Sunday, February 28, 2021

February 27, 2021

 Saturday February 27, 2021

Blog time 1600

Up this morning at 0700.  Noted a thin layer of snow, 1/4” had fallen over night.  Temperature in low 30s.  Nancy noted about 0400 four deer in the back yard eating our corn.

Quickly dressed and headed to Panera for coffee and a croissant.

Breakfast of oatmeal/banana with croissant and coffee.  Today we are driving to Lake Odessa.  The town’s Antique Stores are having their Cabin Fever sale.  The sale is always the last weekend in Feb.  We have attended for the last 5 years.

It is about a 45 minute drive to Lake Odessa.  We spent two hours looking around.  For first time we did not purchase any item.  In recent years I purchased a Red Ryder BB gun, several pieces of furniture and Highway Maps of Mi before the freeways.

We took the scenic M50 route home.  The new snow made the quiet rural area attractive.

Lunch and then made a quick trip to Meijer’s for gas, $3.00 per gallon.  Stopped at Panera to purchase Nancy her  coffee for tomorrow.

Spent the afternoon in the office.   I printed out our last tax statement from Fidelity.  Monday I will take our data to local CPA located just west of our Condo on Tahoe.  It is an easy walk.

Completed yesterday’s blog, read emails and read online papers.  

Paid my Dermatologist bill and walked to mail box to post it.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me a couple of hot dogs.  Also coleslaw and Irish soda break.

Tonight we watched a movie on Prime.  It was a Tom Clancy film, “Clear and Present Danger”.  We both liked it.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

Temperature was above freezing when checked at 2200. Mild tonight with rain tomorrow.

Saturday, February 27, 2021

February 26, 2021

 Friday February 26, 2021

Blog time 1220 at Panera

Up this morning at 0700.  Checked outside.  It was sunny and 22.  Today I decided to walk to Y.

Nancy will go walking at 0900.  She will also walk outside.  We have to be careful walking outside because of hard to see icy patches.  Yesterday Nancy took a tumble.

After at home calisthenics and breakfast I bundled up and walked to Y.  The walks were for the most part clear.  It is 1.75 miles from condo to Y.

The Y was crowded this morning.  I had trouble finding a chin-up bar.  Calisthenics and a short walk before walking to Panera.

As always this morning I read the Alpena News.  I was surprised to see a front page story on Gymnastics coach John Geddert.  Coach Geddert was involved with Larry Nasser in USA Gymnastics.  He was recently charged with several crimes involving women gymnasts.  He committed suicide several days ago.

Geddert was a graduate of my high school.  He graduated in 1976.  I graduated in 1956.  Geddert was a member of the Alpena Sports Hall of Fame and was given a key to the City.

Pleasant walk home from the Y.  It helps to have wind at back.  Today’s walking miles = 4.75.

Quick lunch and then headed out on some errands.  First stop was car wash followed by a fill up.  Gas was $3.00+ today.

Final stop was Chow Hound.  Today I bought a 18# bag of No Waste bird seed.  This winter I have been using the no waste seed.  This seed has been finely ground up and the outer shell of sunflower seeds and other seeds has been removed.  Small birds love this seed.

I have also been using a seed that has peanuts, sunflowers, and other seed and fruit.  The squirrels love this mixture as do large birds like Cardinals, Blue Jays and Woodpeckers.  The major down side to the seed is the amount of waste.  Our deck is loaded with the shell of sunflowers.  I am discontinuing and will use exclusively the no waste seed.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I drove to Brann’s.  We got there are 1730 and got the last table.  

I had a glass of wine and Nancy a frozen margarita.  We enjoyed our drinks before ordering.  Nancy had a burger and I had a bowl of white chicken chili.  The meal was not up to Brann’s usual high standard.

At home I got a call from my computer guy.  He is helping me get Comcast installed and our Apple TV reconnected.

After I gave him our requirements he placed the order.  Comcast will come next Thursday to make the installation.

After the news we watched an episode of New Tricks.  

This evening we had FaceTime conversations with Granddaughter Alessandra and Debbie and Missy.  Talking to family is always good.

Checked our front yard at 2200.  We had a beautiful full moon.  Snow expected tonight.

Friday, February 26, 2021

February 25, 2021

 Thursday February 25, 2021

Blog time 1700 sitting in office.

Slept in until 0700 this morning.  Did some chin-ups before breakfast.  The temperature was 19, wind chill in single digits.  Even with sunshine I decided to drive to the Y.

Nancy is heading out at 0900 for her morning walk.  Today she will walk outside.  She is braver than I am.

At the Y I did my calisthenics, rode the stationary bike for 20 minutes or 4.4 miles and walked a mile.  Showered before heading to Panera.

Panera is having trouble getting their regular customer base back.  One problem is the difficulty getting a seat with only 25% capacity.  Most of the available seats are taken up by employees taking their morning break.  Good news possible.  Our Gov might make some adjustment to the COVID-19 rules this week including raising restaurants 25% capacity limit.

This and that:

It looks like the Gulf Stream, that impacts the weather in Europe, is undergoing major changes due to climate change.  Bottom line Europe’s mild winters will start getting colder.

On today’s Opinion Section of the Alpena News was an op-ed titled “It’s a Racist Plan not a Rescue Plan”.  

Seems the Feds plan to forgive farm owner’s debt worth hundred thousands of dollars.  White Male farmer need not apply.

Restaurant Owners will be given grants up to $5 mil.  White male owners will be placed at the back of the line.

Are these grants racist?

Our ex Governor Granholm has been confirmed as new Energy Secretary.

Our ATT internet service is very weak.  This afternoon I ordered Comcast.

Got home from Panera at 1115.  Kim was still cleaning.  

Nancy and I got in the Fusion and took our weekly drive.  First stop was Mr Thang’s so I could pick up a pair of pants.

We drove to Rockford.  Rockford has closed part of their Main Street so restaurants could use the road for temporary dining venues.  Seems like a good idea.

We stopped at the Wolverine World Wide shoe outlet in Rockford.  Nancy bought two pair.

On way home we stopped at Nancy’s favorite bread store and purchase a loaf of their multi grain bread.  We also bought an oatmeal cookie to split.

At Panera we bought Nancy a hazelnut coffee for tomorrow.  

Kim was gone when we got home at 1400.  Quick lunch and then headed down to office.

Today is Nancy’s sister Peg’s birthday.  Peg lives in MA.  Nancy called her and they had a long talk.  Happy Birthday Peg.

Spent most of the afternoon reading.  I said recently that the Biden administration looks like Obama lite.  Recent actions confirms this.

With afternoon temps above 32 we note a lot of folks running in shorts.  Stretch workout stretch pants for women appear to have replaced jeans as the standard leisure wear for women.  Men have also adopted comfortable stretch pants.  I wear stretch type pants made by Swet Tailor.   They are extremely comfortable and have replaced khakis as my pant of choice.

Tonight Nancy fixed lasagna.  I had mine with coleslaw, pineapple and a croissant.

We watched the news before switching to Apple TV.  Tonight we watched “New Tricks” which has become my favorite show.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She and AJ are doing fine.

Temperature in 20s when checked front yard at 2200.   

