Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Wednesday October 9, 2013

Today is my easy day. I love my easy days. I woke at 0730 and then pedaled to Bill's for their oatmeal breakfast Since it is my easy day I had time to read all sections of the WSJ. How about those folks in DC? The news media is having a feeding frenzy. The media is really the messenger of bad dope. Stick with the facts! Today is another perfect fall day. Bob Condon who lives down the street from us is selling his house. For the past two days he has had an estate sale. The street has been lined with cars. When I got home I loaded up my road bike and headed to Millennium Park. I rode 19 miles in 1h33'. The trail was crowded with old folks like me. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. Tonight she has book club. I am meeting Tom Moleski for beer and pizza. Nancy and I have been looking at possible tours for this winter. We found a tour of Panama and the Canal that looks good. The price is reasonable and it is only a week long. We would like to take another overseas trip next fall. Rural England, Ireland or France are on my list. I would like to rent a car but driving in England has me worried.

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