Thursday, February 28, 2019

Wednesday February 27, 2019

Wednesday February 27, 2019

Blog time 0940 on Thursday sitting in Panera

Today is our travel day.  Set alarm for 0530 and at 0600 we were eating breakfast.  Head out to LAX at 0715.  We expected heavy traffic on the 405 but Surprise! We made good time.

We have been using Hertz for our rental cars lately.  They really make it easy to pickup and drop off the rental.  Just pick a car and drive out.  Returning the car is just as easy.  Spend no time waiting in line.  Great.

No problems getting through security.  Both Nancy and I have a Global Entry card so we alway get to go through the TSA precheck lines.  We can thank Debbie for getting the Global Entry cards.  She gave the cards to us as a gift.  I highly recommend getting a card.

Flight to Denver and then on to GR went without a hitch.  We had tail winds on both legs of the trip so we arrived early.  The temperature was 60 in LA and 20 in GR.  I’ll take 60 anytime.

Grabbed a taxi and headed home.  Ms P was waiting for us.  She looked good and was in great spirits.  

Emptied bags and then headed to bed.  Travel is great but it is alway good to get back into our own bed.  Especially with the electric blanket.

Tuesday February 26, 2019

Tuesday February 26, 2019

Blog time 0900 sitting in hotel, Redondo Beach, Ca

The TV folks this morning say the LA area is having the coldest February in 60 years.  The temp has not reached 70 this month.   Big deal, 60 is fine and the sun is great.

Today Nancy and I took a drive south on the Pacific Coast Highway.  We started in Long Beach and ended in San Clemente.  Pleasant drive along the Pacific passing through several very upscale communities.  I always ask myself as I look at all these multi-million dollar homes what do these folks do for a living?  

For lunch today we had a frozen yogurt at Costco near our hotel.  Nancy and I have been on a frozen yogurt binge the last several days.  

We spent some time in our hotel packing for tomorrow’s trip back to MI.  At 1530 we headed to Long Beach to have an early dinner, 1645, with Steve and family.  Traffic on the 405 was bumper to bumper.  

We met at Hoffs Hut in Los Alamitos.  The restaurant was near the fields where grandson Lucas will have soccer practice followed by baseball practice.  Good grief two practices on a school night. Monday night he had a baseball game.  We just hope Lucas does not burnout.

The food at Hoffs Hut was very good.  I gave it a B+.  It was great being able to spend time with Steve and family.

We thought by leaving at 1900 the traffic on the 405 would be light.  No way! it was still bumper to bumper.  My eye Doctor prescribed a pair of night driving glasses.  They worked great this evening with all the car lights.  

Once again Bob and Nancy were in bed by 2100.  It has been a great eight days visiting family.  However, Nancy and I are ready to get back to our boring routine.  I think we both must have put on 10 pounds.   

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Monday February 25, 2019

Monday February 25, 2019

Blog time 0720 sitting in hotel’s dining area

This morning breakfast starts at 0600.  I was up at 0530 and was one of the first folks eating breakfast.  Had the usual oatmeal, yogurt fare.  The dining area was not busy. No families just working folk and retirees.

Today is Nancy’s sister’s, Peg, Birthday.  Nancy gave her a call.  Happy Birthday Peg

This morning Missy is picking us up for a scenic ride to an outlet mall.  Citadel Outlet Mall is located in Commerce, Ca about 50 minutes from our hotel.  We arrived about 1100 and spent two hours looking around.

The mall is outdoors but with sun and temps in the 60s very pleasant.  I split up from Nancy and Missy and visited all the major sporting goods stores, Nike, Puma, Under Armour, etc.  We had lunch in the food court.  

Missy has a sports clothing line.  After the mall we drove to the LA Garment district.  We visited Missy’s garment maker.  It was located in an industrial building with all types sewing machines, layout tables and other clever machines.  The owner gave us a tour.  Very interesting.  Missy picked up swim wear dresses that had just been completed.

We headed back to Missy’s to drop off the dresses.  Next stop was Akerke’s school.  We picked up Akerke and drove to our hotel.  Traffic on the 405 was stop and go.  I can see why the freeways are crowded.  99% of vehicles have only one occupant.  

We arrive at the hotel just in time for the hotel’s light dinner.  We all had the soup, cheese and crackers and salad.  Nancy and I had a glass of wine.  Spent the next two hours reminiscing.  