Thursday, February 25, 2021

February 24, 2021

 Wednesday February 24, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Up with the 0600 alarm this morning.  Today I have Breakfast Club at 0730.

Nancy plans on taking a 3 mile outside walk today.  She will leave at 0900.

I did calisthenics at 50% and showered before the 0730 meeting.

Today we had 18 members in attendance.  Today’s speakers talked about Michigan’s new method of determining Federal and Michigan boundaries for political districts.  The district boundaries are redrawn every 10 years using current Census data.  

In the past the political party in power drew the boundaries.  This time as the result of a state wide referendum an independent commission of 13 citizens will draw the boundaries.

Listening to this mornings speakers I get the impression that redistributing is getting off to a shaky start.  The UP has no representative on the commission nor does SW Michigan.  I did not vote for the commission.  I prefer to take my chances with elected officials.

After BC I walked to Panera.  It was 40 degrees but with a brisk west wind the walk was uncomfortable.

Coffee and bagel was purchased and I consumed while reading papers and emails.  Summary of news:

President Biden and Dems are going it alone on stimulus package.

Good news on the coronavirus front.  Cases are down and more folks are receiving the vaccine.

Mild weather in Mi is reducing the snow banks.  Roads and sidewalks are bare.

Will the EU every recover their faith in the USA as a shield against the bad guys.  Presently is looks like the EU is going it alone.

The walk home from Panera was more pleasant because I had the wind at my back.  At home I had a quick lunch.

This afternoon Nancy is working at the Gardens.  She expects a large crowd because of the sunny weather.

This afternoon I did a load of laundry and took out the trash.  I did not have to put out corn for deer because they did not show up last night.  Even found time for a nap.

Nancy got home from the Gardens at 1700.  She said attendance was very low.

We returned to our standard Wednesday night dinner.  Cheerios with fruit and croissant. 

After dinner looked out the rear slider and saw five deer in yard eating corn.  One was a large buck. 

After the news we watched an episode of Virgin River on Netflix and the final episode of “Hanna” on Prime.  I liked Hanna but find Virgin River is becoming a chick flick.

 Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She said they have their tickets to Turkey and are leaving on St Pat’s Day.  Non stop flight.

Checked front yard at 2200.  The temperature had dropped below 32 and will reach high teens by daybreak.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

February 23, 2021

 Tuesday February 23, 2021

Blog time 1200 at Panera

Slept in until 0700 this morning.  The temperature was 36 so I decided to walk to the Y.  

Nancy this morning is meeting friends at Woodland Mall.  They will walk and have coffee.  I am sure one topic of conversation will be the passing of Noel Webley.  Noel was a long time art teacher at Ottawa Hills HS.  He was also an assistant track coach, accomplished photographer and musician.

Did most of my calisthenics at home before breakfast, oatmeal w/banana.  Dressed warm for my walk.  I started out and discovered that our drive was still icy.  In fact too icy for a walk.

I drove to Y.  Finished calisthenics and walked 1.6 miles before heading to Panera.  

At Panera ordered coffee and two bagels.  Finished yesterday’s blog and read local papers and emails. 

On way home I stopped at Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim who cleans on Thursday.

Showered and shaved before having lunch.  After lunch I headed downstairs to office.  

Talked with Financial Advisor abut selling some stock.

Finally figured out how to print my IRA tax form.

Assembled tax data in binder.  I have all our data except one account which won’t be available until 27Feb.

Finished the afternoon with a 2 mile walk.  It was sunny and 40. Snow was melting rapidly. Sidewalks 75% clear.

This and that:

Several of our west MI GOP congressmen continue to be censored by County GOP committees for voting to impeach ex President Trump.  I emailed our congressman who voted to censor telling him to keep up the good work.

Most of our senior citizen acquaintances have had their second shot.

The EU seems to be confused about getting their citizens the vaccine.  Looks like the UK made the correct move to leave.

MLB spring training is under way.  I knew several local fans who looked forward to attending spring training games.  This year they are staying home.

I still don’t understand Bitcoins.  

For dinner tonight Nancy cooked a pork chop in the crock pot along with rice and onions.  Very good.  Also had lima beans and apple sauce.

Watched the news.  Talked to both Debbie and Missy before watching another episode of Hanna.  One more episode to go.

It was 38 degrees when checked the front yard at 2200.  The temp will be above freezing all night.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

February 22, 2021

 Monday February 22, 2021

Blog time 1205 at Panera

Up this morning at 0700.  Looked outside and saw our sidewalk was being shoveled.  Asked the young lady doing the shoveling how much snow we had overnight.  She said about 1.5” and it was wet and heavy.  The temperature was 32.

Today is George Washington’s Birthday.  As everyone know George Washington was the leader of the Continental Army that defeated the British Army and gained USA independence from Britain.  George Washington was also our first President.  A great USA Patriot.  

Light calisthenics at home before a breakfast of oatmeal and banana.  Nancy headed out to Woodland Mall at 0800 for her morning walk.  

Drove to the Y.  The roads had been cleared.  Noted melt water along the road’s shoulder.

The Y slowly is having more folks attend.  The body pump class is very popular and well attended.

Calisthenics, 20 minutes stationary bike ride and a mile walk before showering.  Left for Panera at 1100.

This and that:

Came across a new word today when reading the UK paper “The Telegraph”.  It is called “Curtain-twitchers”.  The curtain-twitchers attack folks who do not comply with COVID lockdown rules.  The C-t attacked Prince Charles for visiting his 99 year old father in the hospital.  Come on folk just a little common sense.  Visiting a elderly parent in a hospital is permitted.

Texas is getting back to normal.  A lot of News folks are having a hissy fit at Texans.  Come on folks this was a once in a life time event.

The thaw has begun in GR.  All day temps at freezing or above.  

At home I had a quick lunch and then ran errands.  

Picked up laundry.  

Stopped at Ace Hardware and bought a 25# bag of deicing salt.  

Drove to Mr Thang tailors on Giddings to get a pair of pants shortened.

No nap today.  Spent afternoon working on taxes.  We have most of our tax information filed and ready to take to accountants.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me a bowl of Creamed Corn with Crab soup.  Almost as good as Cheap Charlies.  

We watched the news.  This evening after a long absence we watched an episode of Hanna on Netflix.  It was good will have to finish series this week.

FaceTime conversations with both Debbie and Missy this evening.  The temp was 32 at 2200.  Our front walk was icy so I salted it.

Monday, February 22, 2021

February 21, 2021

Sunday February 21, 2021

Blog time 1230 sitting in living room.

Up this morning at 0700.  Dressed and drove to Panera.  Got two coffees and a bagel.  The temperature was a cold 9 degrees but with bright sun.  It is now 1230 and the temperature has risen to 32.  First thaw in weeks.

Breakfast of oatmeal with banana, coffee and a bagel.  Set up iPad for 0915 Trinity Lutheran’s service on YouTube.  Today was the first Sunday of Lent.  Also the 50th streaming service.  We go back to in person service on March 7.

After church I spent time filling up bird feeders and cleaning up the mess the squirrels and birds had made on our deck.  Squirrels and birds have no table manners.

