Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thursday November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. This morning Nancy got up before 0730 so she could be at the MAC for her 0800 class. I took my time and did my at home morning routine at 50%. I drove the C2 to the MAC. I was surprised at how crowded the place was. I am assuming that every one is burning off some calories before the big meal. I did my MAC routine also at 50%.

I stopped by D&W to get a GRP and then at Starbucks to get some coffee. Both places were crowded. When I got home I spent some time on google earth checking out places of interest in Munich. I love google earth. Around 2 Nancy and I headed to Perkins for a light lunch. I had turkey breast with mashed potatoes and gravy. Nancy had the same. We topped it off with a piece of pumpkin pie.

We did contact all the kids and talked to them. This is my 71st Thanksgiving. The first time I had Thanksgiving dinner away from my family was in 1961. I ate at the BOQ at the Pearl Harbor Navy Base.

Modern tools make traveling easy. Nancy printed out our boarding passes and we can locate our hotels using google earth. Toys are useful and fun. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wednesday November 25, 2009

Do I need a vacation or what? I slept in until 0730 this morning. However, it is Wednesday my easy day. I get in the C2 and head for the Omelet Shop. I had their oatmeal and toast. They have the best oatmeal in town. After breakfast I stop by the Chevy dealer and get nitrogen placed in my tires. I had nitrogen in the Aztek and I think it is better than just plain air. Yesterday I got an email from Onstar telling me that my tire pressure was low. How about that.

I decided to take a bike ride before I go swimming at noon. Since it was sprinkling I put on my rain pants and rode around Reeds Lake. I started going around again but when I got to the East Beltline I headed south to Burton and took Burton to the MAC. The pool was crowded today. I had to share a lane. I swam 1,000 yard.

I had a quick lunch and then started packing for our big trip. I always pack too much so I am making an effort to take only what I need. I talked to our neighbor, Bob Calloway, about our leaving and asked if he would check around the house each day. He has done it before.

Tonight is cereal night. Nancy and I watched the news and then a couple of cop shows. It is now 11:21 and I should head for bed. Maybe I am sleeping in because I stay up too late?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tuesday November 24, 2009

I got up at 0630 and got about my morning routine. This will be my last serious workout before going on our big adventure. I rode the AT bike to the MAC today. On my ride to the Kava House I passed a woman sitting outside her car and making a cell phone call. I got about a block past her when I realized that she was in distress. I turned around and when I got to her a jogger also was passing by. The jogger was trained as a paramedic. She was calling 911 and the paramedic helped her with her call. He knew the correct procedures so that 911 dispatched help immediately after his explanation. He was really good with the woman. It appears she might have had a mini stroke. The EGR police arrived within a minute of 911 saying they were sending help. An ambulance was right behind them.

Today is free refill day so I got a small coffee and had it refilled twice. The DFP continues to report on the troubles Detroit is having with its ex mayor. Another interesting article was on the sale of the Pontiac Silverdome. Last year the city of Pontiac took bids on buying the Silverdome. The low bidders price was 20 million dollars. The City rejected the 20M bid. Recently the sale was rebid and the low bidders price was $550,000. The City accepted this bid. A court ruled yesterday that the $550K bid was OK. What a difference a year makes?

After a quick lunch I retired to my office. I called Hal Horlings to tell him that Nancy and I would be happy to go with Hal and Karen to the New Years Eve concert by the Symphony. Before the concert we will have dinner at the Chop House. It should be a fun evening.

I also downloaded photos from our recent trip to Lakewood. I emailed the photos to the family.
I am now catching up on some reading. The magazines I cannot read at home I will take with me. I checked the weather in Munich and it looks like rain nearly every day we are there. I also emailed the Hotel to ask the best way to get to the hotel from the airport.

It is now 4:38 and I am going on a 3 mile walk. Tonight I watch NCIS at 8 and then will head to bed. I am still reading about President Jackson. He is planning on moving all the southern Indians across the Mississippi. Jackson was not a nice guy.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday November 23,2009

I did not wake up until 0700. My wake up time keeps getting later and later. We had another nice day in GR. It was sunny with temperatures in the 50s. This has been a very sunny November. I did not get to the Kava House until about 12 noon. The DFP and WSJ both had some very interesting articles. As I have mentioned before it takes about 90 minutes to read both papers.