A great day, especially the visit to garment district.  Nancy and I were in bed by 2130.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Sunday February 24, 2019

Sunday February 24, 2019

Blog time 1930, sitting in hotel room/watching the Academy Awards.

This morning we slept in until 0630.  We were downstairs waiting for breakfast to open at 0700.  I had my usual oatmeal and yogurt breakfast.  The place was crowded with a lot of families.  They must be going to Disneyland.

We called Missy and asked if we could stop by.  She said ok.  We arrived about 1000 and spent an hour talking.  Missy showed us some of her clothing line.  Nancy was impressed and like the fabrics.  Missy had an 1130 meeting.  

Nancy and I walked to the Coffee Bean and had a coffee and almond scone.  We sat outside enjoying the warm sun and watching folks walk by.

We drove back to hotel to rest for an hour.  We did make a stop at Von’s to buy some sunscreen.  Yesterday my face got sunburned.  Yes folks bright red just like in July.  

Later we drove to the City of Hawaiian Gardens to see Lucas’s baseball game. The game started at 1500.  Lucas’s team won.

After the game we again stopped at Von’s Supermarket and bought an apple, yogurt and TV dinner.  We will feast tonight.

Tonight we watched the Academy Awards.  Being on the West Coast the show was over at 2015.  Nancy said it was the first time she watched the show without falling asleep.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Saturday February 23, 2019

Saturday February 23, 2019

Blog time 1900 sitting in hotel room, Redondo Beach 

I set the alarm for 0530.  Mistake!  I could have slept in until 0630 because our activities start at 0930 instead of what I had incorrectly assumed was 0900.  Also on weekends breakfast is at 0700 not 0600.  Bad start to the day.

I had breakfast at the hotel.  Nancy is having breakfast with Alessandra at the Bake and Broil restaurant in Long Beach.  We left the hotel at 0815 and headed to the restaurant.  

 Veronica dropped Alessandra off and headed out to run errands.  Alessandra and Nancy had a nice breakfast.  After breakfast Veronica picked them up for a short shopping trip followed by a trip to El Dorado Park.  Alessandra has an early afternoon softball game.

Steve picked me up at the Bake and Broil.  I left the rental in the parking lot.  We drove to Lucas’s baseball game in a town called Hawaiian Gardens.  Actually Lucas has two ball games.

Lucas’s team won the first game.  He had an RBI single.  The second game was another story. They got beat.

After the game we headed to El Dorado Park in Long Beach to watch the closing minutes of Alessandra’s game.  Alessandra’s team won.

Everyone was hungry so we drove to the Islands restaurant for a late lunch.  The Islands is in Seal Beach.  Good food.

Steve dropped us off at our rental.  We drove straight back to the motel.  We arrive at 1700.

Cheese and wine for dinner.  We were both in bed by 2100.  Long but nice day.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Friday February 22, 2019

Friday February 22, 2019

Blog time 0825 sitting in dining room at Homewood Suites

We still must be experiencing jet lag because we were up at 0530.  Morning chores and then headed down to breakfast.  Presently it is 46 and sunny. Temps might reach high 50s today.  I’ll take it.

Today we are going to lunch at Alessandra’s school.  The last Friday of every month the school has a lunch with family event.  Steve is joining us.

On this date in 1732 George Washington was born.  Our first President.  Neither Granddaughter knew of our first president’s birthday.  Failure of schools?

We left early and drove around Long Beach before arriving at Alessandra’s school at noon.  We sat in the school’s courtyard and had a nice lunch with Alessandra.  Steve brought sandwiches.  The event was well attended.  Both Nancy and I think the lunch is a great idea.

On way home we stopped at IKEA.  I like this store.  If I win the lottery I will outfit my cottage with IKEA furniture.  The several Finnish crime shows I watch on Netflix have all the homes look like an Ikea show room.  Also bought a frozen yogurt cone.

I took a short nap.  Missy called us at 1600 and said she would pick us up for dinner.  Great idea and I don’t have to drive.

We had dinner at a Mexican restaurant located on the waterfront in Marina Del Rey.  Nice setting.  The food portions were huge.  

Both Nancy and I were in bed by 2100.  I have thrown my diet out the window.  