Finished reading the GRP before noon.  A new record.  Nancy headed out on a three mile walk.  I took a nap followed by a quick lunch.  Finished the afternoon with a 2.4 mile walk.  Once again Nancy wins!

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with sausage and spinach pie.

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes.  After 60’ we watched New Tricks, a great show.  

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok in GR and CA.

It was snowing and 30 when I checked the yard at 2200.  It is suppose to snow all night.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

February 20, 2021

 Saturday February 20, 2021

Blog time 1300 sitting in office

Up a 0700 this morning.  Dressed and ran some errands.  Dropped off Nancy’s DNA kit at the USPS mail box in D&W.  Next drove to Meijer’s to get yogurt, sugar free oatmeal cookies, bagel chips and ginger ale.

On way home stopped at Panera and bought coffee and plain bagel.  For breakfast fixed oatmeal with banana to go along with my coffee and bagel.

Filled up all our bird feeders before heading down to office.  In fact during the day I filled the feeders two more times.

Read Alpena News and my emails. 

Spent time filling out a questionnaire.  Nancy and I both filled out questionnaires about our opinion on various commercial enterprises.  The questionnaire is part of a fund raising effort by Grandson Lucas’s LB Poly Baseball team.

Lunch and then took a 2 mile walk.  Nancy headed out before me and walked 3 miles.  Nancy wins.  It was a beautiful winter’s day.  Sun with temps in high teens.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I drove to Bonefish Grill.  We both had a relaxing glass of wine before ordering.  I ordered the Rainbow Trout and Nancy had a chicken dish. Good food.

At home we watched the UK version of Law and Order on Prime.  The show was good but we were disappointed with the Ads.  Prime should be ashamed.

Missy and Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  Good reports all around.

Temp was 16 when checked front yard at 2200.  Tomorrow we will see above freezing for first time in weeks.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

February 19, 2021

 Friday February 19, 2021

Up at 0700.  Did chin-ups before breakfast.  Oatmeal with a banana was my breakfast.  It was sunny with temp in low 20s when drove to Y.

Nancy left at 0800 for Woodland Mall.  Her goal today is a 3 mile walk.

At Y I did calisthenics,  spent 20 minutes on stationary bike and walked a mile.  Showered before heading to Panera.

At Panera ordered coffee and plain bagel.  I did my usual morning reading.  The place was empty.

Got home about 1300.  Quick lunch and then headed to Bed Bath and Beyond.  I bought a light pillow to hold my iPad when sitting in my recliner in the den.

Also stopped at Office Depot.  I bought 3 hole punch, pack of paper, notebook and tabs for notebook.  I will put my tax forms in the notebook.

Talked to my sister Helen this afternoon.  She is having a diverticulitis attack.  Very painful.  I told her about the MI weather and that boosted her spirits because they are having 80 degree weather in AZ.

No nap or walk this afternoon.  For dinner tonight we drove to Culver’s.  I bought a cod sandwich.  I ate the sandwich at the kitchen table along with coleslaw.  

For Valentine’s Day I bought Nancy a DNA kit from Ancestry.  I am a real romantic.  Tonight Nancy filled out the paper work and provided a saliva sample.  I will mail the kit tomorrow morning.

Tonight we watched an episode of New Tricks on Prime.  I really like this show.

Tonight Missy and Debbie FaceTimed us.  Nancy talked to Missy and reported she is slowly recovering from her foot injury. Debbie is becoming very interest in her family history since she has gotten the results from her DNA test.

Light snow and 20 when checked the front yard.  Warm up starts this weekend.

Friday, February 19, 2021

February 18, 2021

 Thursday February 18, 2021

Blog time 1230 at Panera

Boy I really slept in today, 0730.  The sun was already up.  Cold ,20, but intermittent sun made it pleasant.  I just did chin-ups at home.  Breakfast and headed to Y.

Nancy left at 0800 for her morning walk at Woodland Mall.  She tries to walk 3 miles.

Every day at the Y I see a few more folks.  This morning I did calisthenics, rode a stationary bike ride for 20 minutes and 0.9 mile walk.  I will be glad when I can ride my bike to the Y.  I dislike riding the stationary bike.  Shower before heading to Panera.

I did not get to Panera until 1115.  Got several comments from Panera staff saying that I was late this morning.  Kind of scary when folks know my movements.

Stepped on scale this morning and found I still have the coronavirus 5.  Checked sugar contest of several Panera bakery items and decided I have to lighten up on the croissants and bagels.

Read the Alpena and Detroit News and the News app on my iPad.  Weather, especially in Texas, dominates the news.

The EU is way behind the US and UK in getting their citizens the Coronavirus vaccine.  Maybe they will stop lecturing the USA on our public health policies.

Our new Congressman Peter Meijer has been censured by several MI county GOP committees for his voting to impeach President Trump.  I emailed Rep Meijer saying I supported his actions and to keep up the good work.

Did not get home from Panera until 1300.  Quick lunch and then Nancy and I drove to Tanger’s Outlet Mall.  We spent 45 minutes looking around.  I was surprised at how empty the place was.  A lot of stores have closed.  I was disappointed to see the Bass Outlet Closed.

Stopped at Panera on way home to get Nancy her Hazelnut coffee for tomorrow.  I also filled the Escape up at Meijer’s.

At home I finished my daily reading.  No nap or walk today.

For dinner Nancy fixed lasagna.  Also had coleslaw.

After the news we headed to the den.  Tonight we watched Bridgerton on Netflix.  The show is becoming too much of a chick flix for me.  However, about 3/4 through the show we lost our connection with Netflix.  

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She is slowly recovering from her foot injury caused by a Hit and Run driver running over her foot.  The LA Police know the name and address of the driver.

Debbie called this evening.  We were in the process of getting a new iPhone for Nancy when we lost internet.  After all this confusion Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and read the GRP.  On Thursday and Sunday we get a paper copy of the GRP.

Light snow when I checked the front yard at 2200.  Warm up coming this weekend.

Before turning in I unplugged our internet Modem.  Plugged it back in and the internet came back on. 

Thursday, February 18, 2021

February 17, 2021

 Wednesday February 17, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Up this morning at 0700.  Checked the temperature and it was -9.  First time this year we had subzero temperature.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her morning walk at Woodland Mall.  This afternoon she is working at the Gardens. First time in months.

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Did all my calisthenics at home. Of course on Wednesday the calisthenics are at 50%.  Quick shower before heading to Panera for oatmeal, coffee and a bagel.  On way home I stopped at Costco to get more trash bags.  Next stop laundry to drop off shirts.

At home filled up the birds feeders.  I saw a robin in our front yard.  It must be a very confused robin.  They should still be in FL.

Lunch and then Wednesday chores:  laundry, trash and recyclables.

This and that:

Mi Schools with only online learning are getting flack for declaring today a snow day.

The coldest temperature I can remember being outside in was -17.  It happened on two occasions in 1956 I played hockey outside and in the mid 70s I had to do some surveying work outside.  

Speaking of memories dealing with below zero temperatures.  On a Feb Friday in 1956 I had evening hockey practice.  It was -3 and Tommy Collins and I walked a mile to practice, had practice and then walked home.

That same evening I walked to a dance. It was after a High School BB game.  I asked a cute classmate if I could walk her home.  She rejected me saying it was too cold. 

