Sunday, October 13, 2013

Friday October 11, 2013

Today is an early rising day. Up at 0455 and headed out at 0530 for the MAC. It is pitch black but at 0530 traffic is very light. I did have one incidence. I forgot that East Grand Rapids allows residents to put their leaves in the gutter. The City picks up the leaves free of charge. As I was pedaling south on Breton I moved over to the gutter to let a car pass. I drove through a big pile of leaves. Luckily, the pile was small and only leaves. I remember as a boy, my friends and I would ride our bike to school and whenever we found a pile of leaves we would ride through it scattering leaves. It was great sport. One day grouchy old Mr Bertran got tired of our sport so he buried a concrete block in the pile. Bob Oliver hit the block and went over his handle bars. It cured us. It was standard practice to burn the leaves in the gutter. A lot of folks liked the smell of burning leaves but environmental laws stopped this practice. After the MAC I had coffee at the Kava House. Friday is grass cutting day. As soon as I got home I fired up the mower and started cutting grass. At 1300 the salesman from Jacobson's arrived and gave me a price for a new furnace. The price was reasonable so we purchased a new furnace. It will be installed Monday. At 1400 Kim came and picked up Ms P. She will keep Ms P until next Tuesday. I finished cutting about 1500. I took a quick shower. As I was drying off my sister, Helen, and Don arrived. I gave Don a beer and Helen and I had a glass of wine. Nancy fixed a nice dinner for all of us. We spent the evening talking.

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