Friday, February 22, 2019

Thursday February 21, 2019

Thursday February 2, 2019

Blog time 2100 sitting in room at Homewood Suites, Redondo Beach

We slept in until 0600.  Had the Hotel’s complimentary breakfast of yogurt, oatmeal, fruit and coffee.  Hit the spot!

Today we are departing on a big adventure.  We are taking the LA area’s answer to urban commuting .  We are taking the Metro rail system to downtown LA and then on to Santa Monica.

An easy walk to the Redondo Beach station.  We bought an all day pass.  It was only $7.  The train were safe, clean and well kept.  

The first run out of Redondo was great.  The line is located in the I 10 right of way.  Speeds were great with no intersections.  A good portion was elevated creating some good views.

We had to switch lines to get to downtown LA. (LA to Long Beach line) This line was being renovated so we took a short bus shuttle to get back on the train.  

The rail line into downtown was on old railroad right of way.  Because the line was not elevated or underground  the train had to slow down at each intersection.  At several intersection a crossing guard was stationed in addition to the  cross arms. Overkill?  As you might expect the speed was greatly reduced.

At downtown we switched trains and headed to downtown Santa Monica.  We got off at downtown and had lunch before heading back.  

The trip was an experience.  Mass transit might be an answer for auto congestion but at grade lines are slow.  However, they might be faster than driving.  

All the trains were not full.  Most riders looked like working folks.  Not many WASPs on the trains.

We got home at 1600.  For dinner we had the hotel’s light fare, meat ball sliders and salad.  Also had a glass of wine.

We must be near some military facilities because a lot of military are staying at Homewood.  They all wear camo fatigues so it is difficult which branch they belong.  Why camo in CA?

Missy and AJ stopped by this evening.  Missy showed some of her clothing line and materials.  Nancy tried on a skirt and said she liked the fabric.

Bob and Nancy were in bed by 2100.  Today no car or TV.  Everyone complained of the cold but I will take 52and sun over 22 and snow any day. 

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Wednesday February 20, 2019

Wednesday February 20, 2019

Blog time Thursday 2030 sitting in Homewood Suites room

Major league jet lag, Nancy and I tossed and turned all night.  We finally got up at 0530.

The weather folks said the temp would be in 50s and cloudy with rain possible.  We headed downstairs at 0600 for the hotel’s breakfast.

I had oatmeal, banana, yogurt, coffee and bagel.  Nancy had oatmeal, fruit, coffee and toast.  The hotel’s oatmeal is good.

Today is an easy day.  The following is a brief summary.

Drove to Mall in Manhattan Beach.  Nancy bought an item at Talbots.

For lunch I had Costco’s frozen yogurt.  The Costco is located in Long Beach.  Purchased nothing.

Drove to Long Beach Harbor and walked the waterfront.  It was cool and windy so not too many folks.

1700 arrived at ElDorado Park in Long Beach.  Tonight we are watching Granddaughter Alessandra’s softball game.  The game only lasted two innings.  It was called because of rain.  Yes folks rain in sunny California. First time I have ever seen a Grandkids game called because of rain.   We did get a chance to see Alessandra field and bat.  Steve and Veronica were the supportive parents.  

The traffic on the 405 back to our hotel was bumper to bumper.  Glad I brought my night driving glasses.  

As soon as we got home Nancy crashed.  I showered and then crashed.  It was 2000.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Tuesday February 19, 2019

Tuesday February 19, 2019

Blog time 1640 sitting in room at Homewood Suites, Redondo Beach, Ca

Alarm goes off at 0345.  It is cold 6 degrees.

We get dressed and do our morning chores.  The Uber driver kept us informed of his whereabouts.  Nancy tracked him on her phone.  We asked for a 0450 pick up and he arrived at 0500. Close enough.

The airport was crowded but we had TSA -recheck so going through security was not a problem.

No empty seats on our flight to Denver.  We sat in economy and I cannot believe how cramped the seats were.  It is almost criminal.  Sitting in these seats on a long flight for a six foot man must be unbearable.

We made our connection in Denver but had the same complaint about the economy seating.  Thankfully the Denver to LA flight was about an hour shorter.  

Grabbed our bags and grabbed the shuttle to Hertz.  Got an email from Hertz saying go to compact car lot and pick out a car, no waiting, no paper.  Drove straight to our hotel.  Checked in and unpacked.