The classmate was a friend of my cousin Judy Scott.  Judy told her dad, my Uncle Jim. Uncle Jim chewed my Dad out for not letting me have the car.  How was I ever going to have a social life without having a car.  After my Uncle’s talk a car was available to me on Friday nights.  Oh the advantage of living in a small town!

Rush Limbaugh passed today.  When doing bridge inspections on a weekday afternoon I would listen to his radio show.  It was the only radio show I could get in rural areas.

Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent.  For Christians the start of the Easter Season.

Coronavirus cases are down but the new strains are worrisome.

The weather still dominates the evening news.

Finished the afternoon with a mile walk.

For dinner we had our Wednesday standard Cheerios with fruit.

After the news we retreated to the den.  We wanted to watch a show on Amazon Prime but could not open the App.  Called Amazon and a Tech attempted to open the App.  Finally as a last resort I unplugged the TV and Apple TV.  When I plugged them back in, Hooray, we got on.  We watched an episode of New Tricks.  I really like this show.

Temperature in mid teen when checked front yard.  Noted a bright crescent moon.

Missy FaceTimed us tonight.  Yesterday she had a hit run driver run over her foot. X-rays today showed no broken bones.  The driver was known and a police report was made.   

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

February 16, 2021

 Tuesday February 16, 2021

Blog time 1530 sitting in office

Out of bed at 0645 this morning.  Made a quick check of our front yard.  We received about 5” of new snow overnight but our walk and drive had already been cleared.  Most important I watched several cars drive up Tahoe Drive with no problems.  

At 0900 Nancy is meeting friends at Woodland Mall for a morning walk.  Of course after the walk they will sit and have a coffee at Starbucks.

I had a banana for breakfast and then after some chin-ups I dressed and headed to the Y.  I wanted to leave before Nancy so I could call her if the roads were bad.  The roads were ok.

The Y was not busy.  I did calisthenics, 20 minute ride on stationary bike and a mile walk.  Showered and then drove to Panera.  

At Panera I bought bagel and coffee.  I always start my morning session at Panera reading the Alpena News, followed by my email.

Lately during this cold spell I spent a lot of time keeping the bird feeders filled.  

Before lunch I spent some time shoveling snow off our deck.  The snow was about 24” deep.  Luckily it was light and fluffy. 

Called Well Fargos to get an explanation of some on line accounts.  The nice young lady walked me through the accounts and I found out they were Bob and Nancy’s IRA accounts.  The fog has cleared.  

Quick lunch today.  After lunch I spent about an hour clearing snow from around our mailbox.  The Road Commission plows had piled up a lot of snow around the mailbox.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me a bowl of her home made chili.  Also had a couple of dinner rolls and cottage cheese.

Missy FaceTimed us this afternoon.  She called from her store.  We also had a surprise FaceTime call from Granddaughter Alessandra.  We had a nice conversation.  

After watching the news we headed to the den.  Still cannot get on Prime so we watched an episode of Blood on Acorn.  Finished the evening watching Ted Lasso on A+.

The temperature was 2 when I checked outside at 2200.  Below zero temperature at sunrise.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

February 15, 2021

 Up at 0630.  It was very cold, 6, and snowing.  Nancy said no outside walk this morning.  She is heading to Woodland Mall.

I did my at home calisthenics before having a bowl of oatmeal with banana.  I drove to the Y.  Calisthenics, 20 minute stationary bike ride and a mile walk.  

For the first time in almost a year I took a quick shower at the Y. Dressed and headed to Panera.  Bought a croissant and coffee.  I used the gift card Nancy gave me for Valentine Day.  It is now 1200 and I am the only customer in Panera.

Today is President’s Day.  No mail or stock market.  President’s Day did not become an official holiday until 1971.

Finally some good news on the coronavirus front.  The number of cases are going down nationwide.  Most of the seniors I know have had their two shots.  

You can tell that we are deep into winter.  The road crews have all the bugs worked out on there plowing strategy.  Roads are cleared efficiently.  Drivers are use to driving on snow covered roads.  We have not missed any events because of weather.

In this cold weather I try to keep the bird feeders filled.  We have a number of very pretty birds visiting the feeders.

This afternoon I did take a short nap.  Monday dinner consisted of Cheerios with fruit, toast and prune juice.  I checked the sugar content of the Prune Juice Light that I been drinking every evening.  I had misread it.  Too much sugar.  I will discontinue soon.

I have put on 5 pounds since we started sheltering in place.  Should it be called the Coronavirus 5.

After the news, we watched The Sinner on Netflix.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed and watched the Iceland Cop show. 

Checked the front yard at 2200. It was snowing and 12.  I shoveled about an inch off the walk.  Another four inches of additional snow predicted for tonight. 

FaceTime Debbie and Missy tonight.  Everything ok. 

Monday, February 15, 2021

February 14, 2021

 Sunday February 14, 2021

Blog time 1145 sitting in living room.

Up at 0700, quickly dressed and drove to Panera for coffee and a bagel.  We received a light dusting of snow last night.  The temperature was 13 and will remain in teens all day.

At home I fixed a bowl of oatmeal with banana to go with Panera’s coffee and bagel.  

Set up iPad near living room sofa so we could watch this morning’s virtual church service from Trinity Lutheran.  Today was the 49th consecutive virtual service.  In person services will start March 7.  Can’t wait!

Happy Valentine’s Day.  Do you remember in Grade School when you exchanged valentine cards with classmates.  Alway wanted a special card from the cute freckle face redhead.

After church I took a 2 mile walk.  It was cold and the walks were not plowed but it was great to get outside.

I filled up our four bird feeders two times today.  Birds must need extra nutrients to keep warm.

Before taking a nap I watched a little of the first half of the MI vs UW BB game.  Mi was getting creamed.  I was surprised when Nancy told me Mi won.  Maybe they are for real!

The USA is having a huge February cold snap.  The UK and most of Europe are also having a very cold February.  The Telegraph recently had some great photos of a frozen UK.

President Biden is just getting started into his term as President but already it seems like Obama Lite.  He is not coming across as very moderate.  

The GOP legislators who voted to impeach President Trump are getting a lot of heat from their constituents.  Will it impact their re-election chances?  If I was a legislator I would have voted to impeach.

During all this snow and cold we have had no problem driving.  AWD and radial tires really helps.  

In the 40s and 50s folks would put snow tires on their cars for winter driving.  Until outlawed steel studded tires were popular.  They worked great in snow but tore up the pavement.  

I remember before snow tires or studded tires my dad putting chains on his rear wheels.  They really improved traction but were noisy and only good for short trips.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me her world famous poached eggs.  I had mine on an English muffin.  Also had a slice of spinach pie.

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes.  We then headed to the den and watched another episode of Virgin River.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched an episode of a Swedish female detective show.  Looks good.

Cold and snowing when checked the front yard at 2200.  Temp will drop to low single digits tonight.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Every thing ok.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

February 13, 2021

 Saturday February 13, 2021

Blog time 1400 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0700.  Looked out window and saw it was snowing lightly. Temperature was 16.

