Saturday, February 29, 2020

Friday February 28, 2020

Friday February 28, 2020

Blog time 1120 at Panera.

Ms P woke me at 0600.  I was starting to take her out when Nancy informed me that she took her out at 0530.

Another cold windy day.  Wind chills in single digits.  Nancy headed to MVP and after breakfast I drove to the Y.  

Kim is cleaning today and tonight we are meeting the Masten’s and Vance’s at Charley’s Crab for their early bird dinner.

The Y was very crowded this morning, especially the body pump, spinning and difficult aerobics classes.  I am still not at full speed.  I did my calisthenics, bike spin and walk at 75%.  Very hot shower before heading to Panera.

Because of my cold this week I have not fulfilled my goal of spending 30 minutes outside.  Maybe next week.

The Coronavirus still dominates the news.  It is having a major impact on the stock market.

Kim was still cleaning when I got home.  So Nancy and I made a quick trip to Trader Joe’s.  We bought wine and loaded up on frozen meals.  

At home put out corn for deer before lunch.  Quick lunch and then I took a nap.

We had our apple snack.  At 1700 we drove to Charley’s Crab.  They have an early bird special if you arrive before 1730.  We all had the special.  My special included:

Hubbard squash bisque
White fish

Nancy had a Sander’s hot fudge sundae for dessert.  I helped her finish.  A great meal.

We spent a pleasant two hours talking with theVance’s and Mastens.  A great evening.

We got home in time to watch an episode of Jack Irish on Acorn.  The temperature was in low 20s when took Ms P out at 2200.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Thursday February 27, 2020

Thursday February 27, 2020

Blog time 1130 at Panera.

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  She said it was cold and very windy.  I got up at 0700 as Nancy was departing for her swim at MVP.

This morning I declared myself cold free.  Did some light calisthenics at home, breakfast and then headed to Y.  

The Y was crowded.  I asked a manager how many members the Y has.  He said 19,000.  WOW.

Every routine I did this morning was at 50% of normal.  Calisthenics, stationary bike and walk.  Took a long hot shower before heading to Panera.

This and that:

If you watch MSU basketball you might see a promo for MSU.  One promo talks about MSU’s library and it’s large comic book collection.  It features my cousin Randy Scott who is the comic book guru.

Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, the start of the Lenten season.  I only saw one person with a ash mark on their forehead.  Years ago you would note many folks with the mark.

The Coronavirus still dominates the news.  It already is having major impact in the financial world.  The worst epidemic in my life was the Polio epidemic in the late 40s.

Many parts of Africa and Asia are having a locust plague.  It is like something out of the Bible.  I think the proper use of DDT would help.  However, in today’s world this will never happen.  

Many years ago China had some luck using ducks to eat locust.  Several news outlet recently said China was sending thousands of Ducks to Pakistan.  However,  ducks need a lot of water and water is not available in the desert climate of Pakistan.  No Ducks to Pakistan.

Who is going to drop out after Saturday’s South Carolina primary?

Left Panera at noon.  At home put out corn for deer and then gathered up empty pop bottles and headed to Meijer’s.  I like Meijer’s recycle operation.  It is smooth and accurate.  Used the deposit to offset the cost of wine, cheese and bagel chips.  

Lunch and then a quick nap.  Fixed our apple snack after my nap.  

I recently bought a gadget at the Apple Store that improves posture.  It attaches to the your back and sends a signal whenever you slouch.  I tried it and found it works.  
Nancy fixed Trader Joe’s Shepard’s Pie for dinner.  She also fixed a salad.  Great meal. 

We had our after dinner snacks and watched the news and Jeopardy before switching to Acorn.  Tonight we watched an episode of Jack Irish.  

It was bitterly cold when I took Ms P out at 2200. A warmup will start Saturday.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Wednesday February 26, 2020

Wednesday February 26, 2020

Blog time 1050 sitting in Starbucks, Woodland Mall 

Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Alarm goes off at 0515.  Get dressed and took Ms P out.  

I forgot to mention in yesterday’s blog that the 25th was Nancy’s sister Peg’s birthday.  Peg lives in MA.  Nancy called to wish her a Happy Birthday.  Happy Birthday Peg!

