Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Tuesday October 8, 2013

The weather folks said it was going to be a beautiful fall day. They were right. It was perfect. I slept in until 0715 this morning. Nancy still has her sore throat so she is taking it easy today. I was in the pool at 0800 but as soon as I got a few laps in my goggles started leaking. I put on the goggles I bought in Aruba and they fogged up. Since my routine was out of kilter I tried using the training swim fins I bought many years ago. The fins caused more stress on my knees and ankles than I wanted so I stopped using them after 10 laps. I ended up swimming 33 laps (1650 yards) in record slow time. My calisthenics went off without a hitch. On my way out of the MAC I stopped at their little store and purchased a new pair of goggles. They are identical to the ones I have been using for about 5 years. I had my coffee this morning at the Starbucks in Gas Light. The man behind me in line was impressed with the Starbucks app on my iPhone. I showed him how to download the app. Who says old guys are not tech savvy. Speaking of Apple I think at least 80% of the phones and computers I see at Starbucks and the Kava House are Apples. Young folks love their Apples. The WSJ today was full of interesting articles. It took me extra long to read. I did not get home until 1300. I notice that I use "I" all the time in this blog. A recent article stated that folks that use "I" a lot have low self esteem. After lunch today I took Ms P on her mile walk. Nancy read an article stating that one of the best things you can do for an aging dog is to take it for a walk. She also read that older dogs can catch cold easily. A dog sweater is advised. I ran some errands this afternoon. I stopped by the MAC to put a jar of skin lotion in my locker. I also brought home my swim fins. I have to have a tooth extracted next Tuesday so I checked on the location of the oral surgeon's office. Don't want to be late. Nancy fixed a great dinner tonight. I call it a stir fry with pasta, chicken and green beans. It was very tasty. Tonight is a great TV night. At 2000 I will watch NCIS and then NCIS LA and finally Person of Interest. Tomorrow is my easy day so I can sleep in. I don't like to watch shows that start at 2200. I have trouble staying awake and it is hard to get up in the morning. I would like to watch 2200 TV shows on my Apple Air during the day. I think it can be done. Maybe someone can give me a clue? Remember 39 minutes outside every day!

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