Monday, October 14, 2013

Monday October 14, 2013

Today was a bright sunny day. It was cool, the temperature was in the 40s when I left for the MAC at 0530. It is now 1618 and temperature is 63. I got in the pool at 0615 and had the entire pool to myself for my entire 41' swim. Locker room talk centered on UM blowing the PSU game and the Tigers big loss in Boston. Read the WSJ and had coffee at the Kava House. The WSJ did not have any article that I would comment on. I got home about 1100. My first task was to move furniture and other obstacles that might be in the way of the furnace folks. The furnace folks started installing the new furnace at 1230 and were done by 1600. I think they did a good job. While they were working I took a mile walk. Ms P is still at Kim's so I made the walk in good time. Tonight we will have a light dinner. No paper GRP today. Will watch some TV before heading upstairs.

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