Nancy heard an annoying noise so we called Maintenence and they could not locate the problem.  The noise ceased about 2000.

The rest of the afternoon activities;
Contacted Steve and we arranged a Friday lunch.
Bought cheese, wine, fruit and snacks at Von’s
Rested and at 1700 we had a light meal and wine in hotel lobby.  These meals are free on most week nights.
Missy and AJ joined us for snacks
We spent time getting caught up
After Missy and AJ left Nancy headed to bed.  It was 1930.  
I showered and then joined her.

A very long day.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Monday February 18, 2019

Monday February 18, 2019

Blog time 1010 sitting at Panera

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  She said it was 16.  I checked my app and the wind chill was 6.  I got up at 0630.  Feeling much better today.

Nancy headed our early for a class at MVP.  I did my calisthenics, 75%, at home today.

After breakfast bundled up and walked to Panera, 0.8 miles.  The sun was out nice and bright.  Sun is always good.

Nancy called me at Panera and said that it was time to check in for tomorrow’s trip to LA.  I hurried home.  We fired up our United app and downloaded our boarding passes.  We each moved our passes to our iPhone wallet. It is sure a lot easier getting a boarding pass than 30 years ago.

The next high tech endeavor was for Nancy to get her Uber app working.  She called Debbie for help.  After some fiddling Nancy ordered an Uber for tomorrow at 0450.  Our backup plan is if Uber is a no show we take the car to the airport.  First times are always unpredictable.

Rest of afternoon;
Finished packing and brought bags upstairs.
Checked house security like locked doors and windows.
Put out corn for deer.

Light dinner and then watched an episode of Grantchester before turning in. It was cold when took Ms P out but the temp will drop to single digits by morning.

Nancy and I had a good look at the super moon.  We won’t see another until 2026.

Set alarm for 0345.  Short night.


Monday, February 18, 2019

Sunday February 17, 2019

Sunday February 17, 2019
Blog time; 1200 sitting in living room

Nancy took Ms P out early this morning.  She said the temp was 13.  I checked my app and the wind chill was 7.  Single digits no walk.  I slept until 0730.

I am feeling much better but Nancy is still babying me.  I kind of enjoy it.

Nancy showered and I had breakfast before heading to Trinity Lutheran.  No Panera coffee because I am still on the coffee diet.

We arrived early at church so we headed to the Gathering Room.  This room was created by the renovation project.  It is a large open space where folks get together before service.  Coffee and snacks are available.

Also getting coffee was Dan Gohlke.  Dan is one of two Gohlke brothers who attend Trinity.  They are from Alpena.  Dan is about 12 years younger than I am.  He is going to his fifty year AHS reunion this summer.  He talked about playing basketball at Bay View park on the lake shore.  He said that a lot of Air National Guardsmen from the Alpena base would join the local boys.  He said that he played ball with a Professional Base Ball Player named Tommy John.  I introduced Dan to Nancy and told him she dated Tommy John.  Dan was impressed.  Always good to one up a neighbor.
After church we headed to Meijer’s.  Gas was $2.44.  Nancy made several small purchases.  

At noon it started to snow hard.  I finished yesterday’s blog and read some of the GRP.  I had to read the digital edition because for the third straight week the GRP failed to deliver our paper copy.

Lunch and then took my Sunday nap.  After I put on my boot grabbers and took a 40 minute walk.

After the walk I:
Fixed our apple snack
Put out corn for deer
Paid all outstanding bills
Finished packing.

Nancy is fixing her world famous scrambled eggs with bacon for dinner.  I am also having spinach pie and a croissant.  Sound good?

Looked out the window at 1900 and saw 7 deer fighting over the corn.  They must be very hungry.  The cold and deep snow make finding food difficult.

Fixed Nancy her cheese and pill snack and then settled down to watch 60 Minutes.  We also watched an episode about the Montreal mob, Bad Blood.  I liked it, Nancy did not.  I will watch after she goes to bed.

Granddaughter Alessandra FaceTimed tonight.  We will attend Alessandra’s softball game Wednesday.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Saturday February 16, 2019

Saturday February 16, 2019

Blog time 1115 sitting in Cascade Library 

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  She said it was cold and windy.  She was right. Checked my weather app and it was 21 with wind chill in single digits.  No walk to Panera today.

