Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wednesday October 29, 2008

At 0730, I headed for the Dematology Center to have a small basal cell removed. It took Dr Mary about 20 minutes to cut out the spot and stitch it up (5 stitches). I had breakfast at Marie Catrib's. I had their world famous oatmeal. It was not very good. I rate it a C-.

I stopped by the office to get caught up on all the projects and future work. It is not as grim as reported by the press. I also answered all questions about the failing UM football program.

This afternoon I loaded up the retro and headed for Riverside Park. I rode my bike to Rockford. The highlight of trip was my near collision with a deer. It takes 1 hour to get to Rockford and 1 hour back ( I timed it).

I use to watch "Hardball with Chris Matthews" but I get very tired of Matthews. Lately I have been watching CNBS. I like Larry Kudlow. He had Jack Welch on his show tonight and Welch gave his opinion of the BO tax plan. He really thinks BO is bad for business. I somewhat agree. The unions are pushing for non-secret ballots in union elections. I strongly disagree with non-secret ballots. I would not like some union thug telling me how to vote. The secret ballot is a cornerstone of our democracy.

I did not watch BO's 1/2 hour commerical. As I mentioned earlier I have already voted. I did not vote for any left hander.

On a lighter note, Nancy and I were very happy when Veronica told us about her being pregnant. I am sure her mother is also very happy. Babies are great.

The earliest presidential election that I remember was the 1948 Dewey/Truman election. My grandmother Hughes was very conservative and thought the world would end if Truman got elected. Every evening she listened to Fulton Lewis Jr on the radio. He had a 15 minute radio show. FL could be compared to Rush Limbaugh. Grandmother thought he was great. Of course he was also very conservative.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

every time i read about your basal cell.. i think basil, the herb. and i get hungry for a tomato/mozzerella/basil salad.