Last night I took several aspirins before bed.  It worked, I had a good night sleep.

Left for BC at 0615.  Stopped at Panera to get a coffee to take with me.  Light traffic on freeway which was good because of the heavy snow.

Despite the snow we had 25 folks at BC.  Scrambled eggs, sausage and French toast was served.  As always very good.  

Today’s speakers were two women from a nonprofit organization that provides grief counseling to children impacted by the death of a family member or friend.  Very good presentation.

After BC drove to Woodland Mall.  Got a coffee at Starbucks and finished yesterday’s blog and read my emails and Alpena News.

The stores opened at 1000. Stopped at Penney’s looking for a long trench coat, no luck.  Bought a flexible belt at American Eagle.  Stopped at the Apple Store to see if I could get my iPhone battery replaced.  They said it would take 4 hours.  I decided maybe an appointment would be better.

At home:

Put out corn for deer.
Gathered up trash.
Started a load of laundry

Nancy got home from the Gardens at 1600.  We had our apple snack.

Spent an hour in office paying bills.  Nancy had to make a quick trip to Meijer’s because we were out of milk.

Light dinner tonight, Cheerios.  Fixed Nancy’s cheese/ cracker/pill snack.  I had a sugar free oatmeal cookie.

Tonight we watched an episode of Endeavour.  Good show takes place in Oxford, UK in 1963.  

Light snow when took Ms P out at 2200.  Tomorrow will be cold and windy.
I think I am over my cold.  As a precaution I did take some aspirin before bed.  

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Tuesday February 25, 2020

Tuesday February 25, 2020

Blog being written Wednesday 02/26 sitting in Starbucks in Woodland Mall.

Another restless night.  Running nose and other flu symptoms kept me up.  Finally at 0200 I took two Bauer aspirins and fell right to sleep.

Nancy has a 0800 appointment with Dr Kutsche.  I set the alarm for 0615.  Nancy got up with the alarm, took Ms P out and then headed to the Doctor’s office.  The purpose of the visit is a pre op checkup.  Nancy has ankle surgery next week.

I get up at 0700.  Shaved and showered before breakfast.  I also called Dr Kutsche’s office.  I want him to check my lower abdomen pain.  Is it a hernia, etc?  Surprise I get in at 1120 this morning.  Same day service.

Headed to Panera for a quick coffee and a chance to read email.  Headed to Doctor’s office at 1100.

Told Dr Kutsche my problem.  However, Nancy had told him about my cold so he gave me a quick check.  Blood pressure normal, temperature normal. Lungs, throat and ears ok.  Just a seasonal head cold.  

Dr Kutsche probed and checked around my groin area.  He could not tell if I had a hernia because of the fat deposit.  Bottom line, continue doing my normal routine.  If an exercise hurts, lighten up.  If the pain become too bad I should contact the surgeon who did the original evaluation.  He will probably operate.  I took this advice as good news.

On way home from Doctor stopped at D&W to mail a package.  Also made a quick bank stop to get $2 bills to send to grandkids.

At home Nancy and I compared notes on our visit to Doctor.  We were both pleased.

Before lunch put out corn for deer and cleaned up desk.

Lunch and then a nice long nap. Because of sleep apnea  I have been using a long pillow wedge to elevate my head.   It works but I think the angle it creates between my back and hips may be causing some of my abdominal pain.  Took the wedge pillow off.  Slept fine.  I will experiment sleeping without the wedge and try to sleep on my side.  Is this trial and error medicine by amateur?

Fixed apple snack.  For dinner Nancy fixed spaghetti and a salad.  Very good.

Watched new and Jeopardy while eating after dinner snack.  Tonight we watched an episode of Grantchester.  

Nancy headed to bed. She is still sleeping on sofa.  I watched the final episode of season 1 of my favorite Finnish crime show Bordertown.

It was snowing when I took Ms P out at 2200.  Winter is returning.

