in 1943 or 44.  Dad was working for the US Army in Chicago.  He sent Mom a big birthday present.  It was wrapped in the Sunday Chicago papers.  I can’t remember the gift but I took great pleasure in looking at the Sunday comics.  Oh the things I remember.

The Comcast man arrived at 1100.  He appeared to be a rookie by his early actions.  I called our computer guru, Ken Lotterman, and asked him to help getting the systems installed.  

We are getting what is called a Triple Play.  New landline phone, new internet and new TV service.  

We can keep our existing phone number.  Nancy can keep her email address but if she has trouble ATT will not service it.  Nancy will gradually transition to a new gmail address.  

It took 4 hours to get the new system installed.  My first impression was how fast it was.  Downloading my favorite apps was super fast.  The new systems has no dead spots.  Under the old systems we could not get internet in the master bedroom.

We did not have time for lunch today.  We spent a lot of time on our feet and going up and down stairs.  No walk or bike ride today.

For dinner tonight I had my normal lunch of yogurt and toast with peanut butter.  We watched the news for the first time a year in the den.  After we watched an episode of New Tricks on Prime.

Usually before bed I take several MG pills and two Motrin.  My hip was really hurting probably from so much standing.  I took two more Motrin about 0200.

It was cold when checked front yard at 2200.  


Thursday, March 4, 2021

March 3, 2021

 Wednesday March 3, 2021

Blog time 1030 at Panera

Up this morning at 0700.  Today is my easy Wednesday.  I did my calisthenics, 50%, at home this morning.  

Nancy this morning got a coffee at Panera and then drove to Sugar Momma’s to get a sweet roll.  This afternoon at the Gardens she will give the roll to a Garden employee who celebrates her birthday.  She is 80.  

Being my easy Wednesday I had an oatmeal breakfast at Panera.  After breakfast and some reading I will drive to Meijer’s to get some supplies.  I think I am getting stale because I found nothing in the morning news that interested me.

At Meijer’s I picked up my nose spry prescription and purchased some supplies, wine, yogurt, fiber powder, loaf of sourdough bread and mini naans.

At home I started my Wednesday chores.  Laundry, trash and recyclables, filled up bird feeders and of course took a nap.

1600 I put out corn for deer.  With the Spring warmup I wonder when I should stop putting corn out.  Big problem us old guys worry about.

For dinner I had my normal Cheerios with sourdough toast.  

After watching the news we watched another episode of New Tricks.  This is my favorite show by far.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  I think she is in the same rut Nancy and I are in.  It is called Cabin Fever.

It was very dark and cold when checked front yard at 2200.  Temp will drop to mid 20s tonight. 

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

March 2, 2021

 Tuesday March 2, 2021

Blog time 1040 at Panera

Boy! I slept in until 0730.  No Y today because I have a 1100 meeting with tax accountant.  I did all my calisthenics at home.

It was 15 this morning so too cold for a walk.  Nancy headed to Woodland Mall for her walk.  It should warm up to 40 by noon.

After calisthenics I shaved and showered.  Drove to Panera for coffee and bagel.  Started my morning reading and finished yesterday’s blog.  

President Biden keeps blowing his horn on progress made in the fight against coronavirus.  I really don’t think his administration had that much impact.  The momentum had been established and once started it just keeps rolling along.

Will the Dems get their trillion+ stimulus package approved?  Giant overkill!

Good grief the Woke crowd is attacking some USA classics such as “Grapes of Wrath”, “Tom Sawyer”, “Huck Finn” and now some of Dr Seuss’s early books.  These books were written in different time periods and reflect the period.  They should be used as a training guide.

After Panera I stopped at our Tax accountants office.  Met with the CPA who will be handling this year’s taxes.  Productive meeting.

At home I got on bike and took an 8.5 mile ride.  Great day for a ride.

Lunch and then headed down to office.  Cleaned up my in basket.

I did make a trip to our bank to get tax document out of lock box.  The document was needed by Accountant.  Later I walked the document over to his office, 0.25 miles.

This evening we had leftovers for dinner.  Leftovers are good.

After the news we watched an episode of The Queens Gambit.  

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.

It was clear and starting to get cold when checked the front yard at 2200.  

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

March 1, 2021

Monday March 1, 2021

Slept in until 0700.  The temperature was in low 20s with the sun just coming up.  Today the temperature will remain in the 20s.  

Nancy is meeting friends at Woodland Mall for a walk.  After the walk they always have coffee at Starbucks.  Nancy enjoys these get togethers.

I did my chin-ups and pull-ups before breakfast.  Oatmeal with banana was on today’s breakfast menu.

Today I decided to take my winter bike to the Y.  Put on heavy bike clothes and headed out.  The wind was brisk so wind chills were in teens.  I dressed properly.  Did not get cold.  Took a 4.5 mile route to Y.  

The Y was full this morning.  I did calisthenics and a short walk. Showered and then headed to Panera.

Unlike the Y, Panera was empty.  I ordered coffee and a baguette.  Followed my normal morning reading routine.

Found an interesting Nat Geographic article this morning.

In 1865 Union General Sherman confiscated 400,000 acres of Confederate farm land.  The land was to be distributed to former slaves.  Within 6 months black families got 40 acres.  Thus the phrase “40 acres and a mule”.  After President Lincoln was assassinated President Johnson reneged on the deal.  Another promise broken.

Ex President Trump gave his first talk yesterday at CPAC meeting.  Of course he said the election was stolen.  He promised he will defeat all GOP legislators who voted to impeach him.  Why does the GOP put up with this spiteful bully.  He should be expelled from the party.

Wind at my back so the bike ride home was pleasant.  First bike ride in weeks.  No sore muscles, in fact I think a bike ride is easier on my hips than walking.

Today I had my standard lunch.  After lunch I headed down to office.  The first thing I always do when enter office is to turn on my electric fireplace.  It warms up the office quickly.

I gathered my tax data and called Accountant.  I will meet with him tomorrow at 1100.

No nap today.  I finished the afternoon with a walk to the mailbox.

Before dinner Nancy FaceTimed AJ. AJ had just finished school so Nancy questioned her on lessons learned.  Nancy enjoys these visits with her granddaughters,  AJ and Alessandra.

It is Monday so we had our Cheerio dinner.  Watched some news before retiring to the den.  Tonight we watched an episode of New Tricks.  

This evening both Debbie and Melissa FaceTimed us.  We gave a positive report.

It was clear and cold when checked front yard at 2200.  Temperature will drop to teens this evening.