Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tuesday October 15, 2013

I got right up with the alarm at 0655. I did my routine at the MAC and then headed home. Today is my dental health day. Kim had dropped Ms P off and I think she was glad to see me. I changed from my bike riding clothes to civilian clothes. I drove to my dentist. Today I am having a lower molar removed. The problem is that the tooth to be extracted is part of a bridge. My dentist had to cut the bridge in half. It was pretty tough because it took him over 30 minutes to saw the bridge. After visiting my dentist I had an early afternoon appointment with an oral surgeon. He will extract the tooth and tell me if an implant is feasible. The tooth came out with some effort. In order to put an implant in the location of the molar they would have to remove a piece of my jaw and use this piece to build up an area suitable for the implant. I told the Doc that no thanks I will gum my food. On another health front Nancy had an appointment to have her goiter looked at. When I got home I took Ms P on a mile walk. After this walk I took a walk by myself. I read the recovery instructions from the Doc and he said soft food and no booze for 48 hours. Bummer! I was looking forward to a nice glass of single malt scotch. Tonight I not only have a paper copy of the GRP but it is also a good TV night. Both the NCIS shows are on.

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