First thing this morning I shaved and showered.  Dressed and then headed to Meijer’s.  Today is the 13th and I always buy a lotto ticket on the 13th.  Remember my story of winning a Jeep in a lottery with #13.  

Meijer’s was not crowded.  I purchased Ensure, yogurt, bananas and Prune juice. 

At home after emptying the car I shoveled the drive and walk.  It was easy because the snow was light and fluffy.

Shoveling the walk reminded me of seeing my high school friends shoveling the walk at the Gas Stations they worked at.  In the 50s, before snow blowers, Gas Station drives were cleared of snow by using big wide shovels.  On a day like today with it snowing all day the drives would be shoveled hourly.   Stations took great pride in keeping their drives cleared.

Working at a gas station was a plum job for a high school student interested in car mechanics.  During lull times the owner would let them put their junker cars on the hoist so they could work on them.    Another side benefit of the job was the requirement to fill up all cars wanting gas.  Great way to meet girls.

Spent most of the rest of the morning in office.  Finished blog and read the papers.  I did take a short break at 1300 to have a cup of yogurt.

Around 1600 Nancy and I are heading to the Cork Restaurant at Watermark Golf Course.  All restaurants have limited seating capacity so we hope to be early to get a seat.  This is Valentine weekend so the place should be busy.  

Found time this afternoon to take a short walk.  At 1630 we headed to the Cork restaurant.  We had no trouble getting a table but with only 25% seating the place was filled by 1700.

The food at the Cork is very good.  Typical midwestern fare.  Nancy had a chicken sandwich with fries.  I had perch with onion rings.  

At home we sat in the den and watched a movie on Prime.  The movie was named Paradise starring Tom Selleck.  We both liked the movie.  After the movie we watched an episode of Republic of Doyle.  

This evening we talked to both Debbie and Missy.  We told them of our Valentine Day dinner.  Our first outing in months.

Light snow when checked the front yard at 2200.  Also noted some strange animal tracks.  I must get a book or app so I can identify.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

February 12, 2021

 Friday February 12, 2021

Blog time 1430 sitting in office

Up with alarm at 0530.  Today I have my 2nd Coronavirus shot at 0730.  No exercises today.

Quickly dressed had a banana and then Nancy and I headed to the vaccination center.  Arrived at 0700 and sat in car until I was called.  Like Nancy’s experience yesterday I was in and out in 20 minutes.  We are very happy.

On way home we made a quick trip through Panera’s drive thru to get coffee and bagel.  Fixed oatmeal at home.

Happy Birthday Abe!  On this day in 1807 future President Abraham Lincoln was born.  I think Lincoln was our greatest President.  He saved the Union and granted freedom to Black Americans.  

Every elementary school child of my generation use to draw a silhouette of President Lincoln on black paper.  We would cut out the silhouette and paste is on a white sheet of construction paper.  The paper was posted on the room’s bulletin board.

I get so mad when the woke generation wants to rename a public building named after President Lincoln.  What are these idiots thinking.

Speaking of Silhouette I once had an Oldsmobile Silhouette minivan.  Great car.  I also had a Pontiac Aztec suv.  Both were great work cars.  Pontiacs and Oldsmobiles are not longer made.  

Nancy has book club today.  First time she has attended in months.  Only 4 folks showed up.  Nancy was the only one who was vaccinated.  She said they had a huge Valentine meal.  She was done eating for the day.  I was on my own. 

This and that:

Tomorrow I will have to buy more bird seed.  The cold weather has given them a voracious appetite.

With the summer Olympics coming up it is sad to see a large number of major colleges eliminating many Olympic sports.  Michigan State dropped swimming.  Stanford has dropped several Olympic sports. 

Hopefully the impeachment trial will end soon.

High School sports are back in full swing.  Absolutely great news.  I just wish the schools were back 100%.  Virtual learning is not the same as a classroom experience.

This afternoon I took a nap.  At 1600 I headed out in the Fusion to Culver’s.  I wanted a big frozen custard.  My sweet tooth needed to be sated.  Nancy accompanied me but did not partake.

During the pandemic, I am always putting  sanitizer on my hands.  The sanitizer dries my hands so I have to put lotion on.  End result my hands are so slippery I cannot grip anything.  I need gloves to hold onto a chin up bar.

Nancy’s friend Kathi gave her a can of special wine.  We opened the wine and took a photo of each of us toasting finally getting our shots.  We sent the photos to Kathi.

After watching the news, we retired to the den and watched an episode of a new series on Prime, New Tricks.  I liked the show.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We told them Bob and Nancy now have all their shots.  

Temperature was in mid teens at 2200.  Our front yard is covered with deep snow.  It looks great.  I like our recent cold spell with snow.

Friday, February 12, 2021

February 11, 2021

Thursday February 11, 2021

Blog time 1530 sitting in office.

The alarm goes off at 0600.  We have a busy morning.  Nancy has her 2nd coronavirus shot at 0830.

I quickly did my calisthenics.  Shaved and showed.  Had a banana for breakfast. 

We left home at 0730.  It was cold, 7, but sunny.  Made a quick stop at Panera.  We bought coffee and I got a blueberry bagel. Arrived at the vaccination center 45 minutes early.  Waited in the car playing games on our iPads and listening to 40s music on Sirius.

Nancy received a txt msg at 0830 telling her they were ready.  She was gone from the car for 20 minutes.  15 minutes was the mandatory rest time after the shot.  Nancy had no soreness from the shot.

We drove to Woodland Mall and took a 2 mile walk.  After Woodland we stopped at Panera to get Nancy another coffee.  Final stop was Harvest Bread.  Nancy bought a loaf of her favorite bread.  We also split an oatmeal cookie.

Kim was still cleaning when we got home. 

This and that:

Border wall construction stops.  Good!  The wall was a stupid idea.

The impeachment trial dominates the news.  Who cares!

Some talk among conservatives that a third party is needed.  I agree!  The MI GOP tried to censure our new congressman Peter Meijer because he voted to impeach ex President Trump. Same with Congresswoman Cheney in Wyoming.  If we had a new Conservative party I certainly would resign from the GOP and join the new party. 

We hear about all the USA’s problems getting vaccines to folks. The EU is much worse.

Finished the afternoon with a mile walk and a nap.  For dinner tonight Nancy fixed meatballs with mashed potatoes.  Very good.

We watched the news and then headed into the den to watch Apple TV.  Tonight we watched and episode of Ted Lasso.  I also stayed up and watched the last episode of Occupied.  

No good guys on this show.  The show ended with the exPremier of Norway sitting at a computer terminal and turning off the lights in Olso and Moscow.  He vowed to continue turning off the lights if Norway and Moscow did not attack Global Warming.  Bit of a stretch!

It was a mild 16 with light snow when checked the front yard at 2200.  Cold wave starts Saturday.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We gave an ok report.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

February 10, 2021

 Wednesday February 10, 2021

Blog time 1600 sitting in office

Up with alarm at 0600.  Today I have Breakfast Club on Zoom.  The meeting starts at 0730.  Quickly did some easy calisthenics before breakfast.  