Monday February 24, 2020

Monday February 24, 2020

Blog time 1750 Tuesday sitting in living room 

Monday was a lost day.  My cold got worse overnight.  Typical head cold, running nose and chills.  Nancy took my temperature and surprise it was normal.  

Nancy was up at 0600, took Ms P out and then headed to her class at MVP.  I stayed in bed until almost 0900.  

Took a hot shower and made a quick run to Panera for coffee and a bowl of oatmeal.  Headed back to bed as soon as I got home.  Slept until noon.

Lunch and then spent the afternoon in the recliner.  Read a book and took several short naps.

Did fix our apple snack this afternoon.  Light dinner, fixed cheese/cracker snack while watching news and Jeopardy.    Watched an Australian crime show, Jack Irish, on Acorn.  

  Nancy does not want my cold so she slept in the living room.  I spent another restless night.  

Monday, February 24, 2020

Sunday February 23, 2014

Weekend Update for WE 23FEB20

Blog started at 1450 Saturday, 22 Feb sitting in my office.  Today is President George Washington’s Birthday.  Our first and one of our best Presidents.  He was born in 1732.

Slept in until 0700.  Nancy had already taken Ms P out.  It was mild, 30, and clear.  We decided not to walk to Panera today.  We drove instead.  Quick breakfast and then headed home to take Ms P out.

Today we drove to Lake Odessa.  Several antique stores in the Village are having a Cabin Fever sale.  We have attended several Cabin Fever sales in the past.  

It was very sunny making for a pleasant drive.  On the way I saw a Bald Eagle soaring over the interstate.  

We arrived in Lake Odessa at 0945 and all the parking lots were nearly full.  We visited two stores and spent 90 minutes walking around.  Free popcorn, coffee and cookies were provided.

Walking through the stores is like visiting my Grandparents farm.  Many familiar tools, furniture and kitchenware were for sale.  The average age of the customers was probably 55.  Despite all the nice items we purchased nothing.

Arrived home at 1230. Activities rest of afternoon.

Nancy did the laundry.

Put out corn for deer.

Took a nap.

Fixed apple snack.

Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup for dinner with blueberries.  Also had some Irish Soda Bread.

We watched a Netflix’s movie tonight.  A British Crime show.  Good.  

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  We had a nice long talk.  Debbie helped Nancy with Apple Wallet problems.

Sunday February 23, 2020

Up at 0630.  Took Ms P out and then we took our Sunday morning walk.  Very pleasant and we saw a nice sunrise as we finished our walk.

Bought Nancy and I coffee at Panera to take with us to Trinity Lutheran.  Church was crowded.  Pastor Bob announced that Ash Wednesday was next Wednesday.    Trinity has two services.  We plan on attending the 1900 service.

Filled the Escape up but forgot to note the price.  My normal gas purchase is less that $25.  Our purchases at Meijer’s were smaller than usual.

At home put out corn and then took a 2 mile walk.  Finished several sections of the GRP before lunch.

Lunch followed by nap and Apple snack.  For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had a sausage and piece of spinach pie.  

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes and then started watching a new Acorn show whose name escapes me.  Late this afternoon my nose started running and I was chilled.  Headed to bed early, 2100, with my electric blanket turned up high.  Stay tuned.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Friday February 21, 2020

Friday February 21, 2020

Blog time 1135 at Panera

After yesterday’s difficulty finding a swimming lane between 0600 and 0730 I slept in until 0630.  I will take my chances that a lane will be open between 0830 and 0930.

Nancy was up early and announced it was a cold, 13, clear day.  She left at 0730 for MVP.  Today she is having lunch with friends.

After breakfast I headed to the Y in bright sun.  I did some calisthenics and then started a walk.  During the walk I would look to see if there was an empty lane in the pool.  No luck on first lap or the other four laps. I decided after walking a mile no swim today.  I finished my routine with a 10 minute ride on the stationary bike.  Showered and then headed to Panera.

This and that:

US Intelligence Agencies have said Russia is working to get President Trump elected in 2020.

The EU and USA has accused Russia of hacking into and disrupting many net works in the small country of Georgia.   Now the question is what action will the EU and others take against Russia.

