Monday, October 27, 2008

Monday October 27, 2008

Another cool windy day. I had to modify my routine because my spill from my bike has caused some back problems. So I decided to forgo my morning 5 K on the erg machine. It was raining when I headed for the MAC. I wore my super duper Nike rain pants. To satisfy my 40 minutes of aerobics I ran 4.2 miles.

After my morning visit to the Kava House I headed to the East GR library to catch up on some reading, Field and Stream, Runner's World and a bike magazine. Lunch was a peanut butter and honey sandwich, a hard boiled egg and an apple.

This afternoon I cleaned out my dresser. I have a large penny collection. I decided to roll them and much to my surprise I had $10. To celebrate I took a 3 mile walk.

Not much on TV tonight so I am going early to bed. I will read several pages of my current book, "Cold Mountain". I just finished "Shibumi" by Trevanian it was recommended by Esquire as a great summer read. It was terrible. I gave it a F. It was even worse than Grisham's "The Appeal".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

usually when I find $10.. I don't celebrate with exercise but with a purchase of something.