After a quick lunch I have to head downtown for a 2:45 eye appointment. I complained to the Dr that I thought my contact was weak. I only wear one contact and that is in my right eye. The contact eye is for distance and the natural eye is for reading. I told the Dr that I had trouble reading street signs. He gave me a good exam. He said that I had developed some astigmatism since the last exam. He popped in a new contact and eureka I can see. It was amazing at the difference.

I stopped by the post office to have our mail stopped while we are away. I also called Debbie on my Onstar phone. The phone works great and it is hands free. I now have Nancy and Debbie programmed into the phone. Missy and Steve will soon follow. I finished the afternoon with a 3 mile walk.

Nancy and I watched "House". I really don't like the show but I always stay to the end because I want to see the final solution. I read a very interesting article on Larry Summers in "Vanity Fair". Vanity Fair usually has two interesting articles in each issue.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday November 22, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0646 and we get up and head for the MAC. Today both Nancy and I swam 1500 yards. After the MAC we made our Sunday trip to Meijers to get our weekly supplies. We did not get much this week because of our upcoming trip. Nancy again fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast.

I read several sections of the Sunday paper and then took my afternoon nap. Am I predictable or not?

This evening we had dinner at the Moleski's with the Nameys and Tim, 7 total. We had Polish sausage, Brussels sprouts, mixed vegetables and for dessert we did fruit slices dipped in chocolate. We did the dipping kinda like fondue. A good time was had by all.

On this date in 1963 President John F. Kennedy was shot. Nearly every one who was alive at the time can remember this date. I was stationed in South Vietnam at the time. I was a LTJG in the US Navy's Civil Engineering Corps. I learned of the shooting at 0400 while eating breakfast. In fact I remember I was told of the shooting by an army major named Kowak. It was a sad day for the USA.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Saturday November 21, 2009

I set the alarm for 0636 so I can get Nancy up in time for her class at the MAC. However, she was up way before the alarm goes off. As Nancy heads to exercise class I must decide where to eat my eggs and pancakes. I go to Bill's on Michigan Ave. After breakfast I attach the bike rack to the hitch and head to the Muskatawa Trail near Marne. Today I rode 25 miles. It is 12.5 miles from the trail head to Ravenna. I started out in a heavy fog but about 1 hour into the ride the sun burned off the fog. The temperature got to 62 degrees today.

I tried out my Onstar phone today and called Nancy to ask her if she wanted to go to Costco. She said yes so I hurried home. Costco was very crowded today. I had to buy some mouth wash and peanut butter. Last week at the Costco in Ohio I bought some Wigwam socks. They are great so I was going to buy another pair in GR. The GR store did not have any. After Costco we drove to Target so Nancy could return a purchase.

I watched part of the MI/OSU game today and then decided I needed a nap. Tonight Nancy fixed veggie burgers and sliced potatoes. The veggie burgers were 3.0 but the potatoes were 3.5. She also baked some cookies. Cookies are always great, 4.0. Nancy is printing out info on walking tours we can take on our visit to Zurich, Vienna and Munich. She looked online and found a good source. It is almost 9 and I will finish up this blog and then select some magazines to read on the plane. I got my 30 today, did you?

Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday November 20, 2009

It was raining when I got up this morning. After my at-home routine I put on my rain pants and headed to the MAC. Lately' I have been whining about my sore knees. This morning I followed my normal routine and had no pain. I think that as long as I don't run more that 2 miles I will be OK. It had stopped raining when I left the MAC so I did not need the rain pants. I read both the DFP and WSJ. The papers did not have any good news. Just more gloom and doom. I think the country would get a big lift if the President got all the troops out of the Middle East right now. I got a late start today so I did not get home from the Kava House until 2 PM.

After a quick lunch I got in the C2 and headed to Robbins Lock Shop to get a key made for the C2. I also bought a key pouch that I attached a secret hiding place on the car. The rest of the afternoon I continue my effort to clean up my home office. I think I am making progress.

