Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wednesday October 16, 2013

Today is Breakfast Club day. The alarm goes off at 0555. It was pitch black when I headed to the Women's Civic Club. We had a small turn out. It might because we had a retired Amway marketing guy telling us how great Amway's marketing methods are. The Speaker is also a Club member so he was given soft ball questions. My tooth extraction is still giving me some pain. I could only eat the soft scrambled eggs. After BC I stopped at Starbucks in Gaslight to have my coffee and read the WSJ. I read articles on the efforts of Portugal and Ireland to rein in their budget deficits. They are being forced by the EU to make some drastic budget cuts. However, there is some light at the end of the tunnel. The USA on the other hand has taken a different approach by just printing money. No one knows which approach is best. It is my opinion that the European approach despite its initial hardships might be the best approach in the long run. Stay tuned. The weather folks said it would rain all day. It had not started when I got home so I took Ms P on her walk. Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon. It started to sprinkle about noon today. Fall weather is finally here. Morning temperatures are in the 40s. For the rest of the week the morning temperatures will be in the high 30s. I put the storm doors on our side and rear doors. I also took the downstairs screens off. I needed some exercise so I put on my rain suit and took a 4.5 miles walk. We will have a light dinner and watch some TV tonight. I might even watch some of the Tiger's game. The Dentist instructions were that I could not have any booze for 48 hours. I will drink up tomorrow.

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