Hard to believe but winter high school sport season is now winding down.  In my high school we had one winter sport, basketball.  Now they have hockey, boys and girls baseball, wrestling and even bowling.

After I left Panera I stopped at Meijer’s to buy some apples.  

Before lunch:

Put out corn for deer.

Took a 30 minute walk.

Lunch and then a short nap.  Fixed us an apple snack before dinner.  The sun was bright so I took another walk.

For dinner we started with shrimp and then tamales.  Normal after diner activities followed by an episode of Midsomer Murder.

Missy FaceTimed us tonight.  She was picking up AJ from school.  Nancy bought AJ five books to read for her book club.  They arrived today and AJ thanked Nancy.

Nice mild evening when took Ms P out at 2200.  Tomorrow should be a nice sunny day.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Thursday February 20, 2020

Thursday February 20, 2020

The alarm went off at 0515.  I was up early because I was told the best time to get a swimming lane was between 0600 and 0630.  All eight lanes are dedicated to lap swimmers.

It was cold this morning, 15. The parking lot was full when I got to the Y at 0600.  As I walked in a steady stream of folks were leaving.  That means they arrived at 0500 and had already completed their exercise routine and showered.  Good Grief, that is dedication.

Walked into the pool area at 0610 and surprise, every lane was full.  A nice lady let me share a lane.  I swam 33 minutes.  Noted as I left the pool area that every lane was still in use and several lanes had two swimmers.  

I am going to let the air out of the tires of the Life Guard who told me the best time to swim was between 0600 and 0630.  I asked the current Lifeguard the best time and she said any time after 0730 when the hard core swimmers have gone to work.

After the swim I did some light calisthenics and a mile walk before heading home.  At home I took Ms P out grabbed my backpack and headed to Panera.

One more comment on today’s swim.  If my Apple watch’s swimming app is correct swimming is by far the best exercise.  The number of calories burned and heart rate were superior to any thing else I do.

Panera was not crowded.  Had a bowl of oatmeal before finishing yesterday’s blog and reading the news.

This and that:

Folks say last night’s dem debate had no winner.  Most agree the worst performance was by Mayor Bloomberg.

The locust plague in Africa looks like something out of the Bible.   Very serious!

One million Syrian refugees are heading to Turkey.  War between Syria and Turkey is possible.  Why doesn’t NATO intervene?  

Does anyone really know the status of the Coronavirus outbreak in China?

The recent sunny days has given most folks an uplift.

After left Panera I headed to Breton Village to pick up pants at Fitzgerald’s.  Stopped at Lululemon store and bought khaki pants.

Before lunch:  put out corn for deer and took a 30 minute walk in bright sun.

Afternoon activities included:

Nap, apple snack and another walk.

For dinner we drove to Shepard’s Grill.  I had a burger and Nancy a bowl of bean soup.  As always the food was good.

Tonight we wanted to watch the last 5 minutes of the final episode of “The Stranger”.  Netflix had pulled the show. Why?

I stayed up and watched another episode of Bordertown.  Took Ms P out at 2200.  It was a clear cold night.

We are worried about Ms P’s health.  She has had a seizure the last two days.


Thursday, February 20, 2020

Wednesday February 19, 2020

Wednesday February 19, 2020

Blog time 0950 at Panera

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600 and said it was cold, 18, but clear.  We had a nice crescent moon.  She left home at 0715 for her class at MVP.   She does not have to work at the Gardens this afternoon we plan on going to the Apple Store.

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Today I walked to Panera for breakfast.  It was cold but the sun was out.  I was bundled up so the walk was pleasant.

This and that:

The Alpena News reported that the old Wurtsmith Air Base in Oscoda, Mi is one of the front runners for a new Spaceport.

Checked the historical weather data for GR.  Beginning in mid February our average high temperature is above freezing. Good news, I am tired of winter.

The Boy Scouts are filing for bankruptcy.  The abuse of young scouts has gone on for over 60 years.  Why hadn’t they taken action years ago?   I was a Boy Scout until I was in high school.  I enjoyed my time.  All of my friends were also scouts.