This evening Nancy and I are going to a OHNA TGIF. It starts at 6:30 so I will finish this blog before I leave.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Sunday and GG noted that it was cold but no snow. They drove to Oscoda in the afternoon. GG also noted he had some rheumatism in his hips. I had to look up rheumatism in the dictionary. I am happy to report GG knew how to spell rheumatism.

I am sad to report that this is great grandfather James Lee Sanborn last entry in his 1938 diary. On Monday November 21 he had a stroke. James Lee Sanborn died on Tuesday November 22.

James Lee Sanborn had a full productive life. On November 7th, he and great grandmother celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. GG was born on March 17, 1856 in Sanborn, New York. At age 17 his family moved to Ossineke to built a saw mill. Sanborn, New York was named after GG's father Lee R. Sanborn as was Sanborn Township, Michigan. Family lore has it that the family was related to Robert E. Lee's family.

GG married Loretta Roberts of East Shelby, New York on November 7, 1878. They were married in Earlville, IL where GGM had an aunt. GG operated the sawmill for 20 years before the timber ran out for such a large mill.

At the turn of the century, 1900, GG went into real estate as vice president and superintendent of the Alcona Stock Farms. They owned 2,000 acres of land which was acquired by the Lost Lake Wood Club. GG was active in community affairs. He founded and for may years was president of the Ossineke Chamber of Commerce. He also got the State of MI to plant trout in the Devil's River.

GG held every elected township office. He was chairman of the Alpena County Board of Supervisors. He was also on the Alpena County Road Commission. In 1906 GG was elected to the State House. He was reelected in 1908. My grandmother always said her father, James L Sanborn was a dreamer and eternal optimist. I regret that I was to young to get to know James Lee Sanborn. I have enjoyed reading and reporting about his last year of life.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thursday November 19, 2009

My knees have been sore for several days now. This morning I went back to my old routine. I started by reducing my running. To compensate I increased my time on the rowing machine, Concept II. I also had to take my car in to get a paint sealer applied. So I drove to Berger Chevy, left my car off and walked to the MAC.

After the MAC routine I walked to Breton Village D&W and drank a Starbucks and read the DFP. The WSJ was not available at 1100. The Kindle said it would be delayed today. I have not checked to see if it is now available. After reading the DFP I walked home.

I spent most of the afternoon cleaning up my home office. I also had to call the credit card company to let them know we would be travelling out of the country. I was told if you do not do this your card will not work. It is an anti fraud measure. Nancy was told that because the dollar is so low compared to the Euro that some places will not accept credit cards.

The car was available at 3 PM and Nancy drove me to Berger. The C2 received it's first fill up today. I did not know how big the gas tank was so I had to read the manual. The gas tank has a 13 gallon capacity. It was easy reading the manual because the car is bare bones. I don't have features like heated seats, power windows or seats and climate control. I was amazed that the manual took up 20 pages on the proper use of seat belts. It looks like they are afraid of getting sued.

Nancy and I left home at 5:15 and headed to the "Bone Fish Grill" for dinner. We met the Horlings at the restaurant. We had a good time and the food was great. I was surprised that the place was jammed.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a cool Saturday. GG finished clearing the Robinson property. They had cut 40 logs, 6 cords of pole wood and 57 loads of brush. I think GG was getting this property ready for sale.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wednesday November 18, 2009

Wednesday morning and the alarm goes off at 0545. Today is breakfast club and it starts at 0700. Today I get in the C2, first time, and head downtown to the Women's City Club. The speaker today was from the GR Public Museum and he talked about the development of telescopes for star gazing. It was interesting.

After the meeting I head to Berger to get them to get the Onstar working right on the C2. It took a while with several calls to India but we finally got it working. I get Onstar free for the next 10 months. After Berger I decide to take a bike ride. I attached my new rack to the hitch and load up the bike. I head to Riverside Park where I will start my ride to Rockford. It was a 23 mile ride and it took me exactly 2 hours. It started to rain as I pulled into the driveway. I took a shower and then a short nap. It is now 5 PM. Before dinner I hope to finish this blog and clean up my desk. Tonight I will watch some TV and then read some more about President Jackson.

