Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tuesday October 22, 2013

Up at 0715 and in the pool at 0815. A hardcore swimmer in the lane next to me pointed out a flaw in my swim stroke. Usually I don't take kindly to unsolicited advise. However, today I think he was right. I will attempt to make an adjustment. Had coffee today at the Kava House. Free refill Tuesday! Lately I have been reading the WSJ thoroughly. However, I think I am saturated with all the whining and complaining by folks who make and report the news. Maybe they should all take a time-out. After the MAC Nancy headed to the Gift Shop. She worked most of the day at the hospital. They should get such devotion from their paid staff. After a quick lunch I got in the C2 and headed to the Chevy store for an oil change. I also stopped at Fitzgerald's to purchase another pair of Kuhl pants. I love these pants. They are rugged, comfortable and have enough leg room so that I can pedal my bike unencumbered. It is really cold and windy today. I wore plenty of layers for my bike ride but I needed a wind breaker. I left it home. Ms P and I took our afternoon walk. Nancy fixed sloppy joes and soup for dinner. It was tasty. It is now 1948 and as soon as I finish I am heading downstairs to watch NCIS. Tuesday's are the only night for must see TV. I also have a paper GRP to read.

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