Got home from Panera at 1100.  We immediately got in the Escape and headed to the Apple store.  Nancy got her Apple Pay questions answered.  I had my iPhone’s battery checked.  The battery is on the bubble for replacement.  Will schedule a replacement time next week.

At home I picked up my laundry and headed to cleaners.  Dropped shirts off and then got car washed.  It was a sunny day so the place was busy.

Final stop was the Chow Hound.  Bought a 35 pound bag of corn.

Afternoon activities:

Put out corn for deer.  

30 minute walk


Took out trash and recyclables.

Did a load of laundry.


Fixed apple snack.

Took another 30 minute walk.

We had a light dinner, fixed after dinner snacks and watched the news and Jeopardy.  Tonight we watched the final episode of “The Stranger”.  For last five minutes of the show we lost the video.  Bummer!

I stayed up and watched “Bordertown”.  Before turning the TV off I switched to the Democratic debate.  It was nasty.  Embarrassing to watch.

Temp in low 20s when took Ms P out at 2200.  Cold tomorrow and then a warmup.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Tuesday February 18, 2020

Tuesday February 18, 2020

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600 and said it was a mild 36 degrees.  This morning she has an early appointment with her foot doctor.  No swim.

Last night I set my alarm for 0515 because I planned on swimming tomorrow.  Before turning in I turned the alarm off.  Going swimming on a cold winter’s day did not appeal to me.

Slept in until 0630 and then started doing my at home calisthenics.  My stomach muscle started hurting so I stopped.

After breakfast I drove to Y.  I brought my swim suit with me in case there was an empty lane.  Checked and a lane was empty.  I swam 1,000 yards in 33 minutes.  Pretty slow but no pain.  If my iPhone fitness app is correct swimming is the best exercise I do.  

Panera was not crowded this morning.  Several of the regulars are in warm climes.

This and that;

The Coronavirus is beginning to impact the financial markets.  Are cruise ships germ factories?
Senator Sanders when asked if there was room in the Democratic Party for folks opposed to abortion.  He said no.  What happened to the big tent?

At home I put out corn for the deer followed by a 30 minute walk.  Lunch and then took a nap.

Nancy reported that she will have some minor surgery to stretch a leg tendon.  The surgery will be on March 5.

Fixed our apple snack.  The sun was out so I took a late afternoon walk.

For dinner Nancy fixed clam chowder and hot dogs.  Very tasty.  

Missy FaceTimed us at 1800.  She was picking up AJ from school.  We got up to date on what is happening in LA including the warm weather.

Tonight we watched NCIS.  This is the show’s final season and we think it is about time.  Nancy to bed and I stayed up and watched episode 1 of a new season of “Better Call Saul”.  I gave it a C.

It was 30 when I took Ms P out at 2200.  Temperature will drop to teens tonight.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Monday February 17, 2020

Monday February 17, 2020

Blog time:  1200 at Panera

Nancy reported that temperature was in high teens this morning.  She headed out at 0715 to pick up a neighbor before heading to MVP for a class.

After breakfast I started out to the Y.  I got half way and realized that I forgot to put partial plate in.  I cannot be seen with two front teeth missing so I turned around and headed home.  I think this classifies as a senior moment.

Today is President’s Day.  No mail and most government offices and some schools are closed.  I expected the Y to be crowded but that was not the case.

Light calisthenics, 15 minute on stationary bike and a short walk before a shower.  Drove to Panera.

Today’s blog will be number 3518.  I can’t believe it.

The days are getting longer.  Today we have 10h 40’ of daylight.  

This and that:

1,000 ex Justice department employees ask the AG to resign.  Since when can’t the AG run his own show.  Last thing we want is the bureaucrats running the show.  
I think the best President in my life time was President Eisenhower.  JFK because of the Bay of Pigs and Vietnam was worst.

Recreational Marijuana is allowed in MI but not many places are available.  This is a pretty emotional issue and political hot potato.

Michael Bloomberg will be part of Wednesday’s Democratic debate.  He will be hammered by the other Dems especially Senator Sanders.

I don’t think this winter we have had ten straight days where the high temperature was below freezing.  The freeze/thaw cycles are destroying roads.  We need a sustained freeze to kill all the cooties.