I watched MSNBC while eating lunch and saw that they had reporters in GR. They were interviewing all the folks waiting for Sarah Palan. Over 1000 people stood in line all night. I would never stand in line for any politician.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It rained in the morning, Friday, not heavy. GG continued to haul brush, 19 loads, in the afternoon. He noted that it was clearing and colder in the afternoon with no wind.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tuesday November 17, 2009

The weather man said we are going to have another nice sunny morning. He was right but it was windy. Today I ran to the MAC, 4K. My running times are not improving. I averaged about 11'14" per mile. This is pretty slow even for an old guy. On my run home I noticed that the yard waste people were behind schedule. I still had time to rake the rest of the leaves in the planter strip. When I got home the planter strip was bare. The wind had blown all the leaves next door. Some days we are lucky.

At the Kava House I read the DFP and WSJ. There was not anything that I thought of interest in either newspaper. Are they newspapers if I am reading them on my Kindle? It takes about 90 minutes to read both papers.

After a quick lunch I head out to Meijers to purchase some supplies. On my way home I stopped at the Kent County Employees CU to get some money for our upcoming trip. I took a 1.5 mile walk when I got home.

It is now 5 PM and I want to get the blog done so I can watch NCIS tonight. I also have a lot of mail to read and papers to sort. Tomorrow it is suppose to rain so I will have an excuse to stay inside. I will go to bed early because tomorrow I have a 0700 breakfast club meeting.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG entries are getting shorter. He wrote that he worked in the post office in the afternoon. They hauled 11 loads of brush.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday November 16, 2009

It is back to normal after our trip to Ohio to visit Melissa and Akerke. The weather for November has never been better. Most Novembers we have tracking snow for the first week of deer season. The weather report tonight predicted no heavy frost for the next week. This morning's routine was like every other Monday.

After lunch I got in the C2 and headed to "Hitches by George". I got a rear hitch installed. The hitch will carry a super duper bike rack. It took 45 minutes to install the hitch. I read the WSJ on my Kindle while waiting. I purchased the super duper bike rack from Grand Rapids Bike Company. The rack is manufactured by Thule. These are the same people that have a kayak rack for the C2. I will purchase the kayak rack in January.

Nancy and I delivered OHNA newsletter to all the neighbors in our block. There are 21 houses in our block. After we completed the delivery I took a 3 mile walk.

This evening we watched the news and at 8 we watched "House". I really don't like "House" but tonight I watched the whole show. Today we got our Eurorail passes for our trip to Munich. The schedules to the cities we want to visit all look good. We leave in the morning arrive at noon and come home about 6. The longest trip is to Vienna and that is only 4 hours. Heck it is 5 hours to Cleveland. I will look up our hotel on goggle earth. I love my computer.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Wednesday and GG only noted that they continued to haul brush.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thursday-Sunday November 12-15, 2009

Thursday morning and Nancy and Bob get up early because we have a busy day. After a brief workout at home I head downtown to city hall and a 0900 GRBA meeting. Nancy heads to the MAC for several classes. At 1030 we finish loading up the Taurus and start out for Lakewood, Ohio. It is about 290 miles to Lakewood but it is a beautiful and driving the Taurus is a breeze. Nancy and I both observed a large number of trucks on the interstate. Does this mean the economy is improving? We are in a hurry to get to Ohio so I even bypass Cabella's. Another observation was that every farmer was busy getting his corn combined. We called Missy as we neared Lakewood and asked if she wanted Costco's chicken pot pie for dinner. She said yes so we stopped at the Costco in Avon Lake, Ohio.

We were greeted by Missy, Akerke and of course Ms P when we arrived. They were all playing outside in the leaves. The health of all the girls seems to be improving. After dinner and a short time talking and playing with all the girls, Nancy and I head for bed. It was a long day.

Friday was another sunny, warm day. The temperature reached 66 degrees. I headed out early with my Kindle in my backpack to find a coffee shop. I was lucky and found a brand new bakery/coffee shop. The store was a short 45 minute walk. When I got back to Missy's house they had just finished eating. We loaded up Akerke into the stroller and I took her on a long walk. I think we were gone about 90 minutes. Akerke fell asleep about 30 minutes into the walk. For lunch we headed to Costco for hot dogs.

