Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday October 7, 2013

Fall weather is back. It was in the low 50s when I left at 0530. When I do the early morning swim I leave the MAC about 0815. A brief shower had passed through while I was inside the MAC. I wiped off my bike seat and headed to the Kava House. The WSJ today had several interesting articles. I always read about news from China. China is a major player in the world and what happens in China impacts the USA. I think our President made a major mistake by not going to the Asian trade conference. The WSJ's editorial today really savaged Bill deBlasio who is running for mayor of NYC. It appears the US Military is coming out with some rigid rules regarding tattoos. The end result is that the tattoo shops near military bases are very busy. If you get a tattoo before the rules are official you won't be disciplined. When I was in the Navy only a small percentage of sailors had tattoos. I don't know what the big attraction for a huge tattoo is? The Seal/Special Forces raids in Africa sent a message to the bad guys that you cannot hide. But will they deter other raids? It was raining when I left the Kava House. As soon as I got home I put my wet clothes in the dryer. We have to be careful this time of year because flu season is upon us. In fact Nancy woke up with a sore throat this morning. After lunch I took a quick nap. The sun was out when I got up so I took Ms P on her mile walk and then took another mile walk. The fall colors are in full bloom. The recent rains have caused the leaves to fall. Folks will soon be raking. This afternoon I voted and paid some bills. I also made an appointment to have our furnace checked out for winter. We are having a light dinner and then will watch some TV before heading upstairs.

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