Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thursday October 17, 2013

It rained all day today. I put on my rain suit for my ride to the MAC. I was in the pool at 0815. Nancy beat me by about 15 minutes. She is swimming Thursdays and Sundays. I swim five days a week. After the MAC I had my coffee at Starbucks in Breton Village. The sprinkler company is coming today to drain our system for the winter. I left Starbuck at 1200 and it was pouring down rain. I was glad for the rain suit. When I pulled in the drive the sprinkle man was already at our door. It took about 30 minutes to drain the system. Nancy had an appointment this afternoon with our skin doctor, Dr Mary Yurko. She removed a spot on Nancy's cheek. Nancy also attended a wine and cheese party this afternoon so we are not going out this evening. I cleaned up my office and read about 10 back issues of ENR. I did have a bowl of chili at Wendy's. We had a short break in the rain and I took Ms P on her mile walk. Today is the first day since having my tooth out that I could have booze. I poured a glass of wine. The tooth extraction has limited my eating to soft foods. An upside of the extraction is that for the first time in about 15 years my weight is below 160 pounds. This evening I read the GRP, watched the news and I even watched the Big Bang Theory. I am beginning to like this show. Yesterday was the first day that we turned the furnace on this fall. The new furnace warms the house up fast. The forecast is for snow next week.

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