We had 15 members in attendance today.  Today’s speaker’s were from Gilda’s Club.  Gilda’s Club is a charitable organization that funds cancer programs and support groups.  It’s main fund raiser occurs every February and it is called Laugh Fest.  Many comedians have participated.  The Fest runs about 10 days and it is well attended.  Of course in 2020 the event was canceled just as it was getting underway because of the Coronavirus.  Great talk.

After BC I grabbed my backpack and walked to Panera.  Bought a coffee and two croissants.  Yes folks two croissants.  During the cold spell my appetite has increased as the temperature has dropped.   

Read the Alpena News, Apple News, emails and Detroit News before packing up and walking home.  Walking in 10 degrees is not uncomfortable if dressed properly.

At home I jumped in the Fusion and headed to Macatawa Bank. Needed money because Kim cleans tomorrow.  Stopped at Meijer’s for gas.  Gas was $2.54.

This being Wednesday I did the following chores trash, laundry, and filled bird feeders.  In cold weather we get a lot of birds at the feeders.

I also took a mile walk and found time for a nap.  Establishing a routine during our sheltering in place is not difficult.

We have been blessed during our cold spell with sunny days.  Reminds me when I was in 4th grade at McPhee School.  Steam radiators heated each room.   The school also had floor to ceiling windows.  I sat in the last row next to the windows.  I always wore long underwear and a shirt and sweater.  On sunny days the sun would beat down on my back.  Suddenly I heard a loud noise.  It was my head hitting the desk.  I fell asleep.  Of course my class mates would laugh.  Little Bobby Scott fell asleep in class.  Embarrassing!  I think I told this story last year.

For dinner I had a bowl of chicken noodle soup and a hot dog.  Good winter fare.

After the news we watched “The Sinner” on Netflix.  We have to watch another episode before commenting.

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed and watched an episode of Occupied.  I still don’t know who is the good guy.

Tonight we FaceTimed with Granddaughter Alessandra and Debbie and Missy.  Everything ok.

Single digit temp when checked front yard at 2200.  Cold weather will continue for another 9 days.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

February 9, 2021

 Tuesday February 9, 2021

Blog time 1300 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0645.  The temperature was in single digits.

Calisthenics at home followed by an oatmeal breakfast before driving to the Y.  This morning after calisthenics I rode a stationary bike for 20 minutes.  Ended my session with a mile walk.

Drove to Panera.  Ordered coffee and a blueberry bagel.  Only two other folks sitting down at Panera. I only read no blog writing.

Checked the Alpena News before reading my email and reading the N on my Ipad.  Weather, impeachment and coronavirus still dominates the news.

At home I shaved and showered.  Quick lunch and then headed to Advanced Oral Surgery for a 1400 appointment.  Today they took a scan of my new upper implants.  Also took a photo requiring me to me to show my teeth.  It is unnatural for me to show teeth.  I am a grinner not a smiler.  I was out of the office in less than 5 minutes.  

On way home stopped at Meijer’s.  Bought wine, cookies, soap, and shaving lotion.

As soon I got home I took a mile walk.  Ended the afternoon with a nap.

This and that:

You know that winter has finally set in when I am wearing long underwear every day.  In my youth I wore a union suit from Thanksgiving until Memorial Day.  Yes, a union suit is a body suit with a bottom flap.  Standard wear for per teen boys.  Happiest day of my life was when my Mother said I did not have to wear winter underwear.  I think I was in 8th grade.

Speaking of Grade School.  Alpena had three elementary schools, K-8.  Every February, 7th and 8th graders would take an afternoon from classes and have an speed skating contest.  Alpena had a standard Olympic style speed skating outdoor rink. Boys and girls participated in races over many distances.  Great memories.

Speed skating was a big sport in Alpena.  We even had several national champs.  Our big rink was open all day until 2200.  I loved to skate.

For dinner tonight we finished Saturday’s pizza.  Nancy also fixed a salad.  

Tonight we watched the only network TV show we enjoy NCIS.  Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.

It was cold 15 when checked the front yard at 2200.  I keep seeing tracks in snow of a critter I can not identify.  Will have to take a photo and check on line.


Tuesday, February 9, 2021

February 8, 2021

 Monday February 8, 2021

Blog time 1250 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0630.  Very cold this morning, 7. 

Did my home calisthenics before a bowl of oatmeal w/banana.  Nancy headed out at 0800 for Woodland Mall.  She plans on another 3 mile walk.

Drove to the Y in bright sun.  More classes at the Y are resuming so a lot of folks attending.  I did my Y calisthenics, rode a stationary bike for 15 minutes and took a mile walk.  Enough for a Monday.

Stopped at Panera on way home for coffee and a croissant.  During my hour at Panera only 3 patrons were dining in.  They can’t make money with such a low turnout.

At home I showered and put on some warm clothes.  Spent time finishing yesterday’s blog and starting this one.

It is now 1300 and the temperature has jumped to 16.  I will take a break while I have some lunch.

Lunch and then back down to office.  Continued reading the papers.  

This and that:

The cold weather will continue for another week.  Major storm heading our way.

Different strains of the Coronavirus has some folks worried.  Will the vaccines be effective?  I think most folks are so saturated with expert advice that they say “what will be, will be”.  This is Nancy’s favorite saying.

Tomorrow starts the impeachment trial for ex President Trump.  Does anyone outside of DC care?

President Biden’s stimulus package is very expensive.  When I read about who is eligible for money I question the sanity of the writers.  

This afternoon I took a short walk.  On the walk I stopped at a CPA office located on Tahoe Drive about 0.2 mile from our condo.  They are taking new customers so I will let them do this years return.  

Finished the afternoon with a nap.  For dinner tonight we had our standard Monday fare, Cheerios with fruit and dinner roll.

After watching the news we switched to Apple TV and watched an episode of Blood.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched Occupied.

This evening we FaceTimed with Debbie, Akerke and Missy.  Every thing ok.

It was 15 when checked the front yard at 2200.  Light snow predicted for this evening.  

Monday, February 8, 2021

February 7, 2021

Sunday February 7, 2021

Blog time 1430 sitting in office

Up at 0700

Dressed and drove to Meijer's to get bananas.  On way home stopped at Panera for coffee and blueberry bagel.

Fixed oatmeal to go with coffee and bagel.

 Set up iPad for 0915 Trinity Service.

Read some of the papers before Church service which starts at 0915.  Today was the 48th streaming service.  I am surprised at how many members attend the service.  Today the number was over 300. 

Drove to Dick's for warm weather tee but they did not have any. Wasted trip.

Lunch today at 1230.  Yogurt, toast with Pb, hard boiled egg and bottle of Ensure.  I love Ensure Light, vanilla.

1300 set up iPad again to attend a neighborhood Church meeting on Zoom.  About 15 neighbors in attendance.  First meeting on Zoom.  I thought it went well.

Spent some time reading Sunday papers.  At 1500 I needed a break so took a mile walk.

It being Sunday I took my mandatory afternoon nap.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs. I had mine on a waffle.  Also had spinach pie, prune juice and a sugar free cookie.

No 60 Minutes because of the Super Bowl.  We watched the first quarter while I finished reading the GRP.  

After the paper we moved to the den.  Watched an episode of Grantchester.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched Occupied on Netflix.  

