Sunday, October 13, 2013

Saturday October 12, 2013

We all got up early. Today we are going to Albion College to attend the 50th reunion for the Class of 1963. Nancy, Helen and Karen Horlings were members of this class. It was a beautiful fall day. At 0815 Hal and Karen Horlings arrived. We put their bags in the Taurus and headed to Albion. Helen and Don drove their own car. We got to Albion before they started registering attendees at 1030. We walked around campus and even watched the Homecoming Parade. The College set up a huge tent for lunch. They had a great lunch. It was great day to eat outside. The football game started at 1300. The Albion side of the field was full. Unfortunately the sun was very hot. The temperature reached 80 during the game. In fact it was too hot for Helen and Don and they sought shade before half time. Nancy and Karen left at half time. Hal and I watched the whole game. Albion played Trine. It was a great game with several long runs and pass plays. Albion won by 14 points. In addition to being Nancy's 50 reunion today is also Debbie's 25th reunion. Debbie could not make it. One of Nancy's High School classmates was Andy Hess. Andy and his family lived two doors from us. Andy's son played TE for Trine. He had a lot of playing time. The Class of 1963 had dinner at Win Shuler's in Marshall. Shuler's is a well known eating place in Mi. The Class of 63 had over 150 folks for dinner. There were 250 members in the Class. We had prime rib and it was great. The Class had a short program and provided prizes for the graduate who traveled the furthest. the graduate with the most kids, grandkids, great grandkids etc. One questions that I thought interesting was about the folks who had met their spouse at Albion. At lot of hands were raised. When they asked how many had their 50 Wedding Anniversary this year. About 20 hands were raised. On a sad note Hal Horlings was notified during dinner that his mother had taken ill. She lives near Toronto and is 92. We plan on leaving early tomorrow so Hal and Karen can drive to Toronto on Sunday.

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