After Panera I put out corn for deer and then took a 30 minute walk.  Lunch and then some chores:

Drove to Township Hall to leave our absentee ballots.

At ACE Hardware I bought a floodlight bulb and some bolts so I can mount our new handheld vacuum.

At home I put in new bulb and mounted the vacuum.

Took a nap and then fixed apple snack.

Light dinner followed by cheese/cracker snack.
After Jeopardy we watched “The Stranger”.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched The Outlander.

Light snow on the walk when I took Ms P out at 2200.  I shoveled the walk.  Warmup tonight, bummer.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Sunday February 16, 2020

Weekend update for WE 16 Feb 2020

Blog time 1545 sitting in office

Saturday February 15, 2020

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  She said it was bitterly cold.  I checked my weather app and it confirmed her report.  Temp in single digits with a negative wind chill.

We drove to Panera this morning.  We are 
Saturday morning regulars and talk to other regular patrons.  This morning I introduced Nancy to a Panera regular who teaches languages at Community College.  He started teaching at OHHS.  He was born in Greece and his last name is Monoyios(sp?).  He is good friends with Joe Polonowski.  Nancy also taught a short time at OHHS and knew Polonowski and she thinks she remember Monoyios.

Nancy started the laundry as soon as we got home.  I decided it was still too cold for a walk so I drove to the Y.  

The Y was jammed I had to drive around to find a parking space.  Most folks were there for youth basketball.

15 minutes on the Stationary Bike and then a mile walk.  Showered before heading home.

Put our corn for deer and then Nancy and I drove to Kohl’s.  Nancy was looking for a small hand held vacuum and I was looking for a tan trench coat.  No trench coat but Nancy did buy the vacuum.

Lunch and then spent time in office reading papers and finishing blogs.  Short nap and then fixed apple snack.

Light snow all afternoon.  A typical February afternoon that brought back memories from my youth.  I remember on cold February Saturday’s my Grandmother Hughes would bake home made bread.  Saturday evening we would have hot home made bread oftentimes with baked beans.
I called my Sister, Helen, if she remembered.  Of course she did.  She also reminded me that Grandmother Scott baked bread on Fridays.  

On these cold February Saturdays of my youth I would go to bed early, jump in my warm bed and turn my radio on.  I would listen to a show called Hawaii Calls.  It was broadcast from the Royal Hawaiian Hotel on Waikiki Beach.  The announcer would say it was 80 degrees with a light breeze.  The water temperature was 72.  I always wanted to go there.

In 1962 while stationed on Midway Island I had the opportunity to take a short break to Hawaii.  I would leave on Monday and come back on Friday.  Fort Derussy was a military hotel located on Waikiki Beach.  Bare bones accommodations but at $5 a night who cares.  I booked 4 nights.  A Navy pilot who rotated between Pearl Harbor and Midway fixed me up nurse.  For dinner we went to the Royal Hawaiian Hotel.  She said it is very expensive.  I told my story of listening to Hawaii Call.  It was a great experience even if it did cost almost a month’s pay.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed beef pie with peas.  Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  We asked if she ever had Joe Monoyios for a teacher.  She said yes, freshman French.

Sunday February 16:

Nancy checked the weather when she took out Ms P.  It was warm enough for our walk.  We walked a mile.  A pleasant winter morning.  We did not see a soul.

After dressing for church I made a quick stop at Panera to get a coffee for me and Nancy.  Church today was crowded.

Stopped at Meijer’s on way home for weekly supplies.  Gas was $2.44.

At home before lunch I did some chores.  

Our dryer vent outlet was making noise.  I took off the vent cover and vacuumed it out.  

Assembled the hand held vacuum we bought yesterday.

Put out corn for deer.

Printed some 1009 tax forms.

Took a 30 minute walk.

After lunch took a short nap then our apple snack.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with spinach pie, pineapple and Irish soda bread.

Watched 60 Minutes, finished reading the GRP before switching to Netflix.  Watched “The Stranger” and then I watched the final episode (season 1) of Occupied.