We FaceTimed with Missy and AJ today.  They are doing ok.  Cabin Fever prevails in CA and MI.

It was clear and cold when checked the front yard at 2200.  Noticed tracks in the snow that I could not identify.  Cold night ahead, temp in single digits.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

February 6, 2021

 Saturday February 6, 2021

Blog time 1700 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0700.  I did some light calisthenics (50%) before shaving and showering.  

The temperature was 16 with wind chill near 0.  For the first time this week I drove the Fusion.  Drove to Panera and got coffee and a blueberry bagel.  Fixed oatmeal with a banana to go with the bagel and coffee.

Nancy started the laundry first thing.  About 0930 we took a break and drove to Woodland Mall.  We walked for two miles.  The Mall was crowded with walkers but not many shoppers.

At home Nancy continued the laundry and I started some errands.  First stop was the Chow Hound.  I bought a 35# bag of corn.  Next stop Ace Hardware.  I purchased a cast iron frying pan.  I wanted a heavy pan.  I will put the pan on top of our courtyard wall and fill with bird seed.  Presently I use a flat plastic dish and the squirrels keep pushing the light dish off the wall.  I hope the cast iron pan will be hard to move.

We had about two feet of snow on our deck.  I shoveled the snow off the deck and also cleaned snow off our Direct TV dish.

Spent time this morning reading the papers and email.  I also ordered a DNA test for Nancy.  I will tell her it is a Valentine gift.  Not very romantic is it!

An old neighbor from Alpena, Mike O’Donnell, recently passed.  In lieu of flowers Mike wanted a memorial sent to his Granddaughter’s school.  I complied.

For a lot of folks getting the coronavirus shot is their #1 priority.  Unfortunately these same folks are cutting in line.  They should have remembered what they learned in Kindergartner.

It appears that exPresident Trump has dropped off the radar.  His impeachment trial is coming up.  I sure hope it is very short.

Great to see Rep Cheney from Wyoming is keeping her leadership position in the GOP.  Peggy Noonan's Op-Ed in the WSJ also praised Rep Cheney.  

This evening we ordered pizza from JT's,  ham and pineapple.  Picked up the pizza at 1730.  The parking lot was full of folks picking up their order.

After dinner we headed to the Den.  Tonight we wanted to watch a Tom Hanks western on A+.  Found out it cost $9.99 so we switched to Netflix.  We watched an episode of Bridgerton.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything is ok in GR we told them.

Still snowing and very cold when checked front yard at 2200.  I shoveled about 1inch off the walk.  Saw several tracks in the snow that I was not familiar with.  Possible raccoon?

Saturday, February 6, 2021

February 5, 2021

 Friday February 5, 2021

Blog time 1245 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0630.  We were blanketed with about 6 inches of new snow.  The temperature was in the low teens but with wind speeds above 20 mph the windchill was in low single digits.

I was curious about the new depth of snow since I shoveled at 2200 last night.  Put on my coat and boots to check.  Our sidewalk only had a thin layer of new snow.  On further checking I noted that our sidewalk and drive had been cleared earlier this morning by the Condo Association crew.  I think we got another 4 inches over night.

No Y for me today.  I did all my calisthenics at home.  Showered and put on my warm clothes.  Spent some time outside cleaning the bird feeders and shoveling the edges of the drive.  The Condo’s plow driver only cleaned the center of the drive.  I cleaned off the edges.  In some places the snow was about 9 inches deep.

Fixed myself a cup of coffee and then cooked oatmeal.  Nancy got me a scone out of the freezer.  Breakfast was oatmeal, banana, coffee and a scone.  Very good. Obviously no Panera today.

Headed downstairs for my morning reading.  Read all the papers I subscribed to.  Found nothing that I want to comment on.

After lunch I took a nap.  My only outside exercise today was shoveling.  I cleaned the drive and walks about 4 times.  I didn’t want to spend too much time outside because the wind chill was near zero.

Found time this afternoon for a nap.  For dinner Nancy fixed one of Trader Joe’s Cod meals.  I had mine with a salad and peas.  Also had my glass of prune juice.

Tonight we watched the news before switching to Prime TV. We started watching a cop show, Cloth.  About 40 minutes into the show we realized it was a satire on serial killer shows.  It was terrible so we did not finish.  We did watch an episode of Ted Lasso.

Light snow on the walks when I checked the front yard at 2200.  Shoveled the walk and cleaned off the bird feeders.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We told them about our cold winter weather.  They preferred CA weather.  

Friday, February 5, 2021

February 4, 2021

 Thursday January 4, 2021

Blog time 1630 sitting in office

Slept in until 0700 this morning.  Calisthenics before breakfast of oatmeal and banana.  It was 30 and sunny when I started my 1.75 mile walk to Y.  The sidewalks were 70% ice free.

This morning Nancy is meeting friends at Woodland Mall for a 3 mile walk.  Nancy enjoys walking with friends.

The Y was not crowded.  I finished my calisthenics and then took a short walk.  

The temperature was 36 when I started my walk to Panera.  Some clouds had moved in and the wind was picking up.  We expect a major winter storm starting this afternoon.

Like the Y, Panera was nearly empty.  Bought a coffee and croissant.  Read some news and my emails.  

I got home from Panera at 1200.  Shaved and showered before heading out on some errands.  I took Nancy’s Escape because it needed gas.

First stop Lake Mi Credit Union.  Cashed in a CD and then took the check and deposited at Macatawa Bank.  I have too many institutions holding my finances.  I am consolidating.

Next stop was Meijer’s.  I filled up the Escape.  Gas was $2.55 today.  In the main store I bought Ensure, yogurt, sugar free cookies, toothpaste, shower cleaner and Guinness beer.  Who cares?  Why did I write this?

I did not have lunch until 1430 today.  After lunch spent the  afternoon in office. No nap today.

It was snowing hard at 1700 when put our corn for deer.

The Governor just announced that winter high sports can begin. She was getting a lot of pressure from parents.  

It looks like the number of Coronavirus cases are declining in the USA a good sign.  However, the new strains of the virus are troublesome.

President Biden continues to use executive orders to move his agenda.  It will be interesting to see how the Dems can get their legislation through congress.

We called AJ before dinner to wish her a Happy Birthday.  Today Akerke is 13 years old.  We remember those teen age years?  We told Akerke she will enjoy her teen years.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed her home made chili.  I had mine with a scone and salad.

We watched the news tonight before spending time on FaceTime.   Tonight we talked to Missy, Veronica and Stephen, Debbie and Alessandra on a three way call.  Stephen joined in on the Debbie and Alessandra call.

It was great tonight.  We talked to all seven family members in CA.  Another first, and we hope just the start for many more.

After FaceTime Nancy headed to bed.  I stayed up and watched another episode of Occupied.

It was snowing hard when I checked the front yard at 2200.  I shoveled about 4” of new snow.  It will snow all night.  Tomorrow the snow and cold will continue.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

February 3, 2021

 Wednesday February 3, 2021

Blog time 1300 sitting in office

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Up at 0715.  Light calisthenics and then dressed and walked to Panera.  It was 15 but with bright sunshine.

Nancy at 0800 headed to Woodland Mall for her morning walk.  She encountered several acquaintances who were also walking.  On these cold mornings Mall walking is popular.