Missy wanted me to fix her leaking bathtub drain. I took it apart and found that all it needed was a new O ring. Missy directed me to several local hardware stores. I found an O ring at the second store. It cost $1.10. The O ring was inserted and yes folks it worked. I was so proud of my handy work that I took a nap. For dinner Nancy fixed a barley/beef soup with multi grain bread. Missy has HBO so we watched "Curb your Enthusiasm". It was very funny.

Saturday morning and we load up the car and head for the West Side Market. Missy had a back pack for carrying Akerke. I got the job of carrying the back pack. It really is quite comfortable. Our first stop is to buy some apple fritters. The Market has some of the world's best apple fritters. We spent about 45 minutes walking around the market. The market is very ethnic and the many food stalls offer all kinds of meat, fruits and vegetables. I got another apple fritter.

Missy had scheduled a play date for Akerke with several of her friends. After we dropped off Missy and Akerke, Nancy and I headed to Trader Joe's. We purchased some wine, cheese and soup. We also stopped at another store and bought a round of Swiss cheese. I fixed the brake on Missy's jogging stroller and when she got home I took Akerke on a short walk. It was very warm so she fell asleep after 10 minutes. We walked for 55 minutes. I again took a short nap. We had pizza for dinner and I watched some football in the evening.

Sunday and today Nancy and I are heading for Grand Rapids. On our way home we stopped at Ikea and then the discount mall outside of Howell. We got home about 4. Dinner tonight was some Trader Joe soup. It was good. We watched "60 minutes" and then headed upstairs. Nancy is reading a book and I am completing this blog.

Ossineke, MI November 12-15, 1938. Saturday Nov 12 and GG worked in the post office in the morning. He had 4 loads of sheep manure delivered in the afternoon.

Sunday Nov 13, Church at 1130 with 8 folks in attendance.

Monday Nov 14, Jim Courtright coming and clearing brush for Robinson. They got 10 loads of manure. GG went to Alpena in the morning.

Tuesday Nov 15, 1938. Of course GG noted that it was the first day of deer season. GG moved stove for Robinson and shut up chickens. 26 total loads of manure were delivered.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wednesday November 11, 2009

Happy Veteran's Day. Vets might be getting old but I bet any Vet you ask can tell you their service number, 652654 USNR. Today was another nice day. Being Wednesday I had to determine what to do, go kayaking or biking. Of course I could do neither because I have not yet purchased racks for the Cobalt. Instead I went on a 4.5 mile run. It took me 51 minutes to cover this distance. I hope with more practise my time will come down.

I had breakfast at Marie Catrib's. I had a bowl of oatmeal with toast. The food was average but I like the place because it is very bright. The Kava House is very dark and this make reading kind of a strain.

This afternoon I got in the Cobalt and headed to "Hitches By George". I am going to buy a bike rack from these folks. They had to order the rack and it will be installed next week. When I got home, I noticed that we had a lot of cardboard boxes in the garage. I got out my trusty jack knife and cut the boxes down for easy transport. I took all the cardboard to the recycle center.

Since I haven't figured out how to haul my kayak with the Cobalt, I put the kayak up on its rack. I hope to have a kayak car rack by next spring. The garage was very dirty so I swept it out. When I was working I never cleaned the garage. I have too much time on my hands.

Tonight is Nancy's book club so I met Tom M for dinner at Pietro's. I had spaghetti and beer. I have just completed packing for our upcoming trip to Missy's. I also downloaded several books to my Kindle. I will have to set the alarm because tomorrow morning I have a Grand Rapids Building Authority Meeting.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Friday and GG worked part time in the post office. He also received 4 loads of sheep manure for the garden.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tuesday November 10, 2009

It is still warm. The temperature at 0700 was 57. This morning I ran to the MAC and I still can not get my per mile time below 11 minutes. When I got home the yard waste people had not picked up our bagged leaves. I grabbed a rake and filled two more bags.

