Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sunday October 6, 2013

It rained hard last night. The rain had stopped when we went to the MAC at 0730. After our swim we headed to Meijer's. Gas today was $3.21 per gallon. Since we had shopped at Meijer's yesterday we did not purchased many items. It started raining when we headed home. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I read a few sections of the GRP before taking my nap. The rain stopped about the same time I ended my nap. I took Ms P around the block and then Nancy and I gave her a bath. Nancy said she stunk but I could not tell. It is now 1653 and as soon as I finish this blog I will go on a two mile walk. Nancy is fixing a seafood salad for dinner. We will watch 60 minutes and read the GRP. I hope everyone got their 30 in today. I am hooked on herring in wine sauce. I find it a great snack. Nancy thinks it is gross. I read everything about the "Afffordable Care Act" and I think that the law might result in lower health care costs. I think businesses will stop their insurance plans and give employees a lump sum to buy health insurance on the exchanges. Folks will now know how much health care really costs. I hope it would end the wide disparity between regions. Why should a hernia operation in LA cost $10,000 and only $2,000 in MN? The Republicans should give it a chance. The colors in GR have been great. The recent rains have caused a lot of leaves to fall. We will be getting the rakes out soon. Have you noticed all the typos in the e-editions of newspaper and blogs? I don't think folks are proof reading their articles. They rely on spell check.

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