Today at Panera I had an oatmeal breakfast with blueberry bagel and coffee.  Panera was not crowded but I had trouble finding a small table.  Several large tables were open but I don’t want to take up a table for six.  Finally the manager changed some seating so I sat at a small table for two.

During my time at Panera I read email and newspapers.  Nothing in the national news I want to comment on.  However, the Detroit News had some MI news that I find interesting.

Governor and legislature are feuding.  Our Governor likes to issue executive order so she can bypass the legislature.  A Democratic Governor not wanting to work with a GOP legislature leads to hard feelings.  Both parties are not willing to compromise.  Are they both too dumb to know that compromise is the backbone of a democracy.

Mi and Ontario are feuding over pipelines under the Straits.  The pipeline is owned by a Canadian firm.  Our previous Governor gave the company permission to build a tunnel under the straits.  The pipeline would be placed in the tunnel.  Governor Whitman has canceled the project.  Canada is mad.  I thought the tunnel was a great idea.  

GM has not made Saturn or Pontiacs in years but I see a lot of them still on the road.  I had a Pontiac Aztec and thought it was the best vehicle I ever owned.

I found time for a short nap this afternoon.  For dinner tonight I had Cheerios with a blueberry muffin.

After the news we watched an episode of Blood followed by an episode of Ted Lasso.  We like Ted Lasso.  It is only 30 minutes long so we have time to view it before falling asleep.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We told them everything ok in GR.

Bright moon when checked the front yard at 2200.  In the summer months I usually see a critter but for the past 2 months no critters.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

February 2, 2021

 Tuesday February 2, 2021

Blog time 1600 sitting in office

Slept in until 0700.  Morning calisthenics and then a quick bowl of oatmeal with banana.  Dressed and walked to the Y.  Temperature was in 20s with bright sun.  Great winter’s day.

Nancy left at 0800 for her morning walk at Woodland Mall.  This morning she talked to some of the regulars who use to drink coffee at Panera.  They said they like coffee at the Mall because it was healthier with the high ceilings and open space.  I guess I would agree.

At Y I did some calisthenics and a 1/2 mile walk.  After the Y I walked to Panera for coffee and a croissant.  Panera was empty probably because of the reasons mentioned above.

The temperature was 32 when I left Panera.  I had the wind at my back so the walk was very pleasant.

Shaved and showered as soon as I got home.  Spent time in office reading before lunch.

This and that:

Ground Hog Day:  Yes folks in the snow regions of the USA today is the day we have been waiting for.  The groundhog saw his shadow so 6 more weeks of winter.  Actually in MI we always have 6 more weeks despite the groundhog.

In the Alpena News this morning saw that Mike O’Donnell had passed.  Mike was a neighbor in Alpena.  He was 2 years older than me.  I remember Mike was a great football player at Catholic Central.  In recent years I had the privilege of working with two of Mike’s children, Ryan and Marney.  They were both Civil Engineering graduates of MTU and worked for bridge contractors in Grand Haven.  Their firms built many bridges I designed.  Rest In Peace Mike and may God Bless!

A lot on news on the military coup in Myanmar.  It is always sad when a Democratic government is over thrown.

I saw first hand the 1963 Military Coup in Vietnam.  It was not pleasant.  A lot of very emotional folks with guns roaming around Saigon.  

 No nap today.

The birds are hungry, I continuously fill the feeders.

Can anyone tell me what is happening with the stock market?

Big news, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos resigns.  Well not really he is still on the Board.

Good news:  President Trump’s stupid border wall is coming down.

For dinner Nancy fixed lasagna with dinner rolls and a salad.  Very good.

We watched the news followed by NCIS.  At 2100 Nancy headed to bed and watched an episode of Occupied.  I am having a problem figuring out who the Good Guys are.

Bright moonlight when checked outside at 2200.  Temp will drop to low teens this evening.

FaceTimed with both Debbie and Missy this evening.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

February 1, 2021

 Monday February 1, 2021

Blog time 1530

Up this morning at 0645.  At home calisthenics before breakfast.  Big schedule change today.  Panera is open for sit down customers today so I will wait to get my coffee and bagel until after the Y.  

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her 3 mile walk at Woodland Mall.  After breakfast I grabbed my backpack and walked to the Y.  The sidewalks had not been plowed so walking was difficult.  It was sunny but temp was 22 with a brisk wind.  It is 1.77 miles from the condo to the Y.

The Y was not crowded.  They did have a large Body Pump class and Water Aerobics class.  I did my calisthenics and a short walk.

After the Y I walked to Panera, 1.01 mi.  I was surprised that the place was nearly empty.  I ordered coffee and a blueberry bagel. I think Panera’s staff was also surprised at the small crowd.  

Read the papers and my emails.  I have decided that I will do my blog writing at home.  Panera is for reading only.

Bright sun on the walk home from Panera, 1.15 mi.  Total miles walked today 3.91.  I closed all my iPhone circles so will stay inside the rest of the day.

Showered and then finished yesterday’s blog before lunch.  Light lunch and then Nancy and I took turns being on hold with ATT.  Our recent bill had increased our monthly internet charge from $66 to $246.  We wanted to know why.  After 90 minutes on hold we were told it was a computer error and our bill was red uced over $200.  I guess the time on hold was worth it?

It is now 1600 and I am listening to Hank Williams, the old one, on my laptop.  I like his honky tonk music.  I also like Patsy Cline.  

Last night I finished another Ken Follett book.  This morning I loaded two new books on my Kindle.  One book by David Baldacci and the other by Frederick Forsyth.

February 1 is the birthday of Nancy’s sister Judy Patton.  Judy was two years older than Nancy.  They were very close.  Judy was in the first class of women at the Harvard Business School. She was a great aunt to our kids.  Unfortunately God took her away too soon.  Judy you are in our memories.  God Bless!

This and that:

Russia looks like it is imploding.  The citizens are upset at Putin’s dictatorial actions.  The poisoning of a political opponent and now his jailing is just wrong.  I hope President Biden and EU leaders censor Putin.

A car’s Catalytic Converters clean up car exhaust.  The converters are made with rare metals.  The metals are very expensive.  Recently the converters are being stolen for these metals.  The car next to Missy’s in her condo’s carport had their converter stolen. 

The military has staged a coup in Myanmar.  Myanmar use to be called Burma for you old folks.  Overthrowing an elected Government should be condemned in strongest terms.

Grand Rapids temperature facts.  The daily high temperature goes up to 32 on Feb 8.  The daily low temperature will not reach 32 until March 31.

This afternoon I filled all our bird feeders.  The birds must be starving.  Also put out a 8 new ears of corn for deer.  The deer have been eating the corn after sunset.

Finished the afternoon with a 30 minute nap.  

Monday night so we had our standard Cheerios with fruit.  Also shared a blueberry muffin.

Tonight we watched the news until 1930.  On Netflix tonight we watched an episode of Republic of Doyle followed by Ted Lasso on A+.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched another Occupied.  

It was clear and cold when checked the front yard at 2200.  The white snow cover increases night time vision.

Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  She is excited about AJ taking a class on Computer Animation.