The DFP had an article about the number of Detroit Council members who carry a concealed weapon. I think at least 5 members carry weapons to the meetings. I was also surprised to learn that council members have full time security guards. They guard the members from the time they leave their home until they retire for the evening. Detroit is the only city of its size that offers this service. Last year Council member Conyers had a guard accompany her on trips to San Francisco and several other cities.

After lunch I got in the Cobalt and headed to Alto to meet with Jennifer D. We discussed a project she is working on. She had most of her problems already thought out and just wanted to bounce her ideas off a fresh face. I enjoy thinking about problems that develop when working on a design project.

'Tonight is a good TV night so I am finishing this blog before dinner. I will also continue reading the GRP. The GRP had an article on all the layoffs proposed for GR. I was surprised that the engineering department was spared.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Thursday and GG worked part time in the post office. He also placed four loads of sheep manure. GG noted that Justin and family got home in time to vote.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday November 9, 2009

Monday morning and the temperature at 0630 was in the high 50s. This is record warmth for this time of year. I did not know how to dress for my bike ride to the MAC. I was conservative and dressed in layers. Nearly all the trees are now bare. Folks must have been busy raking over the weekend because the streets were lined with leaf bags.

The DFP was void of any local news this morning. In fact today's GRP was also very small with few stories written by local reporters. The WSJ did have a lot of good articles.

After lunch I took Nancy's car to the Ford dealer to get the oil changed. Because it was the first time they did not charge us. I stopped by the Chevy dealer to look at a Cobalt. The dealer had a used 2010 Cobalt at a reduced price. I bought the car.

Missy called Nancy today and told her about the trials and tribulations of Ms P and Akerke. We are planning on a visit soon. We wish Missy and all her girls good luck.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Wednesday and GG only commented on his working part time in the post office.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday November 8, 2009

Today is post #516. I never thought I would keep this up. Today being Sunday I set the alarm for 0656. Both Nancy and I swam 1500 yards. Gas at Meijers was $2.66 per gallon. I topped off the Taurus's tank. The morning news shows were all about the US House passing the health bill. It will be interesting to see what the US Senate does? Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs this morning.

After reading a few sections of the GRP I headed upstairs for my Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap Nancy and I raked the leaves in the back yard. The temperature was 38 at 0700 and 66 at 4 PM. It was a beautiful day. I did try using my blower for moving the leaves around. I think a rake is faster. After raking I took at 3.25 mile walk.

This evening I will watch 60 minutes and then head for bed to read more about Andrew Jackson. He had a colorful life. I hope to download several books into the Kindle for our upcoming trip. Does anyone have a favorite fiction book I should read? I like Westerns, spy, detective, and adventure books.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Last night's rain was over 1/2". Justis and party left for home at 0400. Reads party left at 0600. Hazel, GGM, went to Detroit with Mrs. Broutin. Election today and GG voted. He worked part time in post office in afternoon.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Saturday November 7, 2009

Saturday and the weatherman said it is going to be warm and sunny but very windy. The wind means I am not going kayaking. I have to drive Nancy and Mary Namyy at 1230 to Meijer Gardens so they can work at a sale. So I decide to go for a run. I ran 4.5 miles. For breakfast I biked to the Kava House and indulged in a cinnamon roll and glazed scone. As I was feasting on all this sugar when who should walk in but Nancy. I told her that I purchased the scone for her. She grinned but did eat 1/2 of it. Both the DFP and WSJ were loaded with articles about the shootings at Ft Hood and in FL. The shooter in FL was a civil engineer.

When I got home I started raking leaves. At 1215 I drove Nancy and Mary to the Gardens. After dropping them off I drove the Meier's Thrifty Acres and purchased bird seed and a snow shovel. Every winter I purchase a cheap plastic shovel. It is lightweight and last for 1 winter only. When I got home I continued raking. I did watch about 5 minutes of the UM game and saw how poorly they were coached and turned the TV off. I did take a 30 minutes nap.

It is now 4:30 PM and I am waiting for Nancy, Mary and Ed to show up. Ed agreed to pick up the girls after the sale. We are having wine and cheese at our house and then going out to eat.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Monday and the entire family had breakfast at the Bingham's in Alpena. Remember me telling you that Jay Bingham was mayor of Alpena. The mayor's wife was dad's aunt. GG wrote they called on Rob Scott, the baby (that is me folks). GG drove back to Domkes and Hadens in the PM. The Robert's party left for home in NY state.