We arrived before 0800 and the place was empty.  At 0830 Panera was crowded.  I had my usual oatmeal breakfast sans banana. Nancy had a coffee.

Talked to the manager about their music selection.  She said it comes from Corporate, all stores play the same music.  I commented that us old folks like the music because we recognize some songs.  Did you know that Panera is owned by a German corporation?  Speaking of German Corporations we are heading to Aldi’s after breakfast.

Aldi opened at 0900 and we arrived shortly after.  Bought some wheat thin like crackers.  Nancy bought four boxes because they were on sale.  Also purchased bananas.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I grabbed my ipad and walked to the Cascade Library, a distance of 0.75 miles.  First time walking outside since Tuesday.  Felt good.

In my youth fresh fruits and vegetables were not available in winter.  Mothers would give their kids a spoonful of Cod Liver Oil each day.  It was yucky.  The oil contained vitamin D.  A good source of Vitamin D is sun which is in short supply in winter.

I encountered quite a few icy patches on my walk home.  I should have worn my grabbers.  Noted no walkers on my way home.  Folks are hunkering down waiting for thaw which should be happening soon.  The daily avg high for the rest of the month is 34+.

After lunch I finished packing.  Also finished reading the papers before nap.

Chores after nap included;
Apple snack
Putting out corn for deer
Putting away laundry

I see that the ex Gov of Massachusetts, William Weld might run on the GOP ticket against President Trump.  I would vote for him.  In fact I did vote for him in 2016 when he ran for VP on the Libertarian ticket.

For dinner Nancy fixed spinach stuffed chicken breast with salad.  Very good.  

Watched an episode of Midsomer Murders. Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  She said they had a lot of rain in San Jose this week.  Look forward to Debbies Saturday night calls.  

FaceTime is such a great tool for keeping in contact with family.  In my youth I remember that the best way to communicate with distant relatives was by writing a letter.  During WWII my Dad was drafted as a civilian to work for the Army out of Chicago.  Dad wrote Mother a letter every day.

We were both in bed by 2200.  The wind chill will be in single digits tomorrow morning so we can sleep in.  Don’t walk outside in single digit weather.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Friday February 15, 2019

Friday February 15, 2019

Blob time 1050 at Panera

It was cold and windy this morning.  Nancy took Ms P out at 0600 while I slept in.  I am feeling much better this morning but Nancy insists I take it easy.  No outside walking.  I have not reached my 30 minutes outside goal since Tuesday.

I did do some modified calisthenics before breakfast.  After breakfast I took Ms P to the beauty parlor.  She really needs a good trim and shampoo.  The Groomer said she will call me in about three hours.

I headed to Panera.  It has been blowing snow all morning.  I think for the first time in my 80 years I am really tired of winter.  It has been a winter of extremes.  Very cold weather followed by a warm stretch with freezing rain.  Record number of school closures and major power outages.  Enough!!

A Message just flashed across my screen saying POTUS will declare a National Emergency and build the wall.  How stupid is that!  A lot of stupid things happening like NY Pols saying Amazon pulling out of NYC was a good thing.  Will the Dems rising new star pol AOC implode?

Got a call about 1130 saying Ms P was ready.  The Groomer said she was great.  Groomer explained her procedure with older dogs.  I was impressed.  In fact I gave her a big tip.

Nancy was not home so I assumed she was having lunch with Mary Namey.  I was right.

Lunch and then I started getting clothes out that I want to take to CA.  Checked the weather forecast for LA next week.  Mild weather, rain possible on several days and high temps in the low 60s.  I will take it.

Nancy said she had a great lunch with Mary and Mary’s daughter in law, Mary.  Nancy also started getting clothes out.

I did take a short nap.  After prepared our apple snack and put our corn for deer.  The deer had stripped all the corn off the cob, not a kernel in sight.  They must be hungry.

Got a call from the Doctor’s office this afternoon.  The good news; no hip replacement needed.  The pain is caused by arthritis.  Doctor recommend I not overdue the walking and take Motrin when needed.  I can live with that.  I was worried that I might need a hip replacement.

For dinner tonight we headed to Shepard’s Grill.  We arrived a little after 1730 and got the last table.  Nancy had a bowl of soup and I had a hamburger.  Great burgers, I gave Shepard’s an A.  A nice neighborhood bar.

We watched the last episode of Hinterland before heading to bed.  No snow tonight but the cold will continue.