Friday November 6, 2009

Today I ran to the MAC and back with no problems. I am disappointed with my time per mile, 11 minutes. As usual I read the DFP and WSJ. I really like the WSJ and I understand that it now has more readers than USA Today.

After lunch I raked some leaves and then took a short nap. Nancy and I depart at 5 for the Moleski's for dinner and then to the Symphony. We had lamb burgers and a great fruit/ice cream dessert. We attended a lecture about the concert at 7 and I liked the idea of having the music we are about to hear explained. The concert was good. Nancy really liked the concert especially the violin soloist. After the concert we returned to the Moleski's for an after dinner drink. We got home about 11:30 so I am writing this blog on Saturday.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a mild Sunday. The family all met at the Scott's (my grandparents) for dinner and then they had supper at Aunt Julia's in Ossineke. The day of the celebration is set for November 7. Nov 7 is tomorrow.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thursday November 5, 2009

I think I should admit it my natural wake up time is now 0645. Of course I go to bed later, 1015. Today I wore my sunglasses on my bike ride to the MAC. It was sprinkling when I left and I had to wipe off my bike seat and helmet. Lately, I think the weather people have been in a funk. They have predicted the wrong weather for about a week. Must be global warming.

The DFP had several articles on the plans of the newly elected local officials. It is also surprising that in these tough economic times that not one school millage renewal proposal in MI was defeated. It shows folks value education. I voted on Tuesday and was correct on all voting items. I usually am lucky to get 50%.

This afternoon I spent some time looking at companies that are involved in natural gas drilling, pipelines and power generation. I think that peoples are coming to their senses about the US using local energy supplies instead of importing energy. I like using google as research tool. Speaking of google they have a new navigation system that is available on Verizon's new Motorola cell phone. In fact when it was announced that goggle had the navigation system the value of Garmen's stock declined. Competition makes the world go round. After playing on the computer I took a 1.5 mile walk.

This evening Nancy and I went to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. We got home in time to watch the news and were shocked to hear about the killings at Ft Hood. Nancy watched Bones and I came upstairs to write this blog.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a mild Saturday. GG entry is very hard to read but it looks like they are getting ready for the 60th anniversary of ?? They had visitors from NY and Southern MI. I wish I could make out the entry better. I did use a magnifying glass.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday November 4, 2009

Breakfast Club today so last night I set the alarm for 0535. I had to introduce the speaker at today's meeting. The speaker was a stockbroker who talked about the economy and recommended that now is the time to buy stocks. Anyway the breakfast food was good.

After BC I stopped by the Kava House and read the DFP and WSJ. The DFP went to press before the polls closed but they wrote several articles based on preliminary poll results. They were correct in all races. There really were no surprises in yesterday's elections.

I have been mulling over if I should buy some stock in a company that might benefit from the increased supply of natural gas. Today I bought some Cummins Engine stock. I agree with T. Boone Pickens that natural gas is the best fuel source for the nation's trucks. Time will tell.

Today Nancy has to work at Meijer's Gardens. After work, 4 PM, she wants to go to a paper products, Gallery 19, warehouse sale. So I drove her to the Gardens and then went on a 3 mile walk. After the walk I picked up Nancy and we drove to the sale. The sale started at 5 and by 4:30 the line was around the block. Nancy made her purchases and was out of the building in 45 minutes. She promised to buy dinner if I drove her so we ate at Olga's Kitchen in Gaslight Village.

Not much on TV so I will finish this blog and continue reading my book on President Jackson. He was really an interesting character.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG wrote that they still had summer weather. In the morning he cleared brush from flower garden. In the afternoon 1 load of sheep manure was delivered for the flower bed.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tuesday November 3, 2009

Finally no rain in the morning. The temperature when I got up was 39 degrees. Today is my day to run the 4k to the MAC. I was a good day for the run. I did stop to talk to the crossing guard for IHM. I see him every time I run and he always waves. He is an Irishman named Kelly. He works every school day. I was surprised when he told me he was 81 years old.

After my shower and breakfast I got on the bike and headed to the voting booth. It was 1100 and I was voter #30. Not a very good turnout for an important election. After voting I head for the Kava House. Today's DFP had several articles on the financial troubles of the ex-mayor of Detroit. They also went bonkers reporting on Ford's $1B profit. Good news for motown.

The WSJ had a good article on the quiet revolution in gas exploration. The fracturing of rock to get natural gas has proven very successful. Our natural gas reserves have nearly doubled in the past 10 years. Maybe T. Boone Pickens is right and we have enough natural gas to drive our truck fleet. Any good ideas on possible investments?

I left the Kava House at 1 because I was having the furnace man stopping by to run a PM on our furnace. He was just pulling into the drive when I got home. I spent some time on the net looking at several companies that might benefit from a large supply of natural gas. I finished the afternoon by walking to the post office to mail some letters.

Tonight Nancy is fixing me a salmon fillet. We will watch NCIS at 8 and then I will head to bed because tomorrow I have breakfast club so I get up at 0535.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a warm day. The Friendly Circle met today at Mrs Browns. GG said the both he and Hazel attended. GG worked in the post office in the afternoon. He drove the car and trailer to get fixed. It cost $8.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Monday November 2, 2009

The TV 13 weatherman said today was going to be a dry day. Little did he know. I had to wear my rain pants on my pedal to the MAC this morning. It was sprinkling all the way to the club. The sun did try to come out on my ride to the Kava House but it was a weak attempt.

I got home about 1 PM and then Nancy and I headed to Costco for some supplies. We bought beer, paper towels, wine and 2 cd players for the grand daughters. Costco now has their own beer. I bought a case to see what they have to offer. We also stopped at the dollar store so Nancy could buy a picture frame. After the errands I drove to SCECO to talk with Eric about some planned work on the 6th Street Bridge. Eric's detailed inspection uncovered some significant problem areas. Eric has a good handle on what has to be done.

Not much on TV tonight so after I read the GRP I will continue reading my book on President A. Jackson. He was a very interesting character. Did you know in 1938 that hamburger was $0.39 a pound and eggs were $0.18 per dozen. Life expectancy was 59.7 years.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. The weather on this Wednesday was very summer like. GG only noted that Huey hauled 8 loads of sheep manure.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sunday November 1, 2009

It is good to be on standard time again. Sunrise this morning was 0716 which is a lot better than 0816. Today was the first day in quite a while that we had sunshine and no wind. We went, as usual, to our Sunday morning swim. We both swam 1500 yards. Gas at Meijers this morning was $2.66. I topped off Nancy's car. Gas yesterday was $2.75. Go figure. Today was our smallest shopping day in quite a while.

I am getting in my cold weather routine. I filled the bird feeder, hung up a bird feeding cone and greased the bird feeder poles to keep the squirrels from getting at the seed. For breakfast Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs on toast.

Speaking of cold weather routines, I am applying moisturising lotion every day to keep my skin from drying out. The lotion has gummed up my metal watch band. Nancy has an ultra sound cleaner so I took off the watch band and cleaned it. The water was so dirty after the first cycle, I put it through two more cycles. I did take my Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap I took a three mile walk. A lot of folks were raking leaves today. It was a perfect day for yard work. In East Grand Rapids they can put the leaves in the street. There are so many leaves in Gladstone Street that it is now a single lane road.

Nancy is fixing her great hamburger/bake bean casserole. Instead of ground beef she is using ground turkey. It is 0538 and dark outside. I am drinking a beer as I write this blog. Tonight we will finish reading the GRP and then watch 60 minutes. I did not watch the Lions today. Why should I waste a beautiful day by watching TV inside. Last night I finished my book "The Lady with the Dragon Tattoo" and started a book on President Andrew Jackson. Did you know that Jackson was 6'1" and weighted 140 pounds. I am 5'7" and weigh 160 pounds.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a clear, mild Tuesday. GG was having trouble with his ink pen and it was very hard to read. In the morning he drove to Yakes and came home with something with a new top. In the afternoon he